Getting back into it... a little.
Date Posted: 8th Oct 2014 at 4:25 AM Views: 519
OK, so forgive my disappearance this last year or so. It seems to have done me a little bit of good though because I feel more inclined to work on that huge Wall-paint collection I started ages ago. I might still pare it down a little... but I am back to working on it again. Its the only working I seem to be doing right now... the temp agencies have thrown me a bone or two. Nothing permanent yet, but I have gathered experience so trying to stay positive and just move forward.

Funny that I'm going to so much effort for the S2 game when they just came out with S4, but as long as there is interest I'll keep making stuff.

Recent Comments for: Getting back into it... a little.
Getting back into it... a little.
By simster21 (13th Oct 2014 at 7:00 PM)
I just got back into The Sims 2 myself, playing the Ultimate Collection. I have enormous respect for CC creators like yourself who invest time and effort to make custom content for us Sims 2 fans.

The sheer variety of things to do, Maxis made and custom made content reaffirms my previous opinion of The Sims 2 being the best current Sims series to play.

Look forward to seeing your work! Will be going back through your catalogue as well.


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