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[In Testing]Resources for's various Fixes(updated Oct03, 2011)

by ellacharmed Posted 9th Aug 2011 at 6:34 PM - Updated 24th Oct 2011 at 3:48 AM by ellacharm3d : compatibility with 1.26 note
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Mad Poster
#2 Old 9th Aug 2011 at 7:35 PM
Thanks! I hadn't realised there were even more broken intersections than the one I told you about. Glad to see you were up for fixing them.

My deviantART, MTS Yearbook Origin ID = Alistu
In the Arena
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#3 Old 9th Aug 2011 at 7:56 PM

I see alot more issues (Bridgeport has a lot more curved and "hilly" roads) as I learn about CAW and worlds - but until I get more comfortable and competent in using CAW, I'm not confident in doing those fixes.

For example, some roads are totally not traveled on, there's no traffic on them at all and the vehicles always use the other direction and make a u-turn rather than making a loop. So, I have a lot more of reading, learning and experimenting to do.
#4 Old 9th Aug 2011 at 11:02 PM
I tried to make my own town, but CAW is far to difficult for me, I use only EA towns. I tought towns by EA are created correct, but as I can see... they aren't. Anyway, I have a question, I have other fix of Bridgeport:

So am I supose to add new fix to the old, or should I use original world file and forget about older fix? Fix by HP work's OK, but I still have small lags. And by the way, I'm looking for fixed data for Twinbrook, Riverview and Barnacle Bay, anybody knows of fixes for those towns? They also are a little laggy.
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#5 Old 9th Aug 2011 at 11:21 PM
I went around Bridgeport looking for the disconnections a few months back. One world builder who opened it up mentioned there being a road built directly on top of another road. It would obviously be difficult to spot without lifting roads all around town, which I guess is what they were doing...? Did you catch that anywhere?

I don't want to send you on a wild goose chase, but it may be an issue as well.
Forum Resident
#6 Old 9th Aug 2011 at 11:38 PM
I can't seem to download this, StuffIt gives an unknown format error. I didn't have this problem with either your Sunset Valley fix or WA fixes.
In the Arena
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#7 Old 10th Aug 2011 at 7:14 AM
this fix incorporates HP's fix. So, it will overwrite those changes if you had done HP's fix. Twinbrook is next on my list. Riverview - I haven't open yet, as it is a Store item. And sorry, I don't have Barnacle Bay.

no, I didn't delete Roads to look under them.
Do you have the link to that discussion or at least remember which forum, so I can take a look?

might be because I use 7z this time round to fit all of them under 10mb. I think StuffIt does not have 7z support. I think Keka does. Can you try with Keka, instead?
Test Subject
#8 Old 10th Aug 2011 at 10:07 AM
Hi, thanks for the download ellacharm, but the same thing that happens to parrot999 happens to me. I cannot extract the files from the zip once it's in my pc. I use 7zip and it extracts 605 files! Could you please tell me wht can I do? I had no problems with the other world fixes.
Test Subject
#9 Old 10th Aug 2011 at 1:07 PM
Might I ask, does this file fix the same problems HP encountered while making her Bridgeport fix? With other words, is downloading this file enough or do I also need to download hers?

Somehow this cow learned to talk...
Forum Resident
#10 Old 10th Aug 2011 at 1:27 PM Last edited by parrot999 : 10th Aug 2011 at 2:04 PM.
If you used 7z wouldn't it come out in 7z format?

I'll try it again using 7z, but I am almost sure the file is corrupted.

I will return with my results.

Edit: I also got about 605 files. I have imported them into Bridgeport (After backing up, of course.) and am going to delete caches and start a fresh Bridgeport to see if it works.

Be back shortly...

Son of Edit: The fix seems to be applied, so I guess all those resource changes were necessary? If so, good job at taking the time to do all this, and locate all the changed files.
In the Arena
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#11 Old 10th Aug 2011 at 2:23 PM
@Impatient Cow,
I answered anie_1981 with the same question 2 posts above yours.

@Aiye and @parrot999,
there should be 608 items. I just tested earlier. What version is your 7z?
And @parrot999, I just renamed the .7z to .zip as I wasn't up to answering questions on "omg! what is 7z? So, if renaming it breaks the file, I'll upload the .7z file itself and take down the broken .zip version.

[eta]: OK, broken .zip removed and .7z in its place. Please redownload and retest.

