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Last Activity:
19th Dec 2015 2:29 PM
Join Date:
31st Jan 2006
Total Posts:
18 (0.00 posts per day)
Additional Information:
New Hampshire
Games Owned:
Base Game
Sims 2Sims 2
Base Game
Sims 3Sims 3
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Social Groups:

Cadrac is a member of the following groups:

Fan of the original series? The Rebuilds? The manga? Please join and discuss all things Eva.
a place where we can talk about games and play game
If you like the show Game of Thrones, the books A Song of Ice and Fire or both, this is a group for you ;)
Watership down is a book by R. Adams and it is loved by people all around the world. It also have made some people to scare rabbits
If you like Sims 2 Better than Sims 3 Then This is the group for you!
Come and talk about your favourite books.
A group dedicated to roleplaying, you can have RPs, discuss RPs, and brainstorm your RPs here!
I saw a KPop group but not JPop.This is for fans of Vocaloid or anything JPop related
If you like anime, manga, vocaliod, this is the place for you! All Otakus Welcome!
a place for doctor who fans.
If You Like Kpop come HERE!!!
For Pagans of all kinds, and those who are practitioners of magic, we welcome you!
The "The Sims 2 is better than The Sims 3" group is just what it says it is. For people who think The Sims 2 is probably the best.
A fun and friendly group that is Pagan based but not exclusive. There is to be NO Bashing or Abuse of anyone else what so ever. Please come, join, share and have fun. (We are currently looking for a MOD or Director to help keep this fun and safe)
A group for all the dA users around MTS (:
Do you believe in magic?like magical creatures & places?enjoy fantasy stories and legends?if you like them,than this group is for you
Do you like the anime/manga?? So come here and talk about it!!
For anyone who has read the Harry Potter series or seen the movies and fallen in love.
boolprop tesingcheatsenabled true? boolprop constrainfloorelevation false? boolprop allow45degreeangleofrotation true? moveobjects on? This is your group.
For creators, and downloaders who enjoy custom careers for the sims 2 or 3
To discuss time travel and it's implications in the world of science.
A group to discuss Japanese Anime, and video games
For everyone who likes the House MD TV series =D
Calling all Hobbits, Elves, Men, and Orcs--this group is home to all LOTR fanatics!
Into every generation a slayer is born..12 years ago the best show on Earth was created and captured millions of devoted fans! If you're a loyal Scooby member or a fiesty Cordette, this group is for you!
Hi! This group is for all simmers that love GOTH things... Do you like all that is gothic? If your answer is YES... this is your group!!!!
For everyone who enjoys the sims 2 University and likes to create or download custom majors
For people of all races who love Asian culture in their sims 2 game!
for simmers who are fans of Star Trek and like to create and download Star Trek items
For anyone who's into the steampunk aethetic!
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