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Sims join hands...

Date Posted: 19th May 2013 at 8:20 PM

Digging up some old sims and tweaking them some more. Uploaded to https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/claudiasharon and they are free! So check them out. 1 so far, 1 to be published tomorrow and more to come.

Am working on uploading a sim here at MTS as well. Gotta get my picture taking skills down and I'll be good to go!

Why am I on a sim making spree? I DON'T KNOW. But we need more Asian sims and I am here to make them! And non-Asians as well. But we really do need more Asians. YOU, you need more Asians in your life! LOL.
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Date Posted: 17th May 2013 at 4:13 PM

Nobody seems to want my Asian sim. It makes me sad. Tried it here, tried it at TSR just because...but no luck. :-( So I tried uploading a different sim I made and BAM it's approved and will be published the 19th. Color me SHOCKED. I'm going to have a creation at TSR. Never thought I'd see the day. But you know what, he'll be free. ;-)

Have to take pictures and write up a profile for this other sim I have. She has a unique nose. I like her. Another Asian...I really need to try and make a different culture. LOL. I've got three Asians and who knows what else. I might try and tweak my Jacob Sora sim. Why Sora? Stargate Atlantis. Google it. First name that came to mind. And her name is now his last name. Jacob...well Stargate SG-1. Sam's dad. RIP. And somehow he's a cowboy. Not sure how that works. Keke.

So Stargate, is good for the soul. Asians are taking over TSR (YAY!!!) and I'm out. (too much caffeine gets rid of my headache but keeps me up simming all night long)
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Marriage is fun!

Date Posted: 14th May 2013 at 5:00 AM

I am getting married mid-June this year. About a month away. Ahhhh!!!! Stress like you wouldn't imagine getting ready for it. But it'll be worth it in the end. So I will be very busy from now until after the wedding. Maybe even busy after the wedding, I dunno. We shall see!
Mood: Luff
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Date Posted: 6th Feb 2013 at 7:44 PM

Super stressed out you guys. Going to be moving at the end of the month, so much to do! Which is why I say AHHHHHH!!!!!!

That is all.
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Sims 3 University Life!!!!!

Date Posted: 28th Jan 2013 at 2:59 PM

That is going to be awesome! I hope. xD

In other news, I finally got a cat! Yay kitty! So he eats up a lot of my time, naturally.

Also I am sick so I've been resting. Hate being sick.

Not going to be creating for a while so feel free to edit my mods and remod them or update them. Thanks!
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Happy Holidays!

Date Posted: 23rd Dec 2012 at 11:12 PM

Heading up north for Christmas to be with the family. Yay! Everyone have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Sims I will miss you. LOL. I will. Oh well. Be back at the end of the week! Gotta do some stuff for the wedding too. Yay wedding! Yay Christmas! That is all.
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New blog

Date Posted: 22nd Dec 2012 at 9:13 AM

I started my blog a while ago and never did anything with it. UNTIL NOW. http://claudiasharon.blogspot.com/ Check it out. One day maybe it'll look pretty or something. LOL. Enjoy! Oh and it is a sims blog. Keke.
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...I'm not back I swear...

Date Posted: 15th Nov 2012 at 3:07 AM

Sims 3 Seasons?!?!?!?!?!?!?! OMG IS AWESOME. So taking a little break from life and playing when I can. AWESOME DID I SAY? WHY YES IT IS. Eeeeeeeeeee! Yay Seasons finally!

So far no frozen or overheated sims but haven't played long enough for that to happen. Jack O'Neill and Samantha Carter are happily married with two children, Janet and Carolyn O'Neill though. Hoping for a boy, who will be Daniel O'Neill. If you get the theme, cookies for you!

Debating on updating mods...that takes a lot of time, effort and well, I don't really have either. Also, keeping up on them as you can see isn't going so well. So we'll see. I'm sure someone else has made similar mods elsewhere, you just gotta google.
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Wedding time!

Date Posted: 17th Oct 2012 at 9:57 PM

Am super busy now, my boyfriend proposed to me! Getting married next year, I cannot wait! I have zero time for creating and playing the sims so feel free to update my creations as needed. Thanks for the fun MTS and EA. Here's to moving on with life!
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School school school.

Date Posted: 5th Mar 2012 at 2:16 PM

School is starting soon, and I am working hard at getting ready. So for now, no more updates, no more taking requests, etc. Sims will be on hold until I have more free time.

Also, pose packs. I tried the pose player in my game with some pose packs but never used it as it was useless to me. So seeing posts about pose packs annoy me, and just take up wasted space. I'm sure other people find use for them but not me. It wouldn't annoy me so much if there wasn't three pose packs per page on here. Usually by the same person. It's just like...wow. That's a lot of pose packs. More crap to clog up the game. But that's just me.

I got an ipad, and have been playing that sims freeplay game. Just another EA gimmick to milk money out of us. It says free, but you can't do anything if you don't have the money. I'm currently stuck on the firefighter thing because I have no firefighter station and I don't have enough sims for it or money or level. Even though I'm at least at level 13. Or did I get up to 14 yet? I have no idea. But they're not getting any more of my money, because I can't afford it!

I am buying Showtime, but I don't know how often I'll get to play it. So I probably shouldn't get it but I don't go to school for a couple of weeks, and I figure I can squeeze in some playing time as I get ready.

If I randomly have time and motivation, I may update my mods. But that is unlikely to happen. I really don't have much interest in creating these days, obviously. Sorry! I know I hate when that happens, but it happens and that's just how it's going to be.

I went down to my school for orientation a week ago and came home with a nasty cold. Thank you weather changing drastically. Bleh. Still have nasty cold, just different symptoms. I should be resting but I'm waiting for a phone call so I thought I'd catch up with sims related things while I had the chance.

This is a long entry. Sorry about that to anyone who is reading my ramblings. I am gone now. Have a nice day! :D
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