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#1 Old 14th Mar 2020 at 3:50 PM
Default The Sims 4 - Furry sim pictures
To be honest I'm a little nervous about starting this thread. Mostly because it's the first time I do start a picture thread and secondly because I don't know if the board will accept the thread or not. I have some reason to believe that "Furries" and "Simmers" don't mix but you are all free to prove that I'm wrong. Because that's what this thread is all about: Furry sims!

It's no secret that there is a particular furry mod out there and that I love it. A lot! So I start this thread to have a special place to share my creations whit you (If you want to see them). Maybe someone else want's to share their furry creations as well. The furries do not have to be based on this mod, ANY mod or download will do. As long as the sim is a furry, It will be placed here. (Moderators can decide if supernaturals like were-wolfs should be posted here as well). Please do keep in mind that this is NOT a hate thread.

Happy simming!

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#2 Old 15th Mar 2020 at 3:52 PM
So, I think it's time to kick this thing off (or however you say it). Here is some random picks of some random furries from my game.

From left to right: Mika Niomi (NPC). She does have a partner but I never spot him anywhere. (Umm..?)
Lilith Randall, an elder sim (whit a very high pitched voice).
Elsybeth Black (not following the dress code)

Savannah Milbrock (teenager) Not related but she lives in the same house as...

...Louisa Horn. Here in her "hot weather" outfit.

Lizette Goldine. Out on an evening walk.
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#3 Old 28th Mar 2020 at 10:29 AM
So, I'm back here whit some more pictures.

I did not show them to you before but this were the first furries I ever created. It's Pete and Amy Hawkins.

Amy did have an other hairdo before but for some reason it was a little glinshy (I could see some lines running from the head to the floor in some situations). So this one will do for now.

The Hawkins do have a teenage daughter named Ruby. Here she is on a date whit her boyfriend Jones Sperling.

Here is a pic from "downtown" Oasis Springs. I really love how the females walks (um, rather runs ) around wearing their formal wear from time to time. The woman in the black dress is Charlotta Dragomir. One of the few adults in the game.

Here is a sim I always wanted to recreate but never could. Ok, she might not be 100% correct. She is missing her typical hairdo (I could request it but don't know who to ask) and due to me sometimes having problems seeing the colors on my laptop screen correctly the light blue is a little off. But It's close enough I guess. But I will not write out her name here in case some underage member googles it...
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#4 Old 9th May 2020 at 11:51 PM Last edited by Mrmo : 10th May 2020 at 12:13 AM.
OK, I think it's time to wake up this thread... Here are some more furries for you. I do not want to violent the 4 picture rule so I do a two poster here.

I do have a vet living in one of the worlds but as every cat and dog in this game seems to get sick so easy she have a lot to do. So I let her hire Ms Carlotta Dragomir to clean up the clinic. But soon she had to help whit all of the patients instead. And she is a good, but slow, vet.

One of my newer sims, Ms Estelle Cruz (right) in a conversation whit Ms Mika Niomi (left). Do not let the appearance of Ms Cruz fool you. She might wear lether and cool sunglasses but she is an older sim. But wow!

I arranged so that Mrs Landgraab left her husband and settled down whit this...um...man in Oasis Springs. Yeah, he is more "to the female side" wearing female clothing and so on but Mr Lovetta Sperling is very OK.

And here we have Louisa Horn at a fancy restaurant together whit her former roommate Karakara Lorentz. (Yes, her first name is more of a joke).
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#5 Old 10th May 2020 at 12:10 AM
As I told you in my last post Ms Horn have a former roommate. They do not live in the same house anymore because Ms Horn now lives in Newcrest together whit her boyfriend Gavin Richards. Here we see them out on a date.

Young Savannah Milbrock still lives together whit Ms Lorentz. Here she is on date whit her boyfriend, young Mr Ricardo Collins. Cheers!

Ms Niomi from my previous post do have a son named Mike. Here he is on a date whit Nina Caliente.

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#6 Old 17th May 2020 at 4:25 PM

Some more furries here!

Leo Li-On* (right) and his teenager son Henry. (* Bad joke on the name Lion is bad... )

Leo does have a girlfriend. Synthia Malloy. The vet who is a fox.

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#7 Old 14th Jun 2020 at 4:28 PM
Guess what? I have some more furry pics! I just cant help it...

Here is my newest sim, Serena Montgomery.

Slightly annoyed, as always. She's "Hot-headed" but so far easy to play.

At the local gym, speaking to Ms Landgraab and an other sim.

I do not think that tattoos works on fur but that's no reason to leave them out.

