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Lab Assistant
#301 Old 31st Dec 2011 at 11:49 PM
Gosh, I have just spent about 2 hours reading Melissa's story from the start until the end (so far)! I actually shed a few tears when her and Nathan confessed love for one another! Farrah was such an amazing character, and I couldn't help but feel sad when she died! This really, most definitely, is one of the best stories I have EVER read! :') I also really hope Melissa cleans up her act and married Nathan!

Just had an awesome house party

Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#302 Old 1st Jan 2012 at 3:16 AM
A new chapter will be posted tomorrow.
Forum Resident
#303 Old 1st Jan 2012 at 4:39 AM
WOOHOOOOO I am so happy!

Official Foundation Challange Contestant. R1-R2-R3-R4

BLOGGER A Random Legacy - Vasher
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#304 Old 2nd Jan 2012 at 4:45 AM Last edited by surfer85 : 2nd Jan 2012 at 4:57 AM. Reason: Title change
Default Chapter 28 - October 1969 - Part I
And there you have it - first day of 2012, and a huge, huge, huge update. Seriously, this is the first time that I haven't been able to fit an update all in one post.


Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#305 Old 2nd Jan 2012 at 4:47 AM
Default Chapter 28 - October 1969 - Part II

Forum Resident
#306 Old 2nd Jan 2012 at 8:23 AM
*sigh* Mel what are you doing.

Official Foundation Challange Contestant. R1-R2-R3-R4

BLOGGER A Random Legacy - Vasher
#307 Old 2nd Jan 2012 at 1:46 PM
Surfer's back thank you!!!!

I only wished Melissa would appreciate Errol for who he is and not just use him as a sex object, no wonder he left her...I'm by absolutley no means a psychoanalyst, but I definetly think Mel is looking for attention because of the whole thing with Nathan being in the Marine Corps.
Field Researcher
#308 Old 2nd Jan 2012 at 3:39 PM
Thanks for the update! It's been so long since you showed the last part.
I don't really appreciate what she's doing. Will she ever realize that selling her own body on paintings and with almost every boy she meets is something bad? It seems like she'll be rich one day because of her paintings, but what about her INNER side? Or maybe she is so blind that it'll be impossible for her to see that not everything is OK.
But at least she's honest ;]
She doesn't love Erroll, but what about Nathan? What does she really feel towards him? I wish we would find out soon.
Anyway I hope she won't hurt more and more people. And I'm curious what Erroll is going to do now - he's heartbroken, isn't he?

Waiting for more
#309 Old 2nd Jan 2012 at 3:54 PM
I'm probably gonna get a lot of hate for saying this, but... Melissa is kind of trashy.

@KKiryu007Joker, it's not the sex or nudity that gets to me... it's mostly because she treats everyone around her like shit pretty much. And yeah, her love life is a trainwreck.

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Mad Poster
#310 Old 2nd Jan 2012 at 3:57 PM Last edited by KKiryu007Joker : 4th Jan 2012 at 12:34 AM. Reason: Hmmm... that at first didn't look right.
Quote: Originally posted by Misanthrope
I'm probably gonna get a lot of hate for saying this, but... Melissa is kind of trashy.

Well I agree with that. Look at what she painted.... maybe she needs to be a nudist, although I guess she sticks with being a huge perv with these men. Interesting story so far.

Misanthrope, I actually knew a senior person that had a personality similar to Melissa's, and painted uh, v pictures everywhere inside of her house. It was an actual serious disability, not something she could fix or even consider fixing. She was also a fecalpheliac which maybe had something to do with her behavior. You could not stand her for more than five minutes. At least it gave me a phobia of dirtiness. Anyway, I believe she started out fairly normal, and then got gradually worse to a truly awesome extent.

