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Meadow Creek - An Inhabited Base Game/ No CC Neighborhood *Updated*

by Hood Building Group Posted 25th Feb 2015 at 2:51 AM - Updated 6th May 2018 at 4:49 PM by Hood Building Group
94 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 61 Feedback Posts, 32 Thanks Posts
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#2 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 11:48 AM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:45 PM.
Default The Yang Family
This family has been created by @M.M.A.A.

City life got too stuffy and crowded for the Yangs, so they decided to move to the countryside. They just hope they can settle in a nice pleasant place even if that means they have to commute twice as much as they used to!
  • Parker Yang (Adult, Knowledge, Pisces, Medical Technician): Parker and his wife decided it was best to leave the city when it got crowded in their apartment. Besides, the streets no longer as safe as they used to be. Hopefully, things will turn out much better here.
  • Kristina Yang (Adult, Fortune, Scorpio, Unemployed): Like her husband, Kristina hopes that this place will be a good fit for them. Its much nicer here than their old place, but... it just... seems so... quiet here in the country side. Perhaps too quiet!
  • Harold Yang (Teen, Popularity, Public School Student): As with any other teen who recently moved away from his old school, Harold misses his pals so much that he wishes he'd moved in with their apartment building neighbors just to stick around!
  • Lucy Yang (Child, Grow Up, Public School Student): Mama and Papa think that since Lucy's still young, she's not gonna miss out on anything important with a mid-semester move. So not true! The day they moved was ice-cream day at school!
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#3 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 11:57 AM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:45 PM.
Default 12 East Klein Street (Yang)
This house has been built by @M.M.A.A.

The Yang Residence

12 East Klein Street
2 stories
3 bedrooms 1.5 bathrooms
3x2 lot
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#4 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 11:59 AM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 12:25 PM.
Default The County Family
This family has been created by @Peni Griffin
Thank you Peni Griffin for creating this family.

Bear has his doubts about his new job in this little town, but Guthrie is thrilled. They can finish converting the barn, make it a showplace rather than an eyesore! The kids can grow up in the country! Maybe they can even adopt some more? Well, if Guthrie, Dade, Guadalupe, and Medina are happy, Bear's happy.
  • Bear County (Adult, Fortune, Aries, Security Guard): Bear'd do about anything for Guthrie. Even adopt a bunch of kids. (Hey, they're good kids.) Even take the job offer from a town that's smaller and more affluent than he's comfortable in. Even move into a barn that's only about half-converted that he suspects will turn into a money pit. Guthrie gets so excited and the next thing you know, he's dragged Bear right into the middle of something he'd never have done on his own.
  • Guthrie County (Adult, Family, Taurus, Unemployed): Guthrie was a child of the mean streets. All his life, he's dreamed of renovating a house in the country (or country-ish), with the white picket fence and the kids and the handsome husband and all that good stuff. Life in Meadow Creek is going to be so cool, and the kids will never have to worry about any of the crap he had to deal with - no gangs, no drugs, no living in cardboard boxes, none of that.
  • Dade County (Teen, Popularity, Leo, Public School Student): Dad and Dadder can be so embarrassing! But Dade's not going to let them, or this new town, or living in a barn, or little siblings, cramp his style.
  • Guadalupe County (Child, Grow Up, Pisces, Public School Student): Guadalupe never thought she'd get adopted, and is still afraid something's going to happen to take her away from her daddies.
  • Medina County (Toddler, Grow Up, Aquarius): Medina doesn't remember her birth parents and isn't worried about a thing.
Field Researcher
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#5 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 12:11 PM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:47 PM.
Default 19 East Klein Street (County)
This house has been built by @Peni Griffin
Thank you Peni Griffin for building this house.

The County Residence

19 East Klein Street
2 stories
4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms
3x3 lot
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#6 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 12:19 PM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:45 PM.
Default The Blair Family
This family has been created by @CatherineTCJD

