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Former Incubator of Tiberius
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#1 Old 27th Nov 2008 at 9:44 PM Last edited by linuslover30 : 11th Jun 2009 at 1:41 PM.
Default Show Us Your Creations (v4)
Ever made your own custom content for the game? Made something you really are proud of that you would like to show off? Show us pictures here!

(Please note that this thread, while obviously going to end up with some "Hey look at what I just released, here's a link" posts, is not specifically made to advertise your new releases on a regular basis. Users who abuse the use of this thread for advertising purposes can be reprimanded.)

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- S2/S3 Sims For Download
Tiberius Arthur Glover - 06/09/09 / Atticus Oliver Leigh Glover - 08/12/09
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 29th Nov 2008 at 3:09 PM

big picture

#3 Old 29th Nov 2008 at 4:10 PM

Well Done!
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 29th Nov 2008 at 11:57 PM
thank youuu ^^
Field Researcher
#5 Old 30th Nov 2008 at 1:53 AM
very nice joker!!

An Epic Victorian Saga unlike any ever made for the Sims 2. Jane Toland, an idealist woman struggles in the pious society that disdains her.

Test Subject
#6 Old 30th Nov 2008 at 4:25 AM
Nice job, Udontknow. If I may suggest something? His head seems a little big.

I was working on these earlier in the week (and posted pics on GOS, got some useful feedback), left them alone to finish some other things. I've gone back and redid the highlights and upped the contrast a little. Then by way of experiment put them on a different sclera (anva's lighter one from her legacy eyes). I can't decide though. In Bodyshop I thought it didn't work (but then, I don't like the older ones in Bodyshop either) but in game when they're animating I think I do like them.

#7 Old 30th Nov 2008 at 4:37 AM
UdontKnow - The Joker that you made is amazing!! That must have taken a lot of talent
FantasyRogue - Those eyes look awesome =D
Test Subject
#8 Old 30th Nov 2008 at 5:42 PM
Thanks guys. Lianne87, the intention is to do a lot of colours as I want to use them myself (geneticized) in my new hood. Supernaturals and such as well.
#9 Old 30th Nov 2008 at 10:19 PM
I'm working on 'Angelique Collins' from the really old tv show 'Dark Shadows'. It's not perfected, but, a nice start I'd say...
[[Sry the comparison shots are bad, but, I seriously couldn't find any good comparison pictures...at all. ... Oh yea, and, to explain the look...if you know the show, this is actually the hair she had when she was married to some other guy...not a collins (i don't remember the name...but, it was during the time of the laviathians) and the dress looks more identical to something 'Beth' wore]] ...And yeah, b/c of the horrible pics, I don't know how I can possibly make a face mask, because the quality will be real bad.

Sims, like life, is very unpredictable. One minute you're eating four day old pizza, and then the repo-man steals your only sofa and you're in tears. ...then the food poison kicks in.
Former Incubator of Tiberius
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#10 Old 1st Dec 2008 at 3:35 AM

Just a simple recolour of some clothing.

FR - I like those eyes....very nice indeed. They
do look good in game also.

- S2/S3 Sims For Download
Tiberius Arthur Glover - 06/09/09 / Atticus Oliver Leigh Glover - 08/12/09
Field Researcher
#11 Old 6th Dec 2008 at 5:42 PM
Some paintings (and the frame).

I love Reynolds
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 6th Dec 2008 at 6:22 PM
Just a new hair I made today... Sort of inspired by Beyoncé.
Field Researcher
#13 Old 6th Dec 2008 at 6:48 PM
:O thats so nice sentate !

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#14 Old 7th Dec 2008 at 11:50 AM
that hair is fabulous senate.
#15 Old 8th Dec 2008 at 4:03 AM

Some Outfits for your smart sims, I wanna make the ones with the school emblems Default Replacements for the current Private school uniforms (unfortunately I dunno how ><). I am currently trying to convert these for girls, and make some for teen males, and boys. I don't wanna post these till those get done.

