
- Last Activity:
- 14th Jun 2008 2:22 PM
- Join Date:
- 29th Oct 2004
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- 363 (0.05 posts per day)
- Download Count:
- 232,293
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- Download Count:
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This creator has no TOU!
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dizziness (1.1b) - a pygtk package viewer
by dizzy2 16th Oct 2006 at 1:33pm
This uses a lot of code from disaSim2, only ported over to python. more...

Lunch Server Disposes of Unguarded Homework
by dizzy2 13th Sep 2006 at 4:45pm
This just hit me one day as a neat way to cut down on assignment litter in dorms, which causes more...

Testers Wanted: Uni NPCs Visit All Lots
by dizzy2 5th Nov 2005 at 2:04pm
This hack lets Uni NPCs (like cheerleaders and mascots) visit regular neighborhoods. Uni EP is required. more...

Testers Wanted: No "Turn On" Stereo if Sim is Sleepy version 2
by dizzy2 4th Nov 2005 at 6:34pm
This disables the autonomous "Turn On" for any stereo object if the sim is at or below 50 Energy (about more...

Sims 2 Mod and GUID Checker Tool v1.3 <- unsupported
by dizzy2 29th Sep 2005 at 1:24pm
*** I've marked this unsupported because I don't intend to improve it. Please use an alternative. more...

Testers Wanted: No "Stuff Face"
by dizzy2 26th Sep 2005 at 5:05am
Do you enjoy the thought of pointless random annoyances that have no useful purpose? Neither do I. more...

Testers Wanted: Random Chance Card Decisions ver 2
by dizzy2 22nd Aug 2005 at 11:14pm
This hack now operates the same as the old Chance Card except that if you select "Ignore" the result will more...

NASM macros for creating SimAntics
by dizzy2 20th Aug 2005 at 10:19pm
This creates BHAV (.simpe) data files from NASM macros, which you can "Add" to a package using SimPe. more...

Testers Wanted: Smart Lights updated
by dizzy2 20th Aug 2005 at 10:11pm
* Please note that the old version of Smart Lights may have corrupted your pool lights. more...

Testers Wanted: Daily & Weekly Arsonist/Burglar
by dizzy2 17th Aug 2005 at 7:29am
* Only currently works with the base game and Uni. This will be fixed soon. more...

Testers Wanted: Dorm Homework Guardian
by dizzy2 6th Aug 2005 at 2:04pm
This mod prevents unwanted visitors from using your sim's dorm room to do their homework, provided that your sim has more...

Testers Wanted: Free Will Plumbbob ver 3g & lite
by dizzy2 2nd Aug 2005 at 7:55am
This mod lets you selectively change individual free will of your sims, using the plumbbob. more...

Testers Wanted: NPCs Wear Casual Outfits
by dizzy2 12th Jul 2005 at 8:18am
Have you ever wanted to customize the NPC outfits for certain NPCs? Well, now you can. more...

Testers Wanted: Townie and NPC maker (ver 2b)
by dizzy2 11th Jul 2005 at 3:16am
* Please do NOT use this with Nightlife * This is for people who want to regenerate all the more...

Testers Wanted: Auto Lateral Phone Calls
by dizzy2 9th Jul 2005 at 8:46pm
This mod automatically makes phone calls that reach the unintended sim handled by the sim who answers. more...

Testers Wanted: Homework In Bedroom hack ver 1c
by dizzy2 8th Jul 2005 at 12:55pm
*** *** *** Please note that the bunk beds are from the Grand Trianon Collection . more...

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