Entirely New Lineup
Date Posted: 23rd Sep 2012 at 8:28 AM Views: 651
After my hiatus, I had a burst of creativity, and I came back to sims.

I have a new lineup, on top of the Another Sunset Valley Houses that are being built, and the Apocalypse stuff.

Recently, I submitted one of the Sunset valley Houses, conservatory to be upload, awaiting results.


- Howland Island (WIP; Beta V.1 in CFF)
- Studio 40 (Built, waiting 3 days to upload)
- Elevation (Built, waiting 6 days to upload)
- Tidelands (Built, waiting 9 days to upload)
- Casa Romana (WIP, waiting 12 days to upload)
- McKinley Point and Research Center (Planned, Completion Unknown)

You may have noticed that while many of the homes are built, I am waiting an allotted amount of days to upload them, this is because I want to release them gradually, this way each gets more views and more downloads. While this may seem like something to get more attention, well... thats exactly what it is, it's called marketing :P
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