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No Freezing in CAS

by Lenna9 Posted 9th Jan 2023 at 7:00 PM
22 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 13 Feedback Posts, 8 Thanks Posts
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Top Secret Researcher
#2 Old 9th Jan 2023 at 7:45 PM
Spectacular! Thank you so much for sharing this handy mod! Now people can make Seasonally themed CAS screens if they'd like.
that chaos-loving 'bre
staff: trainee moderator
#3 Old 9th Jan 2023 at 8:24 PM
Question, does this mod change only the freezing behaviour in CAS, or does it disable the temperature mechanic from Seasons altogether?

Great idea to tackle a common problem though. I've got an AnyGameStarter with no Seasons just for custom CAS environments, but this is a good alternative.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#4 Old 9th Jan 2023 at 9:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by LimeyYoshi
Question, does this mod change only the freezing behaviour in CAS, or does it disable the temperature mechanic from Seasons altogether?

Only freezing in CAS.
that chaos-loving 'bre
staff: trainee moderator THANKS POST
#5 Old 9th Jan 2023 at 10:05 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lenna9
Only freezing in CAS.

Okay, after this comment I actually went and looked inside the file to see what you did to disable it only in CAS and... that's actually so trivial. I can't believe Maxis didn't put this check in themselves.

Welp, time to uninstall that AnyGame! And thank you for the mod!
Test Subject
#6 Old 10th Jan 2023 at 8:26 AM
Thank you very much Lenna9 !!! I had waited for this Fix-Mod for years!!! i think it was 10 years ago the last time i used a custom CAS and my sims would freeze to death . I had to stop using them anymore. It was a pity , there were some very cool CAS's. I have played this game since its first release, and i still do XD , thank u again
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 10th Jan 2023 at 2:13 PM
I've waited a whole decade for this. ? May you find fortune and happiness this year.
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 10th Jan 2023 at 2:40 PM
Finally i can edit my custom cas without freezing, thank you!
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 11th Jan 2023 at 3:32 AM
Does this also prevent stray pets from showing up in CAS or do we still need to disable Pets with AnyGameStarter?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#10 Old 11th Jan 2023 at 11:44 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Spiderses
Does this also prevent stray pets from showing up in CAS or do we still need to disable Pets with AnyGameStarter?

No and unfortunately I still can't figure out what's causing this bug - the stray controller seems to have all the necessary checks. But I have 2 potential solutions to this problem:
Fence the lot. This will not fix the bug, but will make it not visible.
Delete all controllers from the lot. You have to move Sim into the lot, force errors on off-world using the Batbox, click "Delete" on every window that appears, move out the Sim (of course, you will also need Stay Thing Shrub) and clean the lot of a Sim references using the Lot Compressor (with new knowledge about neighborhood corruption, I'm not sure this last is necessary). If you do this, it will also fix freezing Sims without my fix.
that chaos-loving 'bre
staff: trainee moderator
#11 Old 11th Jan 2023 at 3:21 PM Last edited by LimeyYoshi : 12th Jan 2023 at 6:17 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by Spiderses
Does this also prevent stray pets from showing up in CAS or do we still need to disable Pets with AnyGameStarter?

You don't need to disable Pets at all to have no stray pets in CAS, I never disabled Pets when I made my custom CAS screen, only Seasons (and even that restriction is now gone).

Any mod that disables stray pets altogether works just as fine, MATY's nostrayrespawn is what I use. You can also take this mod out for when you play normally, and just put it in for when you need it, like how I also handle the No Plumbobs mod for example.

Alternatively of course, you can do what @Lenna9 suggested and just fence the lot off on the outside, or clean the lot of controllers (but the latter is honestly more time-consuming than just getting a no-strays mod).

EDIT: The no-stray mod doesn't prevent wolves or the Leader of the Pack from spawning, of course. But these can only show up at night anyway, and I've never seen it become night in CAS before.
#12 Old 13th Jan 2023 at 9:30 PM
Regarding strays, I came up with an idea, but have no way of testing it right now.

Instead of forcing errors on controllers, would it be enough to just delete pedestrian portal objects using Portal Revealer?
Pros: the method's faster.
Cons: while the strays may not appear on the lot (having no feasible way to "arrive" there), it could be that the strays still get spawned, but don't appear.

