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Meal Hack - Breakfast at Midnight

by dizzy2 Posted 5th Dec 2004 at 12:17 PM - Updated 14th Oct 2008 at 9:25 PM by Christy1077
69 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 66 Feedback Posts, 2 Thanks Posts
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Test Subject
#2 Old 6th Dec 2004 at 8:10 PM
Great idea for a hack. I'll try it out.
#3 Old 6th Dec 2004 at 8:43 PM
how do i download stuff?
Test Subject
#4 Old 6th Dec 2004 at 11:38 PM
Cool thanks
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 7th Dec 2004 at 12:21 AM
thanks, I try it later
Test Subject
#6 Old 7th Dec 2004 at 8:02 AM
Good job! Oh, See where it says 'Attached Files' hit under that.
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 7th Dec 2004 at 5:23 PM
Default How can I erase this patch?
Since I have the Breakfast at Midnight, My Sims don't go to work, they refuse to left the house and I want to erase that to see if it is the problem? So Where I erase it? I don't find it in my download files of my Sims 2.

Test Subject
#8 Old 7th Dec 2004 at 5:26 PM
Hi ich spreche leider kaum englisch, bitte aber trotzdem um hilfe bei mir geht das downloaden leider nicht mehr kann mir bitte jemand helfen!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#9 Old 7th Dec 2004 at 5:27 PM
ililas, to remove this mod delete this file from your Downloads folder:


I seriously doubt this will fix your problem, but good luck.
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 7th Dec 2004 at 5:52 PM
thanks for the answer, I would very like to found what is the problem. This is happening since yesterday, I download lots of hacked thing and I have to found the problem because its really not funny.
#11 Old 8th Dec 2004 at 12:51 AM
Awsome now to make me girl learn to make Chile and have twins with the male maid HAHHAHAHAHA
Test Subject
#12 Old 8th Dec 2004 at 3:46 PM
I seem to be only getting lunchtime meals on the menu, all the time. I've had so many lunch meat sandwhiches lately, hehe.
Test Subject
#13 Old 9th Dec 2004 at 1:08 PM
I try it later but great idea. Thanks!!
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 9th Dec 2004 at 1:56 PM
Well finaly I re-installed (because I had it but uninstall it cause I had many problems but don't know what was cause it) it and don't seem to cause any trouble, I'm very happy about that :D
Test Subject
#15 Old 9th Dec 2004 at 3:47 PM
I would like to see a midnight snack thing. Like a sandwich or glass of milk. My sim always wakes up in the middle of the night.
Field Researcher
#16 Old 10th Dec 2004 at 1:45 AM
This is definitely a great idea. I can't wait to try it out. Now I won't have to lock any food urges they may have.
Test Subject
#17 Old 10th Dec 2004 at 4:35 PM
Hi, someone can tell me where do I install the pack, thank you
Lab Assistant
#18 Old 10th Dec 2004 at 10:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Balou
Hi, someone can tell me where do I install the pack, thank you

My Documents/EAGames/TheSims2/Downloads.

I love eating Breakfast at Midnight!! :D
Test Subject
#19 Old 11th Dec 2004 at 12:33 AM
This is a nice download, thanks. I agree with themarauder in that I'd also like to see some different snack options.
Test Subject
#20 Old 11th Dec 2004 at 12:19 PM
Thank you for the answer, I'm going to install the pack
#21 Old 11th Dec 2004 at 5:01 PM

I had that same problem. Then I found out why: I had no stove! Duh, LOL!!! I bought one and the hack is working fine now.

#22 Old 13th Dec 2004 at 6:08 AM
I did same thing Adictied2sims2. :p
#23 Old 14th Dec 2004 at 1:00 PM
Why would u want to do dis?
Lab Assistant
#24 Old 20th Dec 2004 at 9:07 PM
Thanks so much! I will definitely try it.
#25 Old 26th Dec 2004 at 1:12 PM
It's really good job. :D
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