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#1 Old 24th Nov 2024 at 5:09 PM Last edited by wowrosanna : 25th Nov 2024 at 2:05 AM.
American Girl dress issue...
My child sim is shooting "daggers" from her dress. What is the issue and can I fix it? I hate to lose this dress....it's so cute.

Here is a picture of the issue.


Edited to Add: It is the kiarazurk apron dress recolor by holydragonsuit/vintage simming/lace and honey tumblr. I do have the mesh from KiaraZurk because I just checked to see if I was missing that.

Edited again: I took everything out except for that one piece of cc and the needed mesh and it is a bad piece of cc. We had spikes reaching to the moon.
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 30th Nov 2024 at 4:10 PM
Quote: Originally posted by wowrosanna
My child sim is shooting "daggers" from her dress. What is the issue and can I fix it? I hate to lose this dress....it's so cute.

Here is a picture of the issue.


Edited to Add: It is the kiarazurk apron dress recolor by holydragonsuit/vintage simming/lace and honey tumblr. I do have the mesh from KiaraZurk because I just checked to see if I was missing that.

Edited again: I took everything out except for that one piece of cc and the needed mesh and it is a bad piece of cc. We had spikes reaching to the moon.

The dress probably has bad LODs. LODs define how well something is rendered based on how far away the camera is (LOD0 is the up close, highest quality, and the LODs get lower quality as the number increases and camera gets further away). This can be fixed in Blender by remaking the LODs yourself, but if you've never worked in Blender before, it might be a steep learning curve for you.

If you'd prefer a replacement dress, Samantha's Play Pinafore looks very similar - https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/cr...s-play-pinafore
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