I'm still unsure whether the generated strays get saved anywhere (get their own character file) or screw up the Sim Creation Index (if last character file in a neighborhood is N001_User0050, and three strays get generated during the CAS lot visit, does the newly created Sim get assigned character file N001_User0051 or N001_User0054 because of the strays?). If neither of those two cases are true, then it truly would help to just delete the portal objects.

Jonain päivänä mä toivon, että pääsen käymään Suomessa – ja heti perillä unohdan kaiken, mitä oon oppinut suomen kielestä, ja sanon vaan 'kahvia'.
DJ. who?
that chaos-loving 'bre
staff: trainee moderator
#13 Old 16th Jan 2023 at 12:53 AM
I went ahead and tried it out after strays suddenly started appearing in CAS despite the no stray mod in the folder for some reason...?

Either way, I got rid of both Portal - Pedestrian objects, and left the car portals intact.
My last character file was User00909; I made four Sims and a pet and left the music off during Sim creation.
I heard the ambient wolf/dog noises, but that was it. No actual cat or dog showed up on the lot, or around it. In addition, character files were named 910 through 914 as they should, and there are no stubs that got generated in addition, even during the CAS session (I did monitor it).

So yes, absolutely feasible, and I will keep doing this now each time I am editing the CAS lot in the future.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#14 Old 16th Jan 2023 at 2:21 AM
@LimeyYoshi No stray mod only prevents new strays from generating in your neighborhood, not from appearing on a lot. If your neighborhood already has any strays, nostrayrespawn won't help you - pets that already exist will still be able to spawn on a lot.
that chaos-loving 'bre
staff: trainee moderator
#15 Old 18th Jan 2023 at 3:11 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lenna9
@LimeyYoshi No stray mod only prevents new strays from generating in your neighborhood, not from appearing on a lot. If your neighborhood already has any strays, nostrayrespawn won't help you - pets that already exist will still be able to spawn on a lot.

Okay, your comment helped me figure out why I had no strays on my previous custom CAS but then they started appearing on my new custom CAS.

My previous CAS was made in an AnyGame that had Seasons disabled but not Pets. There were no neighbourhoods though and the one I edited the CAS lot in was completely empty (no Sims existed in it).
However, when I changed the CAS lot, I put it into a populated n'hood...

Now that I have your mod AND the portals removed from the lot, I can plop down the CAS lot about anywhere now though, so I won't need to worry about that anymore. :D
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 19th Jan 2023 at 12:01 AM
After reading comments, yeah i had the same problem too about pets appeared in CAS after i edited but what about VisitorController? it can ban all pets like dog, cat, stray and wolves from the lot.
#17 Old 21st Jan 2023 at 8:40 PM
It can, but it would require moving a Sim on the lot, moving them back out, and potentially the stay-things shrub, depending on when you remembered to do that step. Also, do the Visitor Controller settings stick even after moving Sims out? I'm not sure what it modifies.

Jonain päivänä mä toivon, että pääsen käymään Suomessa – ja heti perillä unohdan kaiken, mitä oon oppinut suomen kielestä, ja sanon vaan 'kahvia'.
DJ. who?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#18 Old 21st Jan 2023 at 11:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Alex5
After reading comments, yeah i had the same problem too about pets appeared in CAS after i edited but what about VisitorController? it can ban all pets like dog, cat, stray and wolves from the lot.

Visitor Controller has a check to not work in CAS, for some reason.
Field Researcher
#19 Old 24th Jan 2023 at 1:52 AM
I can hardly believe this was fixable all this time! Thank you so much for taking the time to make and share this.
Lab Assistant
#20 Old 1st Feb 2023 at 4:40 AM
NEEDED THIS! AnyGameStarter just Does Not Work for me.
Lab Assistant
#21 Old 7th May 2024 at 1:24 AM
Thank you so much !!! This was loooong needed :D
Staff - Moderator
staff: moderator
#22 Old 31st May 2024 at 11:03 PM
If I create a CAS room with Seasons enabled and then use it, do I need to use this mod while making the CAS room, or while using it, or during both?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#23 Old 1st Jun 2024 at 11:45 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Eca
If I create a CAS room with Seasons enabled and then use it, do I need to use this mod while making the CAS room, or while using it, or during both?
While using it, but it won't hurt during both.