About Me:
Well, seeing as how there's no way of me following my downloads into your computer to watch you alter them, feel free to do so. If you credit me, awesome. If you link back to me, even more awesome. If you don't, Satan will rain down your throat with hot acid, dissolve your testicles and turn your guts into snakes! Just kidding, but ten points goes to whoever gets the reference I just made. Seriously though, if you don't credit me, that's fine. Really, what am I gonna do? My stuff isn't popular or well-known to the point where the threat of me stopping making stuff poses any threat whatsoever. Also, I have the tendency to disappear for long periods of time, so my stuff is inconstant anyway. I'm kinda rambling so I'll sum it up like this: Go for it. I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with. So, best wishes to all your creations.