Date Posted: 29th Mar 2013 at 8:12 PM
Ive never made use of the journal feature before but I think it can help me focus my ideas if I put them in black & white.
So what
am I doing?
For the moment I am biding my time while I wait for my new computer to be ordered and shipped. My old desktop computer (which I loved and will miss dearly) was stolen. So waiting for insurance and then I get a new shiny desktop computer. Until then I am using my laptop to keep myself busy and try to avoid Sims withdrawals.
So with the limited capacity of my Laptop I have continued a project I began with my Myrtlewood Duplex.
I was frustrated by the lack of small apartment complexes. 4 or less. My project is to provide a wider availability of apartments from small studios to larger 8 person habitations. I thought the housing in my neighborhoods needed to have a more realistic progression to them. In Sims its too easy in a regular lot to build on to the house to make room for a growing family. In RL that doesn't really happen. A family grows out of the house/apartment they are in and are forced to move to a larger place. Or empty-nesters get tired of maintaining a large home and decide to downsize. Its more natural.
So my project at this time is to build a wide variety of Duplexes, Triplexes, Condos, and Apartment houses, both classical and modern to fill the needs of any family as their housing requirements change.
I am taking inspiration from existing lots in Pleasantview: see my PV Mobile Home park and hopefully soon my Main Street Condos.
Other inspiration is coming from floorplan sites: See my Colonial Apartment Houses I and soon II.
And my own life as I grew up in a neighborhood with many duplexes like the previously mentioned Myrtlewood Duplex.