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#1 Old 23rd Feb 2010 at 11:29 AM Last edited by PixCii : 23rd Jul 2010 at 12:09 AM.
Default Those things you just can't say...
I’ve realized that I am a very angry person, so as a result I’ve decided to create this thread. Here you can say all the things that you could never say to someone’s face. It probably isn’t best to use real names, and NO last names.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 23rd Feb 2010 at 7:28 PM
Okay, I'm feeling kind of angry now too :/ so here goes:

Person 1: Get off my back. Seriously. Your mom may be a teacher but you're not, so stop trying to control my life, stop trying to control me and for Christ's sake stop trying to put me down all the time. Lord only knows why I ever became friends with you, and believe me if I had anyone else to turn to I'd cut you off right now without a second thought. See you in Hell.

Person 2: I love you. At least, I'm pretty sure I do. Lord only knows why, since you treat me like someone who you can just be friends with or not when it suits you, but I do. I'd honestly die for you and I'm not afraid to say it to your face when the time comes that I can.

Person 3: You have been the bane of my existence since I was 8 years old. I'm now 14. I've spent nearly half my life hating you, and to be honest I think I'll never stop. Why can't you just leave me alone, or say to my face what I know you've been saying behind my back? Or at least give me some proof so I have an excuse to punch you in the face. That could work also.

Person 4: OK, I don't know who you think you are or what, but I'm going to be honest now. You are not funny, you're not even slightly good looking, every girl I know would rather eat her own arm than go out with you, so seriously stop acting like you're stud of the century and GROW UP. Before we all throw up.

Woah that helped. XD

Happiness is anyone and anything that's loved by you.

My name is Jessica, but I answer to Jessie, Jess, Candiiee, Candy and Cand. :P
#3 Old 23rd Feb 2010 at 10:52 PM Last edited by XXDeidaraXX : 26th Feb 2010 at 11:20 PM.
I'm not in a very good mood either. This should help.

Person 1
: Ok, fuck you. I've always just wanted to say that to you. You've completely turned my world upside down and not in a good way. When ever you're around, you make me feel distant from my friends and make me feel like I've going to get in trouble for something I didn't do at any second. If you really did get suspended, I'm glad you did.

Person 2: I've always hated you since Elementary school. The fact that you've "changed" doesn't make me want to be friends with you. And when I don't say anything to you when you say something to me, it's called ignoring you. It also means I don't want to talk to you. So, fuck off.

Person 3: Ok, I know you didn't do anything to you, but after calling one of my close friends a bitch and saying that she looked like she was on drugs, I'm not being your friends. And having a few scars on your leg doesn't mean you do drugs. Those were from her cat dumb ass. Plus, you've always been controlling and we never did what I wanted to do once. And the once time I decided to stand up for myself and tell you I want to do something else, you screamed at me and asked what my problem was.

Persons 4 and 5
: You guys are my best guy friends. I knew you practically before we were even born. Even though I was kind of tied into the friendship, I was still friends with you. We may be polar opposites, but you guys are like my brothers. People have even believed that we are related. So, what happened? We used to be super close, but now we act like strangers. I wish we could go back to our old friendship.

I feel much better.
#4 Old 23rd Feb 2010 at 11:32 PM
Person 1: Why do you NEVER talk to me? I hate this. Why do you never talk to me or even wave to me in the hallway? We were best friends all of last year since the first week of school. Why did we sign up for electives together?

Person 2: And don't even get me started on you. Why can't you keep your nose in your own business and stop acting so conceited? I can do anything if I put my mind to it, now why do you discourage that? You're no better than Person 3, and being friends with her doesn't help.

Person 3: Stop gossiping about me. Stop talking about me. Stop telling me that random guys like me, stop blackmailing me, and stop lying to me on top of that. And stop trying to be my friend.

Person 4: You're a typical boy, but I like you anyways. Your girlfriend is preppy, but I like you anyways. You're a jock, but I like you anyways. You're really smart and nice. And that's why I like you.

Person 5: You've always been my best friend since I first started middle school and I'm very sorry for ignoring you to be best friends with Person 1 last year. Now that Person 1 doesn't talk to me, I realize what a good friend you've always been to me. You are my best friend.