I'm a graduate of the Harvard business school. I travel quite extensively. I lived through the Black Plague and had a pretty good time during that. I've seen the EXORCIST ABOUT A HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SEVEN TIMES, AND IT KEEPS GETTING FUNNIER EVERY SINGLE TIME I SEE IT.
Lab Assistant
#311 Old 2nd Jan 2012 at 6:18 PM
We've watched Melissa grow up, practically. Lol is it no wonder she has these views of sex and others given her childhood? Who knows how her mother's prostitution affected her. It's trashy but it's part of her...chemical make-up you could say, it's all her endearing trait. I think if she wasn't trashy she wouldn't be the character we love. We can only hope she grows wiser as the years go on. Fabulous update as always.
Mad Poster
#312 Old 2nd Jan 2012 at 6:25 PM
Quote: Originally posted by LovethMia
We've watched Melissa grow up, practically. Lol is it no wonder she has these views of sex and others given her childhood? Who knows how her mother's prostitution affected her. It's trashy but it's part of her...chemical make-up you could say, it's all her endearing trait. I think if she wasn't trashy she wouldn't be the character we love. We can only hope she grows wiser as the years go on. Fabulous update as always.

Well yeah like that woman I just mentioned, their childhood did stuff to their minds. I hope everything in the story goes well, and Melissa grows wiser too.

I'm a graduate of the Harvard business school. I travel quite extensively. I lived through the Black Plague and had a pretty good time during that. I've seen the EXORCIST ABOUT A HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SEVEN TIMES, AND IT KEEPS GETTING FUNNIER EVERY SINGLE TIME I SEE IT.
#313 Old 4th Jan 2012 at 11:00 AM
I dont like the fact that she thinks she is a kind of goddess... She is NOT...A small accident would show that she is not imortal... an she lives down on earth.

I am Brazilian but I live in Switzerland!!!!
Call me Paula if you want :)
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#314 Old 4th Jan 2012 at 10:35 PM
I feel bad for Errol and everything, especially as Melissa is sleeping with other people while she's with him, but I do see Melissa's point. His sycophantic attitude toward her must get really irritating and at least she isn't lying and telling him that she loves him just because it's what he wants to hear. I don't think he should be angry with her for that...she's only being honest!

"Your life was a liner I voyaged in."
Test Subject
#315 Old 22nd Jan 2012 at 3:11 AM
I read this entire story yesterday. You hooked me very well, congrats! And thanks for sharing! It would be awesome if we could download the characters.. hehe.. just saying. Continue writing! And I hope you plan to share another story afterward.. would love to see it!
Mad Poster
#316 Old 28th Jan 2012 at 4:46 AM
This story truly shows the faults in a person . . . and how an upbringing can change in an instant. Let's hope that this gets worse - I want to see how far down she'll go before she realises what's happened.

Angie/DS | Baby Sterling - 24/2/2014
This account is mostly used by my sons to download CC now, if you see me active, it's probably just them!
Test Subject
#317 Old 1st Mar 2012 at 7:11 PM
i just wanted to know, are you gonna continue? You havenĀ“t added any updates about a month and i was just wondering.
I love the story, you are so talented!
Test Subject
#318 Old 20th Mar 2012 at 7:34 PM
Very very nice. Well written, well paced out, brilliant work of art. I love how you didn't go for a modern theme. It's nice to delve back into another time - nostalgia, even for those who weren't there. I like this a lot. Will be following it. Very fun read.
Test Subject
#319 Old 8th Jul 2012 at 12:43 AM
Make a new one!
Please keep going with this story! Love it
Oh, also: what did Melissa's friend's boyfriend say to her when he was talking in her ear? thanks!!!
Lab Assistant
#320 Old 8th Jul 2012 at 1:56 AM
Quote: Originally posted by beatleslover123
Please keep going with this story! Love it
Oh, also: what did Melissa's friend's boyfriend say to her when he was talking in her ear? thanks!!!
I think it's Rebecca's boyfriend. I think this is a amazing story. I hope you continue soon.

I'm currently have 616 downloads and their all in their little folders.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#321 Old 5th Dec 2012 at 11:48 PM
I may as well wrap this up, in case anyone out there is still hoping for an update. As you may have guessed, I pretty much burned myself out on this story. The style I was using was very time-consuming, and it got to feel too much like work and too little like fun. Thus, I haven't even touched this story in months, and was unsure of whether or not I would ever update it. That decision was recently made for me, however - my computer died, so all my neighborhood data and whatnot were lost. So, we've all seen the last of Melissa's story.

However, I still have all the old chapters, so gradually I'd like to keep uploading those to my website and posting them here to replace the missing images that imageshack deleted. For that reason, I'd like for this thread to stay open for a while longer. If anyone wants to do a "fan fiction" type of thing, I give full permission for anyone to use the characters from this story and write a story of their own.

