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Date Posted: 30th Oct 2011 at 8:09 PM Views: 290

It's been awhile. I haven't played Sims in months. Since school started, actually. I've been crazy busy with homework and studying-my grades need to be perfect this year if I want to go to wanted gymnasium. And my Sims are laggy as hell, you already know that if you read my last journal entry.

But I got sick of doing nothing for Sims. I can't do much, like creating and meshing(at least trying to ), but I can write stories. So I decided I will start another Sim story. I aready had one started but I lost needed data for it so I couldn't continue writing

I haven't decided what kind of story it'll be but that's easy to decide when I actually have some inspiration.

That would be it for this entry

Have a nice day!
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