Person 6: You can actually be nice, even though everyone hates you. You think the same way I think - when I have a question, you ask the exact same question; when I have a comment, you say the same thing. I forgive you for liking me last year, and I'm sorry for being mean to you because of that. I just think that maybe you should keep your mouth closed more and act just a bit nicer to people, and maybe we could be friends.

Person 7: Shut up. Not everything is your business. And not everything is perverted. Please stop taking every other thing that you hear pervertedly.

Person 8: I miss you.

Oh my gosh I feel so much better. But now I'm afraid I'm going to accidently tell people that... haha.

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
- Douglas Adams (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
#5 Old 24th Feb 2010 at 12:36 AM
Person 1: Would you just STOP?!?! For God's sake, I don't care about your stupid perverted video game character names, or your perverted techno songs in languages that only you understand. I love you a lot, but you don't have to act so pissy every time I have an opinion. And for the record, women have these things called RIGHTS in our country. I'm not your fucking slave, and I'm not going to do everything you tell me to do just because you were raised with different, foreign morals. You've been good to me, and are still, but you have many paradigms about the world that aren't true. And would it kill you to treat your mother like more than a footstool?! She's a human being too. Sure, you make it look like we're perfect together in public, but if you continue to tell me how to run my life, and continue to have more mood swings than me, and I'm PREGNANT, then maybe we should spend some time apart. If you really want to see YOUR kids grow up, then PLEASE JUST STOP. Stop trying to make it look like this is how it is. I know I've been corrupted by all my parents ever did to me, but you don't need to take it upon yourself to show me how you think life is.

Person 2: I hate you. I HATE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART. You abandoned me the day I was born to go get stoned on marijuana and then go have a NAP while I'm taking my first breaths of life. You never paid attention to me as a toddler, or a child, or a preteen. You took advantage of my innocence and used me for profit, because I didn't know any better. Do you know how much those men did to me? Were you there when I bled, when I screamed, when I had to watch it all over again as it was posted on those sick websites? No. You were too busy living the life of a single man with your friends and your weed, because that's all that mattered to you was money and marijuana. If I had a nickel for every time I wanted to kill you, I'd be the richest person on earth.

Person 3: Your mood swings and general tolerance of everything that happened to me, along with your broken promises and inaction have put you far from my affections. You raised me to your best abilities, but you turned a blind eye to everything that went on. When each of the men showed up at the door to come take me for the weekend, you just greeted them and let me go. You know I hated Person #2 for that, but you stayed with him because of your fear of change. You are such a control freak, on top of it all. NO, I DON'T want to wear my hair like that. NO, I DON'T want to dress like that. LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE. Who gives a shit what I look like? You kicked me out in my time of need. You still won't let me feel welcome in my own home. You will never, and I repeat, NEVER be a grandmother to my children. For all they will know, you died. Yeah. That's what I said.

Person 4: Some things you can never forgive. Some things you can never forget. That day you nearly raped me in grade seven is a day I'll hold against you and your brother for the rest of your life. Oh, and tell your twin to go screw himself, bastard. I hope you die. You left me for dead, bleeding to death, until Alex saved me. Because of you I began cutting. Because of you I'll never be the same. It's a good thing you're living in Fort Langley now, because if I see you again, it'll be the last time you'll see anything.
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 24th Feb 2010 at 7:43 AM
IDCare what other people say, letting it all out is always healthier X)

Person 1: Words cannot describe how much I absolutely, madly, truly, honestly, deck-the-halls LOVE YOU ♥ You've been there for everything; whenever I get in a fight with someone or when I just need an opinion, you're just... there with your kitty face and sound effects ♥ The love I have for you is the I-can-see-us-buying-furniture-for-the-house-together-and-clothes-for-the-baby-on-the-way kind of love ♥ I just... fuck babe, I love you > 3<

