
Downloads: 8,265
Thanks: 120

Last Activity: 12th Sep 2023 8:33 AM
Join Date: 24th May 2005
Total Posts: 51 (0.01 posts per day)

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Hi there, this is my second upload and just to tell you my first one sucked:(.

17th Sep 2006 at 5:15am in » Everyday

Sims 2 University

sacred-chicken has 2 downloads in the following areas of our download section:

11.3k Sims 2 University

Tatooless clothes

17th Sep 2006 at 5:15am

9.6k Sims 2

New Sporty boxers and tank top for...

14th Jun 2005 at 12:53pm


sacred-chicken is not a member of any public groups

98% of teenagers do or have tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature

Biography: I live in Indonesia so it's a little hard to find original games. Location: Jakarta, Indonesia Interests: Playing computer games, skateboarding Occupation: Student

Games owned: The Sims 2: Sims 2 University Nightlife Open for Business Pets + 2 SPs