@ Sentate: That hair is really elegant and gorgeous! ^w^
Test Subject
#16 Old 8th Dec 2008 at 4:40 AM
ALovingDiva: That is probably the most realistic private school uniform I've seen. I go to private school and I wear either a quarter length or short sleeved white (or light pink) oxford, and a plaid skirt! Sometimes with a grey vest. Or sometimes I mix it up and wear either navy or khaki shorts. Ahh! I'm getting off topic. I love them!
#17 Old 8th Dec 2008 at 7:54 AM
I posted some pictures of the penguin the other day and, as usual, the penguin got several "those eyes are so freaky" and "that penguin looks evil" comments. I didn't take the comments personally - everyone's penguins get those comments. So I decided to make a penguin eye default replacement. I figured it's probably that ice blue colour that has people freaked out. So here is your penguin eye selection:

Light brown

Light brown with blue centre

Dark brown.

And then beatdoc said "wouldn't it be cool if the penguin had red eyes and you could write a story about a vampire killer penguin?" So I made these especially for her:

So are those penguins any less (or more) evil looking than the Maxis original with the ice blue eyes?

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Older downloads and stuff that didn't get transferred to Simified are on my Livejournal.
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Former Incubator of Tiberius
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#18 Old 8th Dec 2008 at 8:30 AM
I am in love with the red ones, but that's because I am a fang-banger (LOL)!!!

- S2/S3 Sims For Download
Tiberius Arthur Glover - 06/09/09 / Atticus Oliver Leigh Glover - 08/12/09
#19 Old 8th Dec 2008 at 8:50 AM
OK, I'm sending them over right now Check your inbox in a few minutes.

My newest downloads are on Simified.
Older downloads and stuff that didn't get transferred to Simified are on my Livejournal.
Say NO to ugly square shadows in TS3! Grab the fix today!
Former Incubator of Tiberius
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Original Poster
#20 Old 8th Dec 2008 at 8:57 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Engram
OK, I'm sending them over right now Check your inbox in a few minutes.

We should put those up in the new vampire section over at the site (LOL). Killer Vampire Penguin *sighs* It's too good to be true.

- S2/S3 Sims For Download
Tiberius Arthur Glover - 06/09/09 / Atticus Oliver Leigh Glover - 08/12/09
#21 Old 8th Dec 2008 at 9:01 AM
Killer Vamp Penguins would be great!

I sent you the lot. Do with them what you will

My newest downloads are on Simified.
Older downloads and stuff that didn't get transferred to Simified are on my Livejournal.
Say NO to ugly square shadows in TS3! Grab the fix today!
Former Incubator of Tiberius
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Original Poster
#22 Old 8th Dec 2008 at 9:10 AM
They will go up on the site for sure and feel free to put them on your LJ also (I don't mind). Awesome work Engram....

- S2/S3 Sims For Download
Tiberius Arthur Glover - 06/09/09 / Atticus Oliver Leigh Glover - 08/12/09
Field Researcher
#23 Old 8th Dec 2008 at 10:28 AM
Engram - HELL YES! Oh wow, these are fantastic. I'm in love with the red ones (clearly) but it will be nice sometimes to have 'less evil / more cutsy' penguins too Seriously you are the best, thanks!

So, I've been working on some multi-polytechnician's which also involved me altering some Trill & Engram's edited skintones (which I had never even attempted before) and I think I'm finally done...

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#24 Old 8th Dec 2008 at 11:12 AM
The multi-PTs looks pretty good. I like that shade of purple. It's just obnoxious enough to be purple but not so obnoxious as to turn people off and be horrible. I think it will look great on most sims. And the Trill edits are looking pretty good, too.

My newest downloads are on Simified.
Older downloads and stuff that didn't get transferred to Simified are on my Livejournal.
Say NO to ugly square shadows in TS3! Grab the fix today!
#25 Old 8th Dec 2008 at 3:40 PM
wow beatdoc those pt's are awesome.
Engram I LOVE the penguin defaults so much.
AlovingDiva those uniform are WAY much better than the maxis craptastic ones.
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