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#451 Old 27th Oct 2008 at 5:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by muttlass
silent is NOT on a vacation. I mailed her just the other day...

Silent may have taken her computer on vacation?...
Forum Resident
#452 Old 27th Oct 2008 at 6:25 PM
Quote: Originally posted by muttlass
silent is NOT on a vacation. I mailed her just the other day...

I'm sorry? Was there a reason to be rude about it?

~*I'm a she*~
The Booty calls to you, you cannot resist it
I use Target and Kodak Gallery for my pictures, you should too... :D
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#453 Old 22nd Nov 2008 at 5:32 PM
Hello...? *Echoes*

Yup. Dead as a doorknob.
#454 Old 22nd Nov 2008 at 9:40 PM
Where Did You Go Please Come Back
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#455 Old 25th Nov 2008 at 10:55 PM
*Wakes up, growls and grumbles, then gets back to work on the next chapter*

Sorry about the wait, it's been pretty hectic recently with a bunch of stuff, such as trying to find a job, waiting for my new PC which has still yet to be finished, and worrying about the phone when it rings in case it's my aunt with news of my uncle's death. Plus I've been without internet for a week due to problems that have now been resolved. New chapter will be up within the next few days.

I would like to clear up the little matter of my sanity as it has come into question. I am not in any way, shape, or form, sane. Insane? Hell yes!

People keep calling me 'evil.' I must be doing something right.

SilentPsycho - The Official MTS2 Psycho
Top Secret Researcher
#456 Old 26th Nov 2008 at 8:24 PM
YAYS. New Chapter!

Sorry to hear about all your problems though :]

Previously known as 'simcharley1990'
#457 Old 27th Nov 2008 at 9:54 AM
Hope your life gets better and am happy to hear the next chapter is coming.
Maybe you could work out some of your frustration in real life in Noir's life.

1st Place : Superb Sibling, Hearts Consume the Stars Contests
2nd place : Daddy N Me Cycle 2 Alien Edition, Sims Real Estate Contests
3rd Place : World Zombie Model Agency Contest
4th Placce : Aspiration N Me, Maxis Makeover Home Edition, My Girl, Stages of Life, SRE Cycle 2 Contests
Test Subject
#458 Old 27th Nov 2008 at 8:03 PM
Quote: Originally posted by photo
I'm sorry? Was there a reason to be rude about it?

I Apologise, I didn't mean to sound rude.
Please forgive me.
Test Subject
#459 Old 27th Nov 2008 at 8:07 PM
Yays! New Chapter! So sorry to hear about your problems though.

Don't stress about the New Chapter.
We will wait if necessary.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#460 Old 1st Dec 2008 at 7:59 PM
Okay, maybe a few more days. I think real life just hates me right now.

*Wraps herself up in a quilt and takes her flu medicine*

I would like to clear up the little matter of my sanity as it has come into question. I am not in any way, shape, or form, sane. Insane? Hell yes!

People keep calling me 'evil.' I must be doing something right.

SilentPsycho - The Official MTS2 Psycho
Top Secret Researcher
#461 Old 1st Dec 2008 at 8:10 PM
Silent, take your time, real life and health comes first

Previously known as 'simcharley1990'
Test Subject
#462 Old 1st Dec 2008 at 11:36 PM
#463 Old 14th Dec 2008 at 2:19 AM
I've just read all of "Noir Arachni" and I love it sooo much, it is the best fic on here lol!

Noir is evil and selfish and shallow but you can't help loving her )

Update when you're ready, we'll wait!
Lab Assistant
#464 Old 14th Dec 2008 at 7:14 AM
i too am enjoying this story, cant wait for an update!!! We'll be here waiting patiently!!!!!
#465 Old 24th Dec 2008 at 8:06 AM
*Waits for another update patiently*
Test Subject
#466 Old 26th Dec 2008 at 7:18 PM
Wow, this story is so much fun! I just sat here and read the whole thing through. Can't wait for more updates, but until then, rest up and feel better.
Test Subject
#467 Old 6th Jan 2009 at 7:24 PM
Happy New year everyone!... A TOAST TO NOIR AND SILENT!!!
Test Subject
#468 Old 16th Jan 2009 at 4:19 AM
I love this story Silent, Noir is awesome! I also just recently got my sis hooked, lol, when she read the last chapter, she was all, " what no more?"

We patiently await your next update.
#469 Old 18th Jan 2009 at 6:40 AM
I'm in love with this story. This is officially the second sims story I've read and I really really liked!

Amazing, and I can really see the change in your writing abilities. It was ok at first but now it's fantastic! Great pictures. Great story. Just plain fun! I can't wait until you have the time to finish this piece up!
#470 Old 19th Jan 2009 at 5:00 PM
I must admit that I don't read many stories, challenge or not, but this one is an exceptionally well-written and interesting story.
Noir is a character and a half! Updates are truly worth waiting for.
Lab Assistant
#471 Old 25th Jan 2009 at 8:06 AM
I just found this story and I'm loving it.

This is not relevant but the guy in the pink scarf (in picture #8) and Nina Caliente from Pleasantview and the parents of my avatar. Haha. He has a questionable sense of fashion but he makes really good looking babies.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#472 Old 13th Feb 2009 at 10:30 PM
Grah! Really sorry about this, but the next update may be delayed. I'm having so problems with my own PC at the moment, so I'm stuck on the Non-Sims PC. Hopefully I can get my brother out, and it can be fixed, touch wood.

I would like to clear up the little matter of my sanity as it has come into question. I am not in any way, shape, or form, sane. Insane? Hell yes!

People keep calling me 'evil.' I must be doing something right.

SilentPsycho - The Official MTS2 Psycho
#473 Old 13th Feb 2009 at 11:22 PM
Ahhh, damn PCs.
Never mind, I'll wait :P
Cant wait to see what Noir is up to next.

Call me Meg

lately i want everything
every star tied to a string

av credit
Lab Assistant
#474 Old 14th Feb 2009 at 12:54 AM
Good luck silent!
i know how you feel.
i have a poopy computer too lol
Turquoise Dragon
retired moderator
#475 Old 14th Feb 2009 at 5:40 AM

Well, hopefully things will go better for you and you can get your pc fixed.

Love your story!
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