Jack and Felicity are high school sweethearts who happily "tied the knot" sixteen years ago, and are more in love with each other - and their family - every single day. They have a teenage daughter, Danielle, and twin toddlers, Taylor and Todd. Can a family really be this happy? Will Danielle want to go to college? And what will happen to the twins? One seems really smart. The other ...not so much.
  • Jack Blair (Adult, Knowledge, Scorpio, Science Teacher): Jack is very athletic. He is a teacher and swim coach at the local high school. He loves his family more than anything! He thoroughly enjoys being a Dad, and can't wait to be a Granddaddy some day. Jack thinks he's the luckiest sim alive. Ever.
  • Felicity Blair (Adult, Family, Cancer, Unemployed): Felicity is artistic and creative. Right now she's happy to be home with the twins, but one day she dreams of owning her own business. Maybe a bakery? She loves decorating cookies and cupcakes - each one its own little masterpiece of yum!
  • Danielle Blair (Teen, Popularity, Pisces, Public School Student): Danielle (or, Dani, as she prefers to be called) dreams of being an Olympic swimmer, or maybe a drummer in a punk band? She's very dedicated, and studies hard. She has many friends, but not much time to socialize. Somehow, however, she always finds herself the center of attention at school, the pool, and parties.
  • Taylor Blair (Toddler, Grow Up, Gemini): Taylor is a twin, and she knows she's "the smart one" - someday she's going to change the world!
  • Todd Blair (Toddler, Grow Up, Gemini): Todd, Taylor's twin, just loves to play; especially with his Daddy. He can't wait until he can swim as well as his big sis.
Field Researcher
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#7 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 12:23 PM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:46 PM.
Default 59 Oak Grove Drive (Blair)
This house has been built by @CatherineTCJD

The Blair Residence

59 Oak Grove Drive
3 stories
3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms
3x3 lot
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#8 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 12:28 PM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:47 PM.
Default The Wilson Family
This family has been created by @Jawusa

Tiffany had always wanted to have a lot of children; she never expected to have them all at once, though. Sebastian married Tiffany for her money. He never wanted to have any children or a wife. He just wants to get rid of the screaming babies, the disgusting diapers, and especially, he wants to get rid of Tiffany, the biggest mistake he ever made in his life.
  • Tiffany Wilson (Adult, Family, Virgo, Medical Technician): Tiffany loves her quadruplets and cannot live without them, but is afraid of being a bad mother. She knows that it's not going to be easy to raise all of the quadruplets and is afraid of the social worker, who might come and take her babies away.
  • Sebastian Wilson (Adult, Romance, Leo, Unemployed): Sebastian lived in Sim City all his life until he lost his job. He had to marry Tiffany when he knocked her up, and besides he was broke, but if he can figure out how to divorce her without going broke again, he will. He's not interested in changing diapers, either.
  • Jeremy Wilson (Baby, Grow Up, Capricorn)
  • Nathan Wilson (Baby, Grow Up, Capricorn)
  • Lindsay Wilson (Baby, Grow Up, Capricorn)
  • Ashley Wilson (Baby, Grow Up, Capricorn)
Field Researcher
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#9 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 1:00 PM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:48 PM.
Default 5 East Klein Street (Wilson)
This house has been built by @Jawusa

The Wilson Residence

5 East Klein Street
2 stories
4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms
4x4 lot
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#10 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 1:09 PM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:48 PM.
Default The Harris Family
This family has been created by @CaliBrat

The Harrises have the dream life. Joey’s married the most wonderful woman in the world and adores his kids. Stephanie loves her family, but wishes Joey would be more of a parent and less of a friend. She got a part-time job to start on her own career. The children are all growing like weeds. Play time, school time, family time, the Harris rugrat trio live a perfect life. But is there such a thing? Does Stephanie have a stomach bug, or could the Harris household be growing?
  • Joey Harris (Adult, Popularity, Aries, Desk Sergeant): Joey is a laid-back guy who likes everyone, and everyone likes him. He and Stephanie met in college. She had her head in a book while walking down the hall and ran smack dab into him. It was love at first sight. They shared many good times all through college and upon graduation he proposed. That was a handful of years ago. Now they have three beautiful children, live in a nice suburban neighborhood, and have decent jobs. What else could a sim want?
  • Stephanie Harris (Adult, Knowledge, Taurus, Unemployed): Stephanie was infatuated with Joey from their first meeting when she ran into him. It wasn’t long before his quick wit and down-to-earth charm won her over. While they had fun times during college those days are long past. Stephanie just wished that Joey would understand that it was time for him to grow up and be a responsible adult. They have three young children who need parental guidance, not another pal to play with. Things are about to get a whole lot messier, as Stephanie thinks she might be pregnant with baby number four. They are nearly out of room in their little house and no money saved up for a new one. What are they going to do?
  • Micah Harris (Child, Grow Up, Cancer, Public School Student): Micah might have his father’s raven-black hair, but he favors his mother in personality. Micah is an introvert and loves for things to be neat and in their proper place.
  • Rusty Harris (Child, Grow Up, Libra, Public School Student): While Micah favors their mother; Rusty is more like their dad. He is very outgoing and makes friends easily, as other kids find him fun to be with. While the boys are close in age, they don’t have a lot in common.
  • Allison Harris (Toddler, Grow Up, Aquarius, Public School Student): Being the baby of the family and the only girl, Allison has her two big brothers and daddy wrapped around her pretty little finger. The males are always letting her have her way, but if they’re not careful she could become a very spoiled little girl. How is Allison going to take a new baby in the house?
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#11 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 1:12 PM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:48 PM.
Default 57 Oak Grove Drive (Harris)
This house has been built by @CaliBrat