Person 2: You're a nice person, but you're boring :c You're not the same as last time, before you got hooked onto clubbing and all that nonsense. You're also a little self-absorbed; you leave your pets with three different people since NOVEMBER and you won't take them back on the date you promised (which was last MONDAY) because you want to go to Singapore so that you won't have to stay in an empty house :\ A flaw in your logic; SCHOOL'S ALREADY STARTED, YOU NEED TO FIND AN INTERNSHIP! Everyone agreed to help look after your pets was because we were on break, we're off it now, DO WHAT YOU PROMISED! And don't act like money is an issue, if you can buy for fucking bus fares to S'pore and shell out $200 for hair coloring/whatever, then you can spare another $100 to the three of them because you didn't give them enough food/money for your cats when you left them :\

Person 3: I thought I'd never find a friend in you and I'm glad you saw one in me too We should have more adventures, because you're kind, nice, considerate and you actually call when you say you would! ♥ I love you my little whale ♥

Person 4: Hi, stop being a poser kthanks? Seriously, you go around campus everyday pretending to be someone you're not. Stop thinking that you and your boyfriend are the hottest thing since concentrated bird's eye chili :\ Stop pretending that you're a fucking hot model just because you did a couple of 'shoots here and there; I've done more than you and hardly have a scratch of the arrongance you possess. Stop thinking that you've got it bad because your boyfriend is panicking because you're already pushing the idea of marriage the MOMENT HE GOT COMFORTABLE WITH YOU. Stop it, please. I thought you were decent, I thought you were NICE; your friends are nice, they're lovely and humble and don't talk so proudly of themselves. You, on the other hand, like to flaunt your wealth as if you're the ONLY rich kid in campus :\

Person 5: Don't get too cozy; I may be talking to you, but I won't forget what happened that night. You know how hard it is to win me back.

Good things come to an end, because you let them.
You can call me Daisy :)
Mad Poster
#7 Old 24th Feb 2010 at 7:21 PM
I made a new enemy today...

New enemy number 1: Don't take life seriously. No one gets out alive anyway. So let me get through at my own pace and leave me alone, and if you want to make it to your fifteenth birthday stop telling random people that I used to fancy you. I don't anymore. You're not the reason I dislike the new girl, your best friend is. So get off my back, stay away from me, get a haircut and stop bothering my friends. Before I kick your a$$.

Happiness is anyone and anything that's loved by you.

My name is Jessica, but I answer to Jessie, Jess, Candiiee, Candy and Cand. :P
#8 Old 24th Feb 2010 at 7:41 PM
Person 1: You're just a jerk. End of. Actually, no. Not end of. You ended our friendship long ago. I know I am a girl, you needed space but it wasn't like I was an over-protective girlfriend. I was your best friend, or so I thought. Even [name removed] is better than you. He cares. But your not cool enough to be friend with him. So HAHAHAHA to you.
Person 2 (or better known as name removed): Look, you are sending me mixed signals. But your gorgeous and funny. I love you, wherever this goes. Even if it doesn't go anywhere, I'm happy to just have you close, at last.
Person 3: Look, I'm only going to start crying. I know you are out there somewhere. I will find you. Eventually.
Person 5: Cut your hair, seriously.
Person6: Stop acting like a tart, you have a boyfriend. And if you FINALLY want to give up that hooker look, stop wearing so much makeup. You also have facial hair. And your hair is STILL frizzy and no one likes you. Seriously. Get. A. Life. You. Spoiled. Brat.
Oh, and I hate you 'cause you stink.

Darkness thrives in the void,
but always yields to purifying light.

My Tumblr
Top Secret Researcher
#9 Old 26th Feb 2010 at 10:50 AM
Person One I know we are really good friends, but you don't have to copy everything I do...x

Person Two Your such a lier, why lie about gay things like that?

Person Three I love you, but I don't think you know me...x


#10 Old 26th Feb 2010 at 12:20 PM
Person One: You should really understand that no-one believes a word you say, and I think you're probably getting affected mentally by all this crap you're whipping up just for attention. You know, if any of that bullshit actually happened to you, you wouldn't be going on about it to complete strangers! NEWSFLASH: They don't BLOODY CARE. They know you're lying. They think you're a stupid little child who is so desperate for attention that you'd probably saw off your own leg if you felt you weren't getting enough. Please cut the crap, take your stupid story any further and you may actually start thinking it's real.