For those that would like to know how Melissa's story would have proceeded, I'll write what I had planned in the paragraphs below. I'd like to thank everyone that read this story and offered feedback. It brought me great joy to have this story enjoyed by others. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

******************SPOILERS (kind of) **********************************
Melissa proceeded with her college years in much the same way that she had at first - drinking heavily, hooking up, occasionally squeezing in a brilliant work of art. She had an identity crisis when she discovered she had romantic feelings for another girl (not Rebecca), and sank into a heavy depression for a while. During this time, she had a major falling out with Rebecca, and never spoke to her again for the rest of her life. She was featured numerous times in art magazines, and became a celebrity in the art world before even graduating college.

In accordance with the art dealer's advice, she went to Paris for two years, doing post-graduate studies and experimenting with her art. She stayed out of the public eye, and did not sell or exhibit any of the art pieces she was working on. As she was fluent in French, she fit right in to French culture. However, her drinking problem became a bit worse, and she was caught in a stream of one-night stands for a while. She then became involved with a young French woman named Jacqueline, and they developed a serious romantic relationship. After they'd been seeing each other for several months, a man entered their relationship, and it became a "triad", with all three people romantically involved with the other two. By the time she left France, however, this relationship had ended.

Upon her return to the United States, she released a LOT of art. Her popularity soared, and she became somewhat of an icon, even making her way into mainstream pop culture. She made enough money to open her own art gallery, and became an art dealer in her own right. She also started publishing an erotic art and photography magazine, which gained popularity in both the art world and with mainstream audiences. Her father gave her plenty of business advice, and it was due in part to this advice that Melissa's business ventures became wildly successful. Melissa opened more art galleries throughout the country, many of them focusing on erotic art and even catering to lay audiences. She also bought one of the more established art magazines and incorporated it into her own little empire. By the age of 27, Melissa was a dominant, albeit controversial, figure in the art world. She had even branched into the music industry by starting a record label, which she used to launch her sister's career in rock music. Following her father's advice, she lived VERY frugally, reinvesting the vast majority of her profits back into her business to make it grow. She lived off of a small salary that she paid herself, living in a modest apartment in New York City and taking only occasional vacations.

At the same time, her personal life was a mess. Her ability to maintain a stable relationship had all but disappeared. Her love life was a series of one-night-stands and no-string relationships with people of both genders. Her drinking problem became worse than ever, and she even experimented with heroin. She actually attempted suicide several times. After becoming pregnant with his child, Melissa married a black man - something for which she was rather looked down upon at the time (this was 1977). Charles died, and left his entire fortune to Melissa. Angela, having been completely left out of Charles' will, felt extremely bitter, and never talked to Melissa again despite Melissa's attempts to provide for her and reach out to her. Angela - having had problems of her own with depression and drug abuse - committed suicide at the age of 22. Melissa sank into a deep depression, and left the operations of her father's empire in the hands of capable trustees.

Now, in 1977, an old friend re-entered Melissa's life. Nathan approached Melissa at an art exhibition. He was a decorated war hero, having been the lone survivor of a mission gone horribly wrong and surviving on his own behind enemy lines for several months. He didn't like to talk about the war, but he had been honorably discharged from the Army recently and was going to business school. Melissa, pregnant as she was with another man's child, fell in love with him all over again. The two of them openly had an affair, which resulted in the breakup of her marriage. Melissa and Nathan moved to California, where Melissa gave birth to her first child, Laura. Melissa felt more passionate and intimate with Nathan than she ever had with anyone else, and their love became more and more intense over the next year.

Then, things suddenly fell apart. Melissa began sleeping around behind Nathan's back, purposely letting him catch her in the act. After struggling for a month or so to maintain the relationship, Nathan left. Melissa hit rock bottom with her depression and drug abuse, and finally sought help. She was diagnosed with "borderline personality disorder", and began treatment. Over the next two years, she got her life back under control. She began taking a much more active role in running "Hancroft Industries" (hadn't come up with a name for it) and returned to the helm of her own business ventures. As her mental state became more stable, Melissa's creativity ebbed. She painted and photographed less often, and what she did produce was nowhere near as brilliant as her earlier work.

