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Saraceno (Luxury Mediterranean Villa, 3 BR, 4 BA, Fully Furnished)

by mairi0336 Posted 28th Jan 2007 at 6:20 AM - Updated 29th Jun 2009 at 7:33 PM by mairi0336
77 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 75 Feedback Posts, 1 Thanks Posts
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#2 Old 29th Jan 2007 at 5:33 PM
This is B E A U T I F U L!!!! I can't even decorate my own house... lol Great Job!!
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 29th Jan 2007 at 5:41 PM
this is my favorite of the ones uploaded to modtheims2 as of yet!

Click HERE to view all of my downloads!

Ty Woodchip50
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 29th Jan 2007 at 5:45 PM
I really takes talent to make Maxis-only houses look as beautiful as this! Good work!
Field Researcher
#5 Old 29th Jan 2007 at 5:48 PM
This is adorable! I can't wait for my sims to move in! Thank you very much
Test Subject
#6 Old 29th Jan 2007 at 6:10 PM
This house is exquisite. There are no other words that can describe. I could never make a "Maxis" house look so extraordinary. Although I cannot play such a large lot, I envy those who can. You are truly talented. Possibly the best I have seen. Thank you so much for sharing your talent. Keep up the excellent work!!

After storms weathered my heart by and by,
You placed for me, a rainbow, high in the sky.
You comforted me, Consoled me, Consumed me,
Consummated me.
You loved me long, I loved you hard.
That spring we were rarely apart.
Seasons changed
Mad Poster
#7 Old 29th Jan 2007 at 6:48 PM
Beautiful lot mairi, a well deserved feature.
thank you

You know a site allowing re-upload of free build/buy stuff in lots ? Help us to update the list !

* Plus j'échoue plus je m'approche de la réussite
* The more I fail the more I approach the success

(Lao patul MMVI AD)
#8 Old 29th Jan 2007 at 6:50 PM
Wow, what an impressive lot, it is really gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing with us! This house is going to make one of my sim families VERY happy! :D

Curvalicious Sims 2 (My website, only sims 2 stuff currently)Curvalicious Sims2

For more great content check out PMBD

#9 Old 29th Jan 2007 at 6:52 PM
oh btw, forgot to mention, I absolutely LOVE your horse paintings, can we upload these in our houses submitted to MTS2?

Curvalicious Sims 2 (My website, only sims 2 stuff currently)Curvalicious Sims2

For more great content check out PMBD

Field Researcher
Original Poster
#10 Old 29th Jan 2007 at 7:02 PM
Yes, you may include the paintings in uploaded houses--those were submitted freely for you to do whatever you wish with them--just don't use them for commercial purposes. (And please give credit!)

I will be releasing some more paintings with future house uploads. The first house of my new Country Estates series is in development now and will include some more paintings for you to enjoy. Have fun!

Test Subject
#11 Old 29th Jan 2007 at 7:44 PM
Really loved your presentation!
Test Subject
#12 Old 29th Jan 2007 at 7:45 PM
I like it , I like it , I like it :-)
thank you
#13 Old 29th Jan 2007 at 9:17 PM
Just out of curiousity, how did you get the polished floors?
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#14 Old 29th Jan 2007 at 9:49 PM
I used the Millenium reflective floor tiles, available here:

They're transparent--just lay them down over your regular floor, and make sure that reflections are enabled in the Options menu of your game. The floors use your mirror files, but they don't affect anything. Enjoy!

Test Subject
#15 Old 29th Jan 2007 at 10:42 PM
when i try to install it it says i don't have the expasion packs, but i have nightlife and sims 2? why is this? please i want to really download this!
Field Researcher
#16 Old 29th Jan 2007 at 11:13 PM
Wow! Stunning lot and amazingly you have managed to make the maxis things look nice! Great use of the games objects!

I'd love to have this lot in my game but as its so big I will have to pass, but I definitely can appreciate your amazing job here!

My Sims2 Blog: CLICKY ME.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#17 Old 30th Jan 2007 at 12:43 AM
I do plan to make some smaller houses in the future--the big ones are so fun to build, though!

Tinuke: To use this house, you will need the following expansions: Nightlife, Open For Business, University, and Pets. If you have all of those expansions and still can't install the house, let me know so I can fix it! Thanks.

For people who don't have all the expansions, I am planning on making a limited series of houses that don't require any expansions at all (just Sims 2) sometime in the near future.

Lab Assistant
#18 Old 30th Jan 2007 at 1:10 AM Last edited by bluemoon11 : 30th Jan 2007 at 1:26 AM.
Wow, this is absolutely amazing! My sims are so spoiled already and this will just make it worse... but they all thank you, and I thank you as well! I love the shower for two...

You're right about the mirror floors slowing down computers, I put them in just one bathroom once and that's why my computer hates me... and my computer is fairly decent... :/

I think that if you build a house with nightlife, it will require nightlife... but I could be wrong... and people can just use clean installer.

Tinuke :: use Clean Installer. [ ] It should work fine. I have Clean Installer and I love it.

The real John McCain

There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.
-Albert Schweitzer
Test Subject
#19 Old 30th Jan 2007 at 2:33 AM
thx for the help. but i how do i install it with clean installer, it's not a package file. so i doesn't show up.
Field Researcher
#20 Old 30th Jan 2007 at 3:21 AM
Wow....Great Lot...

You Have Beautiful Pictures Too....

Yes I agree as well, quite shallow and pedantic....
Test Subject
#21 Old 30th Jan 2007 at 3:34 AM
Your design is very wonderful.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#22 Old 30th Jan 2007 at 11:51 AM

If you remove some of the expansion items from the house (if that is possible), some things may not work correctly, so be very careful.

But from what I understand, if you build a house with an expansion, it requires that expansion. Most of my houses use essential building tools from the expansions (like elevators, garages, split-level flooring, etc), that cannot be removed.

Check out this site for detailed instructions (and screenshots) on how to use Clean Installer. I don't know if Clean Installer will remove expansion items or not--many of them are integrated into the house build itself. I'm not sure how that works. I've never tried to remove things like that with it.

I will be releasing a new (limited) series of houses soon that don't require any expansions at all, so that a broader range of people can enjoy them.

I'm sorry if this doesn't help you! I hope it does.


#23 Old 30th Jan 2007 at 1:55 PM
No words, mairie, your latest houses are fantastic, I couldnt' say that just they are one better then the previous one because they are all TOP CLASS. Good job, I'm really happy for you of such a great success! Kiss and ciao.
Test Subject
#24 Old 30th Jan 2007 at 11:16 PM
for some reason the house is showing up in my game over600 MILLIOn dollars....
I cant move a sim into it >.> any suggestions?
Test Subject
#25 Old 30th Jan 2007 at 11:18 PM
For some reason the house is costing over 600 million in my game....ANy ideas?
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