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figure skater career

by alanqlowell Posted 21st Mar 2010 at 2:15 AM - Updated 12th Jun 2013 at 12:08 AM by alanqlowell
26 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 22 Feedback Posts, 3 Thanks Posts
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#2 Old 21st Mar 2010 at 2:51 AM
I assume that there are chance cards. What are the main skills required? I would have assumed that you might have cloned it from the dancer career.

Nonetheless, thank you for your creativity - Sims 2 still lives and thrives due to the people that continue to offer their creations!

Imagine a world without hypothetical situations
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#3 Old 21st Mar 2010 at 4:05 AM
Thanks for your kind words!

There are chance cards for 5 of the levels. This is not cloned from the dance career at all. Originally it was cloned from the slacker career. There are those of us who believe figure skating is the highest form of dance, even higher than anything in the dance career!

At the lower levels you'll need mechanical skills to operate all the machinery at the ice rink. Later on when you start competing you'll need body and creativity. At the very highest levels you'll need charisma to attract a sponsor.
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#4 Old 21st Mar 2010 at 10:42 AM
Nice first career! Its a really smart idea. I would of never thought of that career!

Getting exited about mail is a good distraction from the norm constantly-thinking-of-your-inevitable-death
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#5 Old 21st Mar 2010 at 1:50 PM
This looks really interesting!
I'm not sure when I'll get to use it, but this looks like it could be really fun!
I've only read the first carear description because I want it to be a surprise lol
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#6 Old 21st Mar 2010 at 9:33 PM
omg - im a figure skater, and I've always wanted something like this - it looks AWESOME thank you
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#7 Old 2nd Apr 2010 at 10:46 PM
AMAZING! Thank you for this download! How I can finally go for the skating gold- I mean er- my Sims can xD Thanks again!
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#8 Old 4th Apr 2010 at 2:03 AM
Thanks for sharing.. Will I need the university ep for this download
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#9 Old 4th Apr 2010 at 5:33 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Anna~
Thanks for sharing.. Will I need the university ep for this download

you should not need university to run this career. I don't have sims university on my computer and I can run the career just fine.
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#10 Old 18th Apr 2010 at 6:36 PM
Does this career have it's own GUID, or does it replace an existing game career?
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#11 Old 20th Apr 2010 at 4:13 AM
Hello, I love this cereer, but I'm pretty lost. How do I find the career once installed? It is looking in the newspaper or internet, no?

Sorry if this is a silly question D:
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#12 Old 21st Apr 2010 at 4:38 AM
Quote: Originally posted by RudieCantFail
Does this career have it's own GUID, or does it replace an existing game career?

Hi there, RudieCantFail. This career has its own GUID and won't rteplace any career that I know of. By the way, nice to see you are a big fan of The Clash like me!
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#13 Old 21st Apr 2010 at 4:42 AM
Quote: Originally posted by laura300099
Hello, I love this cereer, but I'm pretty lost. How do I find the career once installed? It is looking in the newspaper or internet, no?

Sorry if this is a silly question D:

Not a silly question. Sometimes it takes a while for the career you want to randomly come up in the newspaper and computer job listings, especially when you download as many careers as me. Sometimes you just have to be patient........or you can cheat.

Hit shift+cntl+C and in the window that appears at the top of your screen type, "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" but without the spaces. Then hold down the shift key and click on the newspaper. Click on adult jobs and select the one you want from the list.
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 13th Jun 2010 at 5:57 AM
I'm very excited to try this play through this career! I even made a sim just for it...unfortunately when I had her search the (hacked) paper, the job was nowhere to be found! I redownloaded, and still no luck...until I noticed two "slacker" careers! Sure enough, one was really this one, complete with awesome custom icon. Everything looks great except, of course, that the job title is still "Slacker" D= Anyone else have this problem or know what might be going on? Thanks so much!

paysites suck.
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#15 Old 17th Jun 2010 at 4:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by azraelchan
I'm very excited to try this play through this career! I even made a sim just for it...unfortunately when I had her search the (hacked) paper, the job was nowhere to be found! I redownloaded, and still no luck...until I noticed two "slacker" careers! Sure enough, one was really this one, complete with awesome custom icon. Everything looks great except, of course, that the job title is still "Slacker" D= Anyone else have this problem or know what might be going on? Thanks so much!

I thought I eliminated all traces of the slacker career from this. I'll have to go back and look for that.

My wife made the skate icon. Thanks for your kind words.
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#16 Old 21st Jun 2010 at 5:08 AM
Quote: Originally posted by azraelchan
I'm very excited to try this play through this career! I even made a sim just for it...unfortunately when I had her search the (hacked) paper, the job was nowhere to be found! I redownloaded, and still no luck...until I noticed two "slacker" careers! Sure enough, one was really this one, complete with awesome custom icon. Everything looks great except, of course, that the job title is still "Slacker" D= Anyone else have this problem or know what might be going on? Thanks so much!

hrmm strange I used the cheat on the newspaper and I saw the career figure skater just fine. You may have to exit the sims and start it up again, that may clear out the bug.
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#17 Old 10th Sep 2010 at 12:31 PM
It's fantastic career! I can't wait to use it in the game
Lab Assistant
#18 Old 30th Nov 2010 at 7:48 PM
This is just awesome! Just what I needed for one of my stories. Thank you very much (:
Lab Assistant
#19 Old 19th May 2011 at 12:46 AM
I love figure skating and I am so excited to download this! I was wondering if there was a way to switch the levels "International Champion" and "National Champion"
(# 6 and 7, I believe, or 7 and 8). As far as I know, people usually achieve nationals before internationals, but in this career they're switched. Thank you!!!!

"Ladies and gentlemen,
take my advice:
Pull down your pants,
and slide on the ice."
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#20 Old 3rd Jul 2011 at 6:22 PM
Quote: Originally posted by NewSimmer
I love figure skating and I am so excited to download this! I was wondering if there was a way to switch the levels "International Champion" and "National Champion"
(# 6 and 7, I believe, or 7 and 8). As far as I know, people usually achieve nationals before internationals, but in this career they're switched. Thank you!!!!

Sorry it took me a while to respond, my wife was dragging me off to play the sims

To answer your original question, I made "international competitor" come before "nationals champion" because in real life figure skaters are allowed to compete in international skating events even if they are not national champions.
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#21 Old 30th Mar 2012 at 12:06 AM
great idea for a career. i just wish that the wages were a bit higher. at least the top 3 levels' wages being in the thousands. that's the only thing keeping me from downloading it.
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#22 Old 15th Aug 2012 at 5:44 PM
This is great! But does it also work for teens? Many thanks!
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#23 Old 15th Jan 2013 at 4:34 AM
Hey, I would love to see someone convert this for the new Sims 3 seasons! Unfortunately I have no idea how!
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#24 Old 8th Mar 2013 at 10:18 PM
by the way, there's now a university major that corresponds to this career. The major was created by another user, "eliseluong". You can check out the link here:
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#25 Old 8th Mar 2013 at 10:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Debb1970
Hey, I would love to see someone convert this for the new Sims 3 seasons! Unfortunately I have no idea how!

At present I'm only playing the sims2. I haven't been able to convince my wife that we need to play sims3 because she doesn't like the look of sims in sims3.
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