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*testers wanted* Modern CAS screen -no custom content!!-

by SugaFairy Posted 6th May 2007 at 5:02 PM - Updated 11th Jun 2007 at 1:25 PM by SugaFairy
8 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 6 Feedback Posts, 1 Thanks Posts
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Lab Assistant
#2 Old 6th May 2007 at 9:09 PM
Thank you for this it's so beautiful and clean. I absolutely love it.

Get anime recolors and more - here
Sorry I can no longer make recolors for Sims 2.

You can make a pretty picnic but you can't predict the weather - "Ms. Jackson", Outkast
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 7th May 2007 at 2:30 PM
Very cute! SugaFairy, the reason a sim does that is because of Seasons. Still, love the modern backdrop!
#4 Old 7th May 2007 at 3:17 PM
Hi SugaFairy, check out this turorial!
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Original Poster
#5 Old 8th May 2007 at 4:03 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Beaglegirl
Very cute! SugaFairy, the reason a sim does that is because of Seasons. Still, love the modern backdrop!

Thanks a lot... I thought I did something wrong
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Original Poster
#6 Old 8th May 2007 at 4:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by verenaheu
Hi SugaFairy, check out this turorial!

Thank you for the tip. Next time my sims hopefully WON'T die while creatinge them
Test Subject
#7 Old 7th Oct 2007 at 5:48 AM
Yea my Sim doing the same. She/he is cold and fall on the ground.
Test Subject
#8 Old 7th May 2008 at 7:12 PM Last edited by Dbnguy : 7th May 2008 at 7:18 PM. Reason: Incorrect info
My game seems to be crashing? I have copied the files into my downloads dir - CRASH

So i then copied them into the CAS directory <C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Open For Business\TSData\Res\GlobalLots> renamed the existing file to a old.cas as per the tutorial from Mike Inside, but the game still crashes when I try create a sim.

Any ideas on what I akm doing wrong?

Should I delete the cas packages from the previous expansion packs?
Test Subject
#9 Old 3rd Jan 2011 at 11:41 AM
It is very nice, I thank you very lot. no, that problem does not happen to me. maybe cause of Numeror Any Game Starter. that is a problem solver I should think?