Lab Assistant
#8 Old 4th Jul 2020 at 11:45 PM Last edited by Ursine1bear : 5th Feb 2021 at 7:40 PM.
I don't know how to upload a picture, but I have furries posted in the gallery. I'm using SaveState-DLC's second version. On ModtheSims, under the "Where can I find" section, there is a link to another site that had a furries mod for children, but not for toddlers.
Original Poster
#9 Old 5th Jul 2020 at 3:03 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Ursine1bear
I don't know how to upload a picture, but I have furries posted in the gallery. I used SaveState's first version.

Cool, that would be nice to see. If you still want to play furries I recommend "upgrading" to ver 1.1 because the the Uni patch did break the mod. But it's easy to fix. If you have uploaded the pics to a picture hosting site (I.E. Flikr.com) then post the link here and the pic will be added. Don't forget the [img] and [/img] at the end of the link. Or make an attachment by uploading by this site (Use the Reply box but chose "Go advanced" ).
Original Poster
#10 Old 22nd Jul 2020 at 4:13 PM
Oops I did it again...

I did introduce furries to my new install). And this were the fist furry I created. Her name is Niomi Stewens.

Ms Stewens is quite an active type of sim.

Fun facts: I want her to get in contact whit so many different sims as possible so I did send her from Willow Creek to the bar Rattlesnake Juice in Oasis Springs to make some friends (and discovered that "The Solar Flare" don't work as a bar in this install. ?? It works fine in my old install...) Anyway, I did pick a blueish drink from the list but did not pay to much attention to it. I should have suspected something when she did place the glass on the floor but I did not. Niomi drank the half of the drink but no more and after some hours of random conversations I did send her home. But when my sim arrived there she were in a very uncomfortable state. I mistakenly had been giving her the "minty Fresh Pet confection" and she did not like that. Oopsie! So what did I learn? Well, I did learn that pets can get a drink in a bar... In a glass!! I also learned that sims don't like minty fresh drinks. Cheers to that!
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#11 Old 29th Jul 2020 at 8:53 PM

...I have some new sims at play.

And this time I did get my inspiration from a completely different side. From time to time (OK, quite often) I do my turns over at DeviantArt at this time a pic showed up that got my attention. I'm just going to link it here beacause I do not want to republish it. (No worries, It's SFW/non adult). Link: https://www.deviantart.com/eikaarts...-Side-849579052 So I sat down at about 30 minutes later I had created this:

Ok, whit more time I could get it better but I think it's close. I call her Claire Sheldon. The feline on the left is her boyfriend to be Zacharias Bernard.

The "unnatural" skintones/colors can be found here:
And more naturals here:
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#12 Old 30th Jul 2020 at 3:47 PM
So this is a couple of sims that I recently did join together. It's the blue wolf lady from before (from now on refereed to "Ms Raven" as I do not want anyone to search for NSFW content). And her boyfriend (or maybe I should say: roommate) Mr Conrad Ellis. Ms Raven is in the Style Influencer career and Mr Ellis in a freelance digital artist. He is also a very good painter and just maxed out the painting skill.

Ms Raven did live whit the Pancakes and I let her get in contact whit Conrad. I had a more "in character" plans for her but did get lazy and thought that this was a nice concept. The couple had two very nice dates.

And I decided it was time for her to move in whit Mr Ellis who lives in a big house in Oasis Springs. He is a true gentleman.

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#13 Old 13th Sep 2020 at 3:32 PM
Well, hello miss super annoyed. Niomi Stewens does not seems to like the fact that I have not been posting here for some time. I have to change that Or maybe she have other reasons to be upset. Oh well, we will never know...

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#14 Old 20th Sep 2020 at 6:39 PM
A few more pics from this week...

Young miss Claire Sheldon in her formal wear, a nice evening gown.

Slowly passing by while young Mr Mitchell Walters tries to win the heart of the female dog Lexie.

Now, the thing about Lexie is that she comes in two versions. I have been trying to get my sim Serena Montgomery to adopt a similar dog named Lexie but it does not seem like she is a stray at all. The man she belongs two is not in play but I did found him under "Managing Families" earlier today. So, that was my bad But this Lexie is, however, a stray and Mitchell did adopt her later on.

Yes, miss Serena is single and I did bring her and Mr Walters together. Here they are on a date. That she did ask for...On Love Day. Stupid random townie to interrupt like that...

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#15 Old 11th Oct 2020 at 4:28 PM Last edited by Mrmo : 16th Oct 2020 at 7:04 PM.
I don't know if you did notice it in my latest post under "Pet pictures" but my sim Mitchell Walters was born without a tail. That was something I did not know about and did not notice even though I have been playing him a lot. But This is now corrected.

Here we see him whit his girlfriend, Serena Montgomery.

It's quite an odd couple. She is the hotheaded, jealous kind and he do not like strangers. But so far, the ship works...

Speaking about odd shipping, here is an older image...

...Of Lilith Randall, on her third date whit J Huntington III. Lilith is a elder sims (whit a very cute voice) I kind of breaking some old rules here but the game do allow it so why not?