Sorry about that.
Field Researcher
#12 Old 10th Aug 2011 at 2:33 PM
I have 608 files in mine and it worked (downloaded before you changed it). Just so you know.
In the Arena
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#13 Old 10th Aug 2011 at 2:39 PM
Thanks for that confirmation, Slig.

I suspect it's just a broken transfer.
Field Researcher
#14 Old 10th Aug 2011 at 2:47 PM
I don't have time to get into playing the game right now but I did boot it up to check the difference after I'd altered the world's resources with yours.

Sorry about the darkness of the pic (it is called "Late Night" for a reason, I suppose!) but as you can see, the roads have been fixed. Thank you very much!
#15 Old 10th Aug 2011 at 4:29 PM
It's hard to believe that we pay as much as we do for such sloppy work. Thank you very much for taking the time to fix these issues.
#16 Old 10th Aug 2011 at 10:31 PM
I have a question about how to add fixes to the world file. HP adviced to leave the default options in S3PE, but he also wrote to have checked ony "replace option". So I have unchecked "compression" option. Do I do it correctlly? <--- default options. "Compress" should be checked or unchecked?
In the Arena
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#17 Old 11th Aug 2011 at 8:31 AM
Test Subject
#18 Old 11th Aug 2011 at 9:42 AM
OK, it worked. I think I just got scared when I saw that amount of files, because I downloaded the WA files too and they were two for each world file, so I thought I didn't download it correctly. Sorry for the confusion and thanks again for your help solving problems that EA should fix.
In the Arena
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#19 Old 11th Aug 2011 at 3:48 PM
The WA files do not have Roads and Intersections fixed, yet. That "fun" task is still WIP. So when I do finish them, they would be huge as well.
#20 Old 11th Aug 2011 at 8:38 PM
Thank you very much for answering! I was adding those fixes wrong. Now I did it correct (I gues). Without compressing resources my file had 117 MB, now it has 90 MB. And it works much, much better, faster... Thanks
Lab Assistant
#21 Old 18th Aug 2011 at 2:06 AM
Maybe you can word with the person in this thread for the roads? I can't find information about where the overlapping roads are but this guy is working on revamping Bridgeport too.
In the Arena
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#22 Old 20th Aug 2011 at 7:20 PM
Thanks, PatchesSim2.
I don't need to word with anybody, I found those spots already. Plus a few more blank spots that I missed (on my 6th or is it 9th pass? I've lost count) by not tilting the world a certain angle on my earlier pass-through.

Though, it was after I uploaded these fixes last week, while hunting for that double-placed road people keep mentioning, but I still cannot find a reference pic. More reading and hunting for me.
I was hoping to locate that before I update the Download.
retired moderator
#23 Old 24th Aug 2011 at 12:14 AM
Sorry for the late reply. It was literally only mentioned, no specifics. I might have a look around in CAW later today.

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In the Arena
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#24 Old 12th Sep 2011 at 8:53 AM
Just an update on what I've been up to. The idea first cropped up from the WA fixes and was brought to my attention by @tryguy in post #34 in that WA thread. If it happens once, it can happen again, right? And indeed it did.

I also took the opportunity to look for the double-placed road, but so far - nada, zilch, zero, no cigar.
In the Arena
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#25 Old 2nd Oct 2011 at 3:58 PM Last edited by ellacharm3d : 3rd Oct 2011 at 12:06 PM.
Updated, please redownload.
For list of changes, please read changelog in the Overview.

[eta] Oh, goes without saying, if the Lot tears are disruptive to routing for school and career -related (school bus and carpool, delivery, service NPCs), please comment as my testing has been inconclusive (sometimes OK, sometimes not, and all on different Lots at different times). So, I'm stumped whether to redo them yet again or not. To simply do away with these fixes or not...

[eta 2] I've decided to pull the BridgeportSmoothenRoadGrading.7z as my CAW work files have been having problems being saved after this last change. Playing on them is fine, however (at least it is in my setup, but I don't know how it would play out in a Save game after a few weeks/months Sims time). So, until I figured out what CAW doesn't like about these Lots (most are the ones with the stubborn minor Lot tears), I think it safer not to distribute them. To the 3 people that had downloaded them, sorry! Perhaps you'd like to reimport the other 2 7z files in the original file over again, just to be safe. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience.
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