Person 2; Please stop being so wierd. You cheat on your girlfriend(s), yet I'm the whore? I'm the slut? I'm not sorry you got suspended, I'm not sorry your future is ruined, you deserve it. You take me forgranted, and you can't just stop/start talking to me whenever you find it suitable. I am not yours. You do not own me, and you NEVER will. Go to hell, asshole.

Person 3: Backstabber. Liar. Slut. I can't believe we were once friends. I don't know how I'm still talking to you, I'm much too forgiving. Bitch, I will never forget what you did. You aren't getting a car on your next birthday, trust me, your daddy will not be pleased when he sees those photos. Darling, I will ruin. your. life.

Person 4: I love you, I honestly do. You're the only person I currently respect, and we'll never be together because you're just too damn perfect for me. In the mean time, I honestly think you should date Emily because you two are perfect for each other in every way, and I know it will make you both happy even if you won't admit it.


#11 Old 26th Feb 2010 at 5:17 PM
Person 7: Stop lying! It's obvious. A bit more than far fetched. More like made up. I like making up stories, but I don't go round telling them to anyone who will listen and claim they are real. The stupid thing is, somepeople actually believe this bull.

Darkness thrives in the void,
but always yields to purifying light.

My Tumblr
#12 Old 26th Feb 2010 at 10:25 PM
Person 1: Yes, back to you. Srsly? Get real. Now.


#13 Old 26th Feb 2010 at 10:54 PM Last edited by XXDeidaraXX : 27th Feb 2010 at 6:00 AM.
Ah, the people who have ticked me off today.

Person 5
: Ok, you can't tell me what to believe in. No matter how much you want be to be a religious Christian, I'm not. I'm an atheist no matter what you say or do and nothing will ever change that.

Person 6: Dude, just stop. Obviously, you annoy me and Madison. She has hit your head with about everything by now. Just leave us the hell alone!

Person 7: If you're my friend, why do you rarely talk to me? You deny it, but I've noticed it. Even our friends have noticed it? Why can't you just tell me why or at least stop denying it?
#14 Old 27th Feb 2010 at 4:23 AM
Person 7 (again): You know, you should really watch your mouth. You made me so mad today. You're lucky I'm so forgiving.

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
- Douglas Adams (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
#15 Old 27th Feb 2010 at 4:36 AM
I want you back, but I don't want you as you are now. I want you as you were, when you called me stupid nicknames and blushed and laughed at me and never minded that while you were the most athletic kid in school I couldn't kick a soccer ball for my life. I miss you.

Call me Meg

lately i want everything
every star tied to a string

av credit
#16 Old 27th Feb 2010 at 6:23 AM
PERSON 1: I completely HATE you. All I ever did was care about you more than anyone else did, and what did you repay me with? Name-calling, trash-talking, and overall bitchiness. You said you didn't like me that way, and I said I was ok with that. End of story, right? WRONG. After that whole conversation, you went around telling everyone that I liked you and laughing about it, and saying that you only pretended to like me because you thought it was funny that I believed you. And then when my friends told you that I heard about it and it hurt me, all you did was say you didn't care. Now your stupid-ugly-nerd-self is hanging out with all the popular chicks. You think you're cool, but if you really thought about it, you would realize something is wrong with that. The fact that all your friends are girls is a pretty good indication that everyone thinks you're gay. Deny it all you want, but that's the only reason you have any friends. And shut the fuck up about how horrible my haircut is, you know you're just jealous because your hair sucks and mine is sexy. xP

