Date Posted: 24th Dec 2009 at 7:14 AM


I've never been rejected before. But it was inevitable.

It was the concept top request by AndrewBot89. I must've been so sick, that I thought it was finished.

Must make a mental note not to work when ill.

Sorry, AndrewBot89 if you're reading this. You'll just have to wait a bit more before I try again.

In other news, HystericalPeroxysm and whiterider were gracious enough to tell me the options on how to post the gargantuan steampunk set. I could either break it up into parts in different threads or go about in one huge, mega thread and post it up in Creator Issues so it can be sent into the moderation queue.

I think I'm favoring the one post. I'm a stickler for simplicity.

What else...? Um...I'm getting a bit better now (at least for the most part I'm no longer popping pills to ditch the pain) and I can sit for five minutes without hacking out a lung. Sweet Jesus...

As a PROTIP, I've learned from experience is that when you catch a cold, you MUST sleep upright when you go to bed. Like, your back against the wall, so the sick can migrate out of your throat and chest faster.

I remember getting pneumonia and other chest and throat problems from the cold simply because I slept on my back and the sick just remained in my chest until it got worse. My doctor pretty much hinted (in a hard-to-understand, Hindu accent) that "gravity" was the cure to all the fluid in my chest last time. He was infuriatingly right.

Despite a few kinks in the neck, it was sooo worth it. I feel a lot better in the morning too.

Yep, that's all.
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Goodbye sore throat...

Date Posted: 23rd Dec 2009 at 4:36 AM

...hello, excessive coughing! *cough cough*

I always knew that the cold was a ninja bastard, but I never thought of consciously witnessing the migration of the illness from my aching throat to it's new home somewhere in chest. Fascinating.

I'm wondering where it'll head to next. Seeing as it started from my migraine, to my throat and now down to my chest, my money's going toward aching limbs or heaven-forbid, fluid drowning my lungs. Good times.

AndrewBot89's request has been finished (surprisingly) and sent in for moderation right at this moment. It only took two days to do. Even more fascinating as I'm too tired to think straight.

The steampunk set is officially out of it's final stage after I made the beta corrections and tested in-game. My only tidbit is wondering where the heck am I going to divide this 30+ set properly in threads. Should it be one super omega thread or separated by clothing types. Decisions, decisions.

Maybe I should really ask someone who knows.

In other news, I'm crossing out hair meshing on the things I'd want to do. It looks too difficult and it's not as thoroughly explored for a n00b as opposed to someone who knows the trade. Maybe another time.

And now my feet are cold. I'm going to bed. >_>
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*Cough* *Cough*

Date Posted: 22nd Dec 2009 at 12:19 AM

Not everything goes to planned, which sadly pisses me off.

I've caught the bloody cold and my throat is as swelled as late Christmas shopping at the mall.

Because of my incessant popping of pills to relieve the pain, I was knocked out for a few days, but my health hasn't changed as of late. I hope it's not serious enough to warrant a trip to the doctor. I'm too poor for that.

I will try to get the Steampunk set out of the loading dock, but even I had enough common sense in my cold-induced brain to figure out that I haven't completed beta stage and there is still a lot to correct before shipping out. I hope to finish it by today so I can rest for another few days.

Also, I have been given a request by AndrewBot89 to do a pre-concept Halo Wars outfit, which piques my interest enough to want to do so. I'm also considering on jumping on hair meshes so I can finally get the damn Spock bowlcut I've been waiting for someone to do, but haven't.

I really shouldn't be piling more work on my already huge workload. But I'm just a sucker for pleasing the masses. :P

Hope my next entry isn't so sick-looking.
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Steampunk Set Completed!

Date Posted: 17th Dec 2009 at 12:46 AM

Yay! All 30 (or is it 31?) Steampunk pieces have been finished! Excited to the fourth power!

Of course, I'm not gonna upload my babies until I test it in-game. So far, 25+ have been corrected and fixed and reuploaded four times already, pending testing.

They are all uploaded in-game and I'll have to check it as my first test.

If there are still some problems, I will write them down and correct them accordingly.

Then, reupload them. If there's no visible problems, I start with the fancy screenshots and start uploading them finally on the site.

I do have some questions about uploading, since it is a huge set. I wonder if they'll let me upload them all in one thread, or separate them by type (tops, bottoms, outfit, etc.), dunno really. I should probably ask before doing so. :/

TOS Female Starfleet Uniform was successfully uploaded last night (Thank god! Though, it's my fault for not finding the problems that the mods found, sorry.), so I'm glad to have it on before I go on trip for the holidays.

Anything else? Nope, that's about it.
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Steampunk set nearly completed!

Date Posted: 7th Dec 2009 at 11:26 PM

W00t! I'm about... 20 out of 32 done. That's 12 more suckers to go!

Of course, only half of them were successfully tested in-game. And even then, I'm planning on going back to the ones that need more tweaking before the polish up phase.

And now that the fall quarter is almost over in college, I have more time on my free hands to do it too. Soooo happy!

Also, the TOS female uniform has been sent in to the mods for review. I decided just to leave it as is instead of adding other TOS stuff (I couldn't decide anyways). It should be expected to show up soon I hope.

As for the other sets, they are shelved until I finish the Steampunk set.

In other news, it looks like it either rain or snow this week, which is a big deal because this is like, Las Vegas, ya know? It's cloudy right now, which is my favorite type of weather. Dunno why...gray weather makes me feel calm and nostalgic for some reason.

Yep, that's about it.
Mood: Luff
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Checklist of DOOOM (partially completed!)

Date Posted: 27th Nov 2009 at 5:24 PM

I've got a few updates on my clothing project that needs to be listed else I lose my head. :O

- Steampunk set (4 out of 31 completed): More like, one out of four that turned out alright and the other three I may go back and fix, so I suppose it's 1 out of 31 completed then? ;(
Mind you, it's pretty hard to get good meshes from the TSR, provided that it's very limited in diversity. And I'm too lazy to go searching for custom meshes all over the interwebs. I should've spent my 1000 sim points on the Steampunk meshes than on the objects...
Update: 6 out of 31 completed! I'm opting for 10 by the end of the day.

- Vulcan fashion set (Katzi36's request) ((Canceled until I find some actual legit costumes. If anyone have pics, please inform me! )) : Yep, aside from Spock's mama's cute little number, I'm out of luck searching for legit Vulcan costumes considered canon. I'd look through TOS, but I was turned off by the aluminum fashion emergency called Amok Time. Anybody got a pic of Spock's death robes from the movies?

- TOS ladies uniform top (AndarielHalo's request) ((FINISHED! But postponed until I figure out if I want to turn it into a TOS set)) : It turned out really good too. I even added the old version of Starfleet ranks. You know the braided gold ranks? But, I don't feel saavy just uploading that top alone and I have an idea of making a w/pants version as well...because the women really did have a choice to wear the pants or the stewardess number. Really. >_>

- TNG Uniforms (Kilian1's request) (IN PROGRESS) : It's pretty easy to do and I already have the proper mesh for it. I'll jump on it when I finish the TOS set...

Always workin', even on holiday.

Any requests Star Trek related that doesn't go beyond my current n00bish level, please forward to my secretary. And by secretary, I mean me.

Toodles for now!
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