The Harris Residence

57 Oak Grove Drive
1 story
3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms
3x2 lot
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#12 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 1:33 PM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:48 PM.
Default The Military Friends Family
This family has been created by @marka93

George has been promoted to Flight Officer and assigned to the small hidden military airport on the outskirts of this small town. After moving here, all they could do was try and find another family to help with the bills. When he met John at the local Officers' Club and found he was in the same boat for housing, they decided to move in together.

Mary Ellen did not like the idea of sharing a house with another family, but money is money and they needed the help.
  • George McClellan (Adult, Knowledge, Aries, Flight Officer): George has been given a big responsibility, and a less-than-ideal situation, but if they all do their parts and follow the rules, everything should run smoothly.
  • Pauline Mosby (Adult, Family, Gemini, Unemployed): Pauline's had to put up with a lot as a military wife, and it looks like she's about to put up with some more. Maybe all these girls will be a good influence on her boys.
  • John Mosby (Adult, Popularity, Leo, Junior Officer): John leaped at the chance to share space with the CO. Yeah, it's a little crowded, but think of this as an opportunity! It's no worse than the barracks, anyway.
  • Mary Ellen McClellan (Adult, Family, Cancer, Unemployed): Mary Ellen had been looking forward to living in real officers' quarters this time. This posting hardly looks like a promotion to her at all, but that's the military for you. What can't be cured must be endured.
  • Candice McClellan (Child, Grow Up, Taurus): Candice looks forward to growing up so much! Then her little sisters (and all these boys) will have to respect her authority.
  • James Mosby (Child, Grow Up, Gemini, Public School Student): James is the oldest boy. That makes him third in command (first Dad, then Mom, then him). How this other family is going to change the chain of command is a tough question he can't get a clear answer on.
  • Cindy McClellan (Child, Grow Up, Cancer): Cindy wishes they could go back to the last posting. Now they have to start all over again at a new school in a new house - and it isn't even theirs, all the way.
  • Mark Mosby (Child, Grow Up, Gemini, Public School Student): Mark doesn't want to make trouble, but he will if he has to. Or isn't thinking about it. Or somebody makes trouble for him and his.
  • Alec Mosby (Child, Grow Up, Scorpio, Public School Student): It's tough being the youngest, especially when older brothers are so bossy, but it has its perks, too. And now he's got Mabel to be the youngest with - is that a good thing, or a bad thing? Is she an ally, or a rival?
  • Mabel McClellan (Child, Grow Up, Capricorn): Mabel is always on the lookout for ways to get her own way without exerting herself too much. Candice isn't the boss of her, no matter what she thinks, and Those Boys sure aren't! Alec's youngest, too - maybe if they join forces?
Field Researcher
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#13 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 1:36 PM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:49 PM.
Default 43 East Creekside Drive (Military Friends)
This house has been built by @marka93

The Military Friends Residence

43 East Creekside Drive
2 stories
4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms
2x1 lot
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#14 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 1:41 PM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:49 PM.
Default The Goodwin Family
This family has been created by @marka93

Melvin and Alice's relationship had been looking shaky, but when he hit it big in Sim City he popped the question in the rush of euphoria and Alice said yes.

Will they be happy together, or...?
  • Melvin Goodwin (Adult, Fortune, Leo, Unemployed): Finally hitting it big in Sim City. Melvin bought a big two-story house and invited his long-time girlfriend to get married and settle down.
  • Alice Goodwin (Adult, Romance, Libra, Unemployed): Alice was about to leave Melvin until he hit it big in Sim City. She took him up on his offer to get married and settle down.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#15 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 1:44 PM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:49 PM.
Default 51 Oak Grove Drive (Goodwin)
This house has been built by @marka93

The Goodwin Residence

51 Oak Grove Drive
2 stories
3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms
3x3 lot
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#16 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 1:48 PM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:49 PM.
Default The Stahrr Family
This family has been created by @M.M.A.A.