Good thing Mr Huntington have a lot of muscles, Ms Randall is not the smallest sim around. Wait, that's a very rude thing to write!
Original Poster
#16 Old 24th Oct 2020 at 11:12 PM
And once more it's time for some furry pics... ...and the sims are new as well!

So let's begin whit Mrs Nani Lion

And her husband Scott.

At home, having dinner.

Side note: I really did enjoy building in TS2 but I did not do it in TS3, I only did some redecorating. And it's the same in TS4. But even though I do not have (or plan to have) many packs I still enjoys it. I mostly play in Oasis Springs and I do think that the desert environment calls for "natural" colors like this. I often use wood, stone and different tones of brown and such. I do find it very peaceful to look at to.
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#17 Old 24th Oct 2020 at 11:22 PM
Speaking about lions, here's another one...

I call him Leonard...Coen. Not to be mistaken for the singer/songwriter whit a similar name...

Here he speaks to old granny Lisa Pooth...

...here seen whit her friend Anders.
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#18 Old 8th Nov 2020 at 6:44 PM
Every sim is different but everyone is welcome at the Blue Velvet Nightclub*

Here we have Mrs Amy Hawkins (left) and Ms Serena Montgomery.

*Name from The Sims Wiki (sims.fandom.com)
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#19 Old 15th Nov 2020 at 6:26 PM
Introducing rabbits...the test run.

Ever since I did see the Pokemod from member Leljas (found here: https://modthesims.info/d/647507/po...om-pokemon.html ) I had the idea to create some other type of furry sims. Felines and Canines are present but I though this sims did look like rabbits. So after a while of thinking I did download the mod and install it. And here is the result:

(yes, it would be a good idea to remove the pink from her nose).

Now, there is one problem... I did find the ears here: https://nolan-sims.tumblr.com/post/141364341877 and I did already have a tail in my mods folder. But the game don't allow me to add both the tail and the ears to the same sim... Does anyone know why? The ears is in the Hat category and the tail is found under Accessories. So I have no clue why they clash...
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#20 Old 22nd Nov 2020 at 6:58 PM Last edited by Mrmo : 1st Dec 2020 at 5:55 PM. Reason: Info and credits added
So I did go on whit my "rabbit project". I even did take the bunny into play. Here some pics of Ms Lola.

As I told you before I did use a pair of ears I found online (see my last post for link). But In opposite to the ears from the furry mod this ears are not "showerproof" (If you know what I mean) and I can not use a tail at the same time. Do anyone know any good alternative?

Edit: I did get help whit this problem so now it works as I wanted. Thank you again Leljas for tracking down the problem - that the ears and the tail shared the same slot - and creating a fix.
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#21 Old 6th Dec 2020 at 7:28 PM
A few new pics...

Louisa Horn (right) talking to Ms Estelle Cruz (who believe it or not is an elder). Louisa loves food and wants to be a "Angler Ace". The canine lady is lives together whit Mr Gavin Richards (premade from Oasis Springs) in Newcrest.

I do not use to give my sims aspirations to much attention but I'm a little bored whit my gameplay at the moment so why not change that?

OK, this time did I send her out to jump in the pile of leaves but she use to find them on her own as well.
Original Poster
#22 Old 27th Dec 2020 at 9:45 PM
I honestly had forgot about this sim. I created him somme time ago and he had not been shown up until recently. His name is Zimba Monte and is a teenager. I think I was trying to go for that "femboy" style but I'm not sure that I nailed it. Anyway, have some pics...


Original Poster
#23 Old 15th Jan 2021 at 10:43 PM
I just realized something: This thread have been viewed 3.584 times. Not bad for a thread that I thought would be dead in 5 minutes. You are still very welcome to share your creations here

In the meantime, I will share some pics. I did get a tip from a member here at MTS but I will not share the link as the site is 18+ rated. Now, the creator over at the Patreon site had free downloads, different types of animals and I downloaded one of them just to check the mod out. It does look quite good. I would not say it's perfect but very good. So here is the sim I created: Betsy Collins, the mouse.

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#24 Old 31st Jan 2021 at 6:02 PM Last edited by Mrmo : 1st Feb 2021 at 11:41 AM.
Just wanted to upload this here

You have seen her before, my sim Serena Montgomery. She's in the Mixology career track and as she levels up she learn new things. In the game the drinks are simply called "juice" but there is no doubt about what it really is: alcohol! And as it seems very high proof stuff to. I'm sorry that I did not get the part where she did blow it over the lighter but it was super fast. Don't try this at home please...

Edit: changed to a smaller pic.
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#25 Old 13th Mar 2021 at 11:52 PM
So last week my game did call a new sim. Welcome Ms Judy Hopson.

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