Join Date: 20th Jan 2010 · Total Posts: 25 (0.00 posts per day)
Norway is NOT a part of Sweden!
My avatar left to watch a movie by James Cameron...
Games owned:
The Sims 2:
+ 3 SPs
AgeMarkus is a member of the following groups:
Love Sims 2, But Hated the graphics and other stuff in S3? Then were on the same page, Now join this group!
A group for people who are addicted to ketchup
A group for simmers who love cats
The purpose of this group is to end descrimination against all people, be they gay, black, Jewish, or otherwise. We aim to end hate and promote acceptance.
boolprop tesingcheatsenabled true? boolprop constrainfloorelevation false? boolprop allow45degreeangleofrotation true? moveobjects on? This is your group.
What is your fave choccy bar, and how do you eat it?, Do you eat it on it's own, or add it to your fave dessert?
For everyone who loves chocolate!
This is a group for unpopular People, and for meet other people, I hope...
For those of us who don't like Twilight.
You are now in the land of Hyrule. May you join Link in his quest to save Princess Zelda. But quick, he needs help. So join so we can help save Hyrule- together!
Talk about Robot Chicken episodes!
If you love lolcats, feel free to join :)
A group for anyone that loves to read.
A place for us teenage MTS users to hang and talk.
A group for MALE Simmers to hang out in to discuss guy stuff
Do the Sims do things that make you go huh? Or do they make you mad? Or do you just feel like ranting? Well this is the place to do it. Come Join Us
A group for those who love to write stories and edit pictures.
A group for all Nintendo fans of any series. :) Nintendorks welcomes people with all the friendliness of an over-affectionate squid with many cheerfully grasping tentacles!
The group for simmer from scandinavia. Welcome everyone with ties to Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland