Eternal Winter
Date Posted: 16th Jul 2012 at 6:13 PM Views: 503
The snow fell softly
Without a whisper nor a care
Covering the ground with sorrow
And alas, agony

I wanted to run and play
But my mother told me to stay away
I screamed and howled
Then I felt a sharp pain against my cheek

As the burning got worse
I looked at her with a tear dabbing my eyes
And ran from the house as fast as one could
The nipping of cold began to suffocate my breath

Only to see a figment in the darkness before me
Tis a woman with an eerie smile
Holding her hand out to stay awhile
I wanted to run home, but I felt a force pull me in thy direction

I screamed and howled
To hear nothing but a faint whisper
The snow will be thy grave
For you alas ran away

I felt my body remorse to cold
I screamed once again
Yet no one came, and no one heard
I prayed to which ever God was listening

This was my final goodbye
My last tear, and whisper
This was my final grave
My final Eternal Winter
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vB Journal Copyright © Anthony Scudese