The last build

Date Posted: 25th Dec 2010 at 3:37 PM

I've decided, as I wait for my new computer to get fixed, finally, to build a fairwell Sims 2 lot; a chateau, my first.

I have about a week or so (some time after New Year) to build it. I'm looking forward to it. Granted, I favor modern, alternative homes, but every now and then I get a hankering for something. And usually I prefer smaller builds (I don't like my Sims to spend all day walking from one side of a lot to another), say 2x3 up to a maximum of 3x4. I'm thinking this one will be the 6x5.

I've been viewing English manor gardens for inspiration so I'm thinking this will, hopefully, have room for a bit of that; I'm excited about the landscaping possibilities.

Just a sneak peak at what's been done thus far:

I'm very much enjoying this one. I've done some research on French landscaping, looked at pictures of various chateaus and, of course, Versailles. I'm happy with where the landscaping is... still not 100% on the pond area, but everything else I'm quite pleased with.
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Happy Christmas!

Date Posted: 24th Dec 2010 at 12:58 PM

Just wanted to say Happy Holidays to anyone who may stop by, hopefully timely. If not I hope they were in excess of your expectations. And a happy 2011.
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In transition

Date Posted: 24th Dec 2010 at 12:57 PM

Well, it's been a while. Let me thank all 4 of you that posted- 3 maybe. I appreciate the support.

And Georgie!... nice to hear from you... hope University it going well, or went and you're doing wonderfully

I do suppose this entry shows just how often I use my own journal. Hopefully, I haven't lost what few readers I have.

Anyway, the transition. I bought a new computer back in late October. A Mac. It had problems... kept freezing on me. I brought it in to the tech support of the store where I purchased it twice. They kept it for about 1.5 weeks each time, but were unable to duplicate the problem of freezing.

I did need a new computer and figured since it was new I should just up and make everything new, including the Sims. So, I broke down and bought "3". The game far exceeds "2" in my opinion, but has far too many bugs and wonky behavior to be anything but completely enjoyable.

However, I believe I've discovered the actual problem with the freezing (strange for a Mac because I've never- NEVER had any problems with the ones I've purchased in the past). Using third party memory in the rig I have (it's da big one) seems to causing all the issues I've been having. Others are also having the same issues, so again, I'm not alone. I hope to have it back after the New Year.

As far as building in "3", it's not nearly as user-friendly as it was in "2". At least for me. The cheats are the main thing. Without a user startup cheat sheet typing in every command in full gets tedious... extremely. Designing in "3" is much more efficient and ergonomic, but building... I'm not sure how much I'll be doing that.

Though, before the whole problem discover I uploaded a fair bit of "remodels" that I may try to upload here. I suppose we'll have to wait and see on that. When the game runs without issue it's too engrossing, so building becomes an afterthought. Again, we'll see.
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I'm back at it...

Date Posted: 23rd Feb 2010 at 9:10 PM

I have a feeling I'm writing to myself here, but I like me; I'm good company, so.

I've been back at building for some time now, though, I'm probably looking to take some more RL time for a bit-- personal schtuff; decisions, decisions...

And I'm looking into that whole "Creator Policy" thing at the bottom of other member's pages. I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to put that in my page, lol. Always a "noob".

If anyone else bothers to read this, hope you enjoy the creations and have a good 'un
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At the moment...

Date Posted: 15th Apr 2009 at 6:39 PM

Downtime. A nephew wouldn't cover his mouth when coughing and he gave me a lovely going away present Won't be building for a bit *sigh*.
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