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Grim Reaper Tablet Override for Historical Saves (Cursed Book)

by Naunakht Posted 8th May 2024 at 6:10 AM - Updated 25th Jun 2024 at 5:47 AM by Naunakht
Test Subject
#2 Old 12th May 2024 at 2:18 AM
Once again you provide the best stuff for us historical players. Thank you so much!!
Test Subject
#3 Old 17th Aug 2024 at 3:21 PM
muchas gracias
Test Subject
#4 Old 21st Aug 2024 at 11:29 AM
I love little changes like this, they make historical / medieval game play so much more immersive. Not that the Grim Reaper with his tablet wasn't cute, but I love the look of that book. Thank you :)
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 20th Nov 2024 at 9:54 PM
I love this SO much, and it looks amazing in game! But I unfortunately had to remove it because I didn't realize Grim used the same tablet as the regular one and it overrides them all in-game, hence the fact that it's noted for historical saves. I've never been around the grim reaper enough to pay attention the tablet in my game, but I've come full circle now, lol.
Highly recommend for historical saves or off-the-grid living though, A+ for ingenuity!
Test Subject
#6 Old 9th Jan 2025 at 12:52 PM
YEEEESSSSSS. THank you so mush!