PERSON 2: I also COMPLETELY hate you. It makes me so fucking angry just to think about you. You claimed that you were in love with 3 different people, one of them being person 1. And when I tried to vent to you about how mean he was being to me, you would always say, "Oh that sucks. Well, he's ALWAYS nice to ME." Shut the fuck up, ugly whore, he HATES you. He talks about how ugly and annoying you are ALL THE TIME. Get over yourself. Ugh, and your poor ex-boyfriend. He completely adored you, even though no one else did, and you couldn't appreciate that. You were at his house, texting me, telling me how much you miss person 1. SLUT. Eventually, you must of realized what a whore you were being, because you broke up with him. I'm not quite saying you did it correctly though, considering the fact you were in the middle of a crowded hall and a bunch of people heard everything you said to him. "Umm...I like 2 other people, so I think we need to break up." And what the fuck were you thinking, asking him out again the next day? And then getting pissed when he rejected you? YOU'RE NOT THAT GREAT. YOU'RE NOT EVEN REMOTELY ATTRACTIVE, AND YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PERSON. Of course he's gonna say no. You're ugly as hell, you smell AWFUL, you're not funny, and you always make emo-ass comments like, "You wanna feel pain? Try living my life." Shut the fuck up, you do not have a painful life. I guarantee you I have been through worse, and I know people who have been through so much that it's unbelievable that they have any hope left. Be grateful that you have 2 parents, you're not dying, you have enough money to get by, and you have a family that is there for you. UNGRATEFULBITCHSNOBUGLYWHORESLUTDIRTYNASTYSONOFABITCH!
#17 Old 27th Feb 2010 at 11:29 AM
Person ONE Gee such a good friend... or you were! Maybe you still act like we're great friends, and maybe i go along to an extent but i am really starting to despise you. You were cool before, but when you try and get EVERY OTHER person to be your best friend, not cool.
Not only that, but you can not control me. Sorry, dear but I am able to go to the canteen, bathroom, class and my locker on my own. I am not your little puppy dog to be constantly looking after. I am not a baby I can manage myself.
Oh and I will not do your work, cheat in class or do your homework because you think it's cool . Shut the fuck up about how tired you are and bored you are and how much work you have to do. If you actually bothered to start your work maybe you''d get something finished.

Person TWO
Don't talk in that stupid voice. You know everyone thinks your an idiot by doing so. Not only do you talk like a slutty biatch, you lie while doing so.
In fact your lies are soo ridiciulous it doesn't piss me off anymore. It actually makes my day when you lie, because its so laughable obvious it is a load of crap.
Don't bother telling all those "cool" kids you sit with on the bus you have a facebook. You don't even own a computer.
No, you don't have to older brothers who go out partying and take you. You're the eldest child.
Your dog sam? Yeah he doesn't exist.
All your expensive make-up? You stole it.
You love justin bieber when they said they do? The other day you hated him.

And don't tell my I'm wrong and I'm full of shit. I've known you since we were 5 and i know your tendency to lie. I know your family too.

Person THREE
Yes, we WERE together once upon a time. But I'm OVER you. Yep, finished. Because when we were together you CHEATED ON ME, DISRESPECTED ME, AND MADE A FOOL OUT OF ME. When we finally broke up, you treated me like shit and constantly bullied me in SO MANY FORMS. NOT COOL. And then when everyone deserted you, you came crawling back to me. Yep, that's right. You turn around and ask for my help. And i didn't knock you down like you would've me, I actually helped you. so get fucked

It's easier than explaining why you're sad.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#18 Old 27th Feb 2010 at 11:37 AM
More raving:

Person 30: I can't believe that I nearly slept with you. Wow. You're a dick. You treat me like shit and then you expect me to come crawling back and suck up to you. I really hate you sometimes. I just can't believe that you can treat people like that, especially girls! and expect them to come back to you. Bastard. Oh. And don't you fucking dare try and call me 'babe' ever again, or any of your other stupid names you have for me.
#19 Old 27th Feb 2010 at 11:40 AM
Person 1: You love Twilight and are obsessed with Edward Cullen, but I don't think you've even read the books. The only books you read are comics. You are excellent at any sport. You want to join the navy. You hang out with the cool group.

It seems like I'd hate you at first glance. But I don't.

I love you.

You are so down to earth and tomboy and you are always, unreservedly my friend despite all the enormous differences. I love your way-too-loud laugh and I hope I'm always friends with you.