It's one thing to be pregnant with one kid all over again, but it's a different thing when it's two babies! Not to mention that one of them isn't even growing inside mom's belly!
The Stahrrs will have a lot of explaining to do when the "odd one" arrives (or even before that)!
  • Sirius Stahrr (Adult, Knowledge, Aries, Lab Assistant): Even though he is a bit worried about his body's sudden unexpected growth, Sirius doesn't care much about what others think and thinks his wife might be overreacting a bit. It's just that it might freak everyone out if they found out the real deal. They don't want to cause any form of disturbance.
  • Stella Stahrr (Adult, Popularity, Libra, Intern): Stella kind of regrets her career now. She wishes it didn't shine a lot of attention on her family. It's just too risky for all of them! Especially for Sirius! What would the others do to him if they found out?!
  • Rigel Stahrr (Child, Grow Up, Cancer, Public School Student): Rigel knows his parents think he's oblivious to whatever is going on. However, that's not true! He knows everything! He just keeps it to himself.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#17 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 1:54 PM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:50 PM.
Default 21 Meadow Creek Road (Stahrr)
This house has been built by @M.M.A.A.

The Stahrr Residence

21 Meadow Creek Road
2 stories
3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms
3x3 lot
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#18 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 2:03 PM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:50 PM.
Default The Klein Family
This family has been created by @Jawusa

Lewis has inherited this farm from his long-deceased ancestors. It's actually big enough for the entire family, but he's a bit doubtful. Lewis hoped that Shelly would move out when she married, but instead her fiancé's just moved in.
  • Lewis Klein (Elder, Popularity, Pisces, Unemployed): Lewis's ancestors have lived on this farm a long long time. He fears that this house might be too small for the entire family. But he is as excited as his wife for future great-grandchildren and grandchildren.
  • Konstanze Klein (Elder, Family, Aries, Unemployed): Konstanze loves her husband and her family. Her daughter-in-law's just announced that she's pregnant. Her granddaughter Shelly will marry soon. Perhaps she will meet her second grandchild and her first great-grandchild before she dies. Well, she hopes so.
  • Marvin Klein (Adult, Family, Aries, Unemployed): It's not like he doesn't want Carlos as his son-in-law. But Shelly found him via Online Dating, and he's a bit doubtful about the marriage. There are plenty of cheaters out there and he doesn't want to see Shelly heartbroken.
  • Daiki Klein (Adult, Knowledge, Scorpio, Unemployed): Daiki's expecting another baby soon. Maybe it's a bit late, because she is soon going to be a grandmother and is sad because she will become an elder soon. She really wanted to be a scientist, but it might be too late for her now.
  • Carlos Reyes (Adult, Fortune, Libra, Unemployed): Carlos cannot wait to get married. Now it's time for a job, more or less. He won't be a successful man if he refuses to work. Besides, with no job he would have to work on the farm.
  • Shelly Klein (Adult, Popularity, Pisces, Unemployed): Shelly recently met Carlos on an Online Dating website and decided to marry him as soon as possible, because she wants to see her grandmother happy, holding her great-grandchild. Carlos seems to be a nice sim and he doesn't seem as bad as her father thinks he is.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#19 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 2:07 PM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:50 PM.
Default 17 East Klein Street (Klein)
This house has been built by @Jawusa

The Klein Residence

17 East Klein Street
3 stories
5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms
5x5 lot
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#20 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 2:10 PM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:51 PM.
Default 3 West Klein Street
This house has been built by @Jawusa

This is a vacant lot.

3 West Klein Street
2 stories
1 bedroom and 1 bathroom
3x2 lot
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#21 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 2:12 PM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:14 PM.
Default 31 West Creekside Drive
This house has been built by @Peni Griffin.
Thank you Peni Griffin for building this house.

This is a vacant lot.

31 West Creekside Drive
1 story
3 bedrooms and 1 bathrooms
3x2 lot
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#22 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 2:15 PM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:15 PM.
Default 14 West Klein Street
This house has been built by @Peni Griffin.
Thank you Peni Griffin for building this house.

This is a vacant lot.

14 West Klein Street
1 story
3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom
3x2 lot
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#23 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 2:18 PM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:16 PM.
Default 41 Oak Grove Drive
This house has been built by @Peni Griffin.
Thank you Peni Griffin for building this house.

This is a vacant lot.

41 Oak Grove Drive
1 story
3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom
3x2 lot
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#24 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 2:21 PM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:17 PM.
Default The Green Gnome
This community lot has been built by @HugeLunatic
Thank you HugeLunatic for building this community lot.

"Come visit Meadow Creek's new gym. Use the weight room while the kids go for a swim. Don't forget to try our cool sunglasses, exclusively available in the gift shop!"

3x3 lot
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#25 Old 24th Feb 2015 at 2:22 PM Last edited by Hood Building Group : 24th Feb 2015 at 3:19 PM.
Default King's Clothier
This community lot has been built by @HugeLunatic
Thank you HugeLunatic for building this community lot.

"If you want to buy new clothes or get a public woohoo memory, you can do that here."

3x2 lot
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