A couple of years later, Nathan came back into Melissa's life, wanting to give their relationship one more chance. Now that Melissa was much more mentally stable, it worked. They were married in the year 1981, on September 11, when they were both 31 years old. Once Nathan finished his MBA, Melissa gave him an executive job at Hancroft Industries. Melissa eventually promoted him to President of the company, and he was enormously successful. Under Nathan's supervision, Hancroft Industries grew even more.

They proceeded to have two children together: a girl named Katie, and a boy named Christian. Their marriage had its ups and downs throughout the years - Melissa occasionally lapsed back into mental illness and fell back into her old behaviors of drug abuse and casual sex. Each time, Nathan was there to help her return to normalcy. It was during these periods of depression and subsequent mania that she produced her best artwork. These times took their toll on Melissa and Nathan's marriage, but they survived, and their relationship only grew stronger. At one point, Nathan had a breakdown of his own, and finally confided in Melissa that he had committed war crimes while behind enemy lines in Vietnam - crimes that had been covered up by the military. Through all this, they stayed together.

On Melissa and Nathan's twentieth anniversary, Nathan left the house and went to the corporate office at the World Trade Center. That was the last time Melissa ever saw Nathan. On September 11, 2001, Melissa watched on television as the Twin Towers came crashing to the ground. Her husband was on one of the floors that were directly hit, and he likely died instantly. This final tragedy in her life broke Melissa. She woke up the next day and was confused to find that Nathan wasn't there. The events of the previous day had to be explained to her. Then they had to be explained again. Melissa seemed unable to remember anything about what happened, regardless of how many times she was told.

Doctors diagnosed Melissa with anterograde amnesia - she had become completely unable to form new memories. They speculated that this was caused by a combination of her pre-existing mental illness, and the accute emotional trauma of losing her husband in such a dramatic fashion on their 20th anniversary. Melissa's oldest daughter, who was a corporate lawyer, took control of Hancroft Industries and the majority of the family fortune. Melissa's second daughter, Katie, moved in with Melissa at the family estate in order to help provide the full-time care that she needed. Melissa's youngest child, Christian, joined the Navy, became a SEAL, and went off to fight in the Middle East.

Melissa's life became a sort of living hell. Every day, multiple times a day, she learned of her husband's death. She felt that same initial shock and grief every time she heard the "news", and her condition became compounded by her depression. Shortly after learning that her son had been killed in action in Afghanistan, Melissa took her own life on February 12, 2004.

And that... is Melissa's story.
Test Subject
#322 Old 12th Dec 2012 at 12:20 AM
After everything written about Melissa, I get the ending. Farewell Melissa.
#323 Old 26th Dec 2012 at 6:31 PM
Thank you for the 'closure', surfer85! I have been periodically checking back here in the hope of another update so it's great to hear where you would have taken this story, even though you'll no longer be updating. Much better than just never knowing what would have happened.

"Your life was a liner I voyaged in."
Lab Assistant
#324 Old 27th Dec 2012 at 12:14 AM
Couldn't agree more with Phoeberg. I've loved this story from the very beginning. Truly dynamic.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#325 Old 30th Dec 2012 at 2:26 AM
Thank you, all three of you, for your kind words.

So, here's some news: the refurbished computer that I bought after my old laptop died (for 300 bucks lol) is WAY more powerful than my old computer. More than powerful enough to run the Sims 3, in fact! So I bought the Sims 3 and have been playing the heck out of it. I love love love love LOVE love love The Sims 3. It has so many great new features that, to me, it feels like an improvement on 2 in literally every way.

Now, me being the crazy storyteller that I am, I just HAVE to chronicle the life of my first sim in this new game. Her name is Laura Hancroft (I just love that surname).

I'm actually thinking of starting a new story thread. If I do, it will be VERY casual. There would be no deep plots or storylines, no incredibly long chapters. Instead, I would make one "page" each day, and each page would be a standalone "episode". It would be much like the daily comics in a newspaper, where the strip on Monday probably wouldn't have much to do with the strip shown on Tuesday.

Here's an example of what I'm talking about. Here's one week's worth of Sims 3 "comic strips":

What do you guys and gals think? It would require less tedious work, as my workload would be cut by like 95%. There would be less commitment, as I could just say "it's completed" whenever I get bored with it, or I could switch to someone else as a main character. And I would make a week's worth of strips all at once, and just upload one to the story thread each day like a real daily comic strip.

I think it sounds fun.
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