Person 2: Little plastic doll bitch. I hope someday someone shatters your perfect image of yourself and you curl up on your bed and cry until you can't anymore, so you know what that pain feels like. Don't even fucking try and judge me, bitch, because you have no idea. No idea what it is like to be me. So just go and live your life behind your coating of foundation and grow up and be a model. Have fun in your one-dimensional popular girl life.

Call me Meg

lately i want everything
every star tied to a string

av credit
#20 Old 27th Feb 2010 at 12:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by meggie272
Person 1: You love Twilight and are obsessed with Edward Cullen, but I don't think you've even read the books. The only books you read are comics. You are excellent at any sport. You want to join the navy. You hang out with the cool group.

Yay, another person who wants to join the Navy! :D
I think I love them already.


Mad Poster
Original Poster
#21 Old 27th Feb 2010 at 12:55 PM
Person 29: Back to you! Slut. Should I tell your disgusting boyfriend about Scott? Or James? Or Jared? Or Dale? Or any of the other guys you "just hung out with" when you two first started going out? Sweetheart, get over yourself. You aren't perfect. You should learn that I'm not a nice girl. I play dirty. And even though you're "zomg my bestttt friendddddd!!!111!" I will step on you if it means I will get my way.
Mad Poster
#22 Old 28th Feb 2010 at 6:09 PM
Person 2 (again): You're just sickening. I wish I'd never met you. I must have confused love and hate somewhere down the line with you. You're repulsive in every possible way. Besides the fact that you're racist, sexist, agist, homophobic and a ton of other things, you're also childish and you insult me in such stupid ways. You call me things everyone knows I'm not. If you thought you were damaging me in anyway, well, you didn't. I can't believe it's taken me this long to see that. Why did I forgive you every time you insulted me, or someone else, or a group of people that me and mostly everyone else happened to respect? I'll honestly never know. Sure, you have good qualities - but they're few and far between. You and Person 5 (a.k.a New enemy 1) can rot in hell. If it were legal I'd kill you both. I promise you that I'm never speaking to either of you again. I'm sure you're relieved since you called me a bitch the other day, but believe me when I say that no apology can win me back this time. You're NOT sorry, you're sick.

Happiness is anyone and anything that's loved by you.

My name is Jessica, but I answer to Jessie, Jess, Candiiee, Candy and Cand. :P
Top Secret Researcher
#23 Old 28th Feb 2010 at 7:10 PM
Person 1: Fuck you!!! Just because you're behind a PC monitor, you think you have the right to act like a victim, in a childish attempt to draw attention? And then, have the nerve to say that "it was all just a test"! And furthermore: "All of you should learn never to trust someone over the Internet"
Thank you... thank you for messing up the Teen Club. Just when I thought trolling ended after that 403 incident, you came along...
I bet... no, I hope you're reading this, you fat-burger eating-lying troll! You, and your "friends"! Having the time of your life, eh? If I didn't say it loud enough:

FUCK YOU!!! You worthless piece of shit!

EDIT: I'm having second thoughts about the "fuck you" part. You'd like that, wouldn't you?

I don't give a f*ck, God sent me to piss the world off!
#24 Old 28th Feb 2010 at 7:51 PM
^I wonder who that's about....

PERSON 3: I don't even wanna type it, I feel so icky about this. But...I like you. And that is something that I can NEVER EVER EVER tell ANYONE.
I can't even tell you. It's so wrong...and I've tried to ignore it. I HAVE TO ignore it. I CAN'T like you. It's completely wrong.

PERSON 4: It's always all about you. "Oh I'm so tired! Oh I'm so stressed! You guys are giving me anxiety!" It's not our fucking fault that you wanted to have kids. Why should we be burdened with taking care of YOUR kid just because you are "stressed out". Yeah, that's what happens when you're a mom. You should have known that. And shut up about your anxiety. You know that I have it, and I'm dealing with it without meds, but I don't bother people about it. Maybe you should try dealing with your shit instead of making other people deal with it for you.
Top Secret Researcher
#25 Old 28th Feb 2010 at 8:04 PM
@ Vlad:I totally agreee! She is the TBQ! (Troll Burger Queen) .

She is soooo ... grrrr! x

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