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SimCribbling~ Dark Elf Lusam

by Ren Posted 19th Jan 2007 at 5:03 AM - Updated 22nd Jan 2007 at 3:31 PM by Ren
69 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 63 Feedback Posts, 5 Thanks Posts
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world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
#2 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 6:08 AM
Absofrackinglutely gorgeous, Ren. Your work is amazing. Thanks for sharing him with us - I may actually have to load up and play, just to have this beauty in my game.

my simblr (sometimes nsfw)

“Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.”
Panquecas, panquecas e mais panquecas.
Forum Resident
#3 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 6:22 AM
I really LOVE everything you make!! I cant wait for your new hair, its the cutest hairstyle Ive ever seen!!!! Thankyou for this sim, cant wait to add him to my game!!!!
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 6:26 AM
He looks amazing Ren! Thanks for sharing him with us!

I can only please one person. Todays not your day. Tomorrows not looking good either.
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 6:57 AM
Ooh~ Gorgeous, gorgeous one you have there. :] Thanks for sharing! I'll find him a nice, cozy home in my game for sure. :D

Art, the most sublime mission of mankind for it is the exercice of the mind that seeks to understand and to make understand.
#6 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 7:10 AM
Helloooooo sexy!
Test Subject
#7 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 7:24 AM
Wow, is he gorgeous! Thank you for sharing, he makes me smile. ^_^
Test Subject
#8 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 7:40 AM
Wow, already featured! I already downloaded Lusam from your website, but I have to say that everything you make is just gorgeous. Thank you so much!
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 7:53 AM
Wow. He's breathtaking. Thank you for sharing this.
Field Researcher
#10 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 8:03 AM
You. Are. A. Genius.
I am so glad that you're back, Louis. Your site is the best ever!
Much love!

Though the Vogon persistently referred to him as "my private brain care specialist" there was not a lot of brain to take care of.

- The Resturant At The End Of The Universe, Douglas Adams -
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 8:30 AM
You're fantastic, Louis and your dark elf looks great!
I love your new elf ears, they are so cute ^^
Test Subject
#12 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 8:54 AM
I Love SIMCRIBBLINGS work...the alterations are cool.

Field Researcher
#13 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 10:12 AM
He is gorgeously hot!!
Thank you so much, Ren, for sharing your extraordinary talent with us!!
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 11:36 AM
-melts- :'D

Hellooo~ gorgeous~ <333 He's seriously, like, too hot for words. x_x; My Sims are gonna love him. >w< Thanks!

Look everyone. A signature. <3
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 12:57 PM
Wow! I don't normally download sims- especially male ones- but I must add this one to my collection!

And congratulations on the feature :D

If God intended for there to be Pay-sites for the Sims 2, He would have given us all Paypal accounts.
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 1:14 PM
Congratulations on the feature, you´ve earned it!
I was little bit suprised to see one of you sims available here. Thought that they are available only on your site or Neighborhood 99. Oh, by the way I want to thank you
for showing the way to Neighborhood 99, great place! Thank You, Ren.
And thank you for this magnificent sim!
Top Secret Researcher
#17 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 3:05 PM
Oh this elf makes you wish sims was real sometimes... LOL

Congrats on the feature Louis, you so deserve it, you give us the best always :-)

You will find my older and newest creations here
Test Subject
#18 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 3:38 PM
He is so beautiful, thank you. Thank you too for long years of gorgeous quality downloads.
#19 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 7:10 PM
Lab Assistant
#20 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 7:40 PM
He's really cute, thank you!
Test Subject
#21 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 7:55 PM
He's like...the hottest...ever..! SIM! The hottest SIM ever! =P

Thank You!
Lab Assistant
#22 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 8:01 PM
he's so cute<3 !
Lab Assistant
#23 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 8:09 PM
Finally been featured? About time Congratulations!
Thankyou for this gorgeous sim, he's beautiful <3
Lab Assistant
#24 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 8:22 PM
What a hottie!
#25 Old 22nd Jan 2007 at 10:47 PM
He's gorgeous! Congratulations on the feature; you definitely deserve it.
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