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k-202 : Groundy Mod ( aka Maxis floorpaints replacement ) 2024 UPDATE

by Blackgryffin Posted 6th Jan 2016 at 4:47 PM - Updated 27th Sep 2024 at 8:41 PM by Blackgryffin : Modified some files. Updated until Island Living
42 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 28 Feedback Posts, 13 Thanks Posts
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Top Secret Researcher
#2 Old 7th Jan 2016 at 8:18 AM
wow, Love this set, it's much better quality than EA's, for sure! Thankyou
Field Researcher
#3 Old 7th Jan 2016 at 2:37 PM
Yay! Thanks.
Field Researcher
#4 Old 8th Jan 2016 at 4:56 PM
Wonderful download, much appreciated, thank you
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 24th Jan 2016 at 6:02 AM
Wow wow wow wow wow wow
Test Subject
#6 Old 28th Jan 2016 at 1:02 PM
Could you include searate files, please?
Some of this replace floors and I don't want that
Field Researcher
#7 Old 12th Feb 2016 at 4:12 AM
They look great, and more realistic than the ones in the original Sims 4
Original Poster
#8 Old 13th Feb 2016 at 1:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsinspring
Could you include searate files, please?
Some of this replace floors and I don't want that

Ah sorry no. Actually, they are replacement files.

@everyone : thank you for the kind words ! Have fun playing :D

I make sims worlds ... can you believe it ?
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 17th Feb 2016 at 12:34 AM
Does anyone have pictures of the textures being used in game? They look great but I am just curious how they actually look in the game itself. Thanks.

Big thank you to all of the different types of creators/mod makers that help out the gaming community to make the games that much more fun and glitch free to play.
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Test Subject
#10 Old 18th Feb 2016 at 3:29 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsinspring
Could you include searate files, please?
Some of this replace floors and I don't want that

I second this, some of the floors OP picked look extremely different from the original and it messes up some lots.
Original Poster
#11 Old 19th Feb 2016 at 2:02 AM
Quote: Originally posted by ninoo
I second this, some of the floors OP picked look extremely different from the original and it messes up some lots.

We are really sorry but they are all meant to go with the 202 replacement files. We just can live with the vomito grass.
More over, we are talking of 44 different files. It would take us way too much time and we prefer to invest it in other creations. Sorry !

I make sims worlds ... can you believe it ?
#12 Old 27th Apr 2016 at 12:07 PM
Do I have to dowload both this, and this:

I'm a bit confused... A wanna replace as many textures as possible, but I don't want them to conflict.
Test Subject
#13 Old 5th Jul 2016 at 1:00 PM

Unfortunately, the picture does not lie on the grid
Original Poster
#14 Old 17th Jul 2016 at 4:38 AM Last edited by Blackgryffin : 19th Feb 2018 at 7:48 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by anie_1981
Do I have to dowload both this, and this:

I'm a bit confused... A wanna replace as many textures as possible, but I don't want them to conflict.

You don't have to but if you want to replace as much as possible, I highly suggest to download them too.
The 44 Floorpaints will replace the terrain from your lot.
The 202 Terrain will replace all terrain, from all world.

Quote: Originally posted by eakulina
Unfortunately, the picture does not lie on the grid

I couldn't replicate the problem. It's fine in two different computers.
Also, since it's only a graphic replacement, I don't see how this problem can occur. I'm sorry I can't be of more help :/

@everyone else : thank you all for your kind words !

I make sims worlds ... can you believe it ?
#15 Old 1st Nov 2016 at 6:36 PM
Field Researcher
#16 Old 20th Jan 2017 at 3:50 AM
is this still working as of today 20/1/2017
Field Researcher
#17 Old 17th Mar 2017 at 5:07 AM
This and the other two (so far) sets of replacements and addendums are BEAUTIFUL!. Yes, I can feel the gradss under my pixelated feet, thank you VEY much! I HATED that overly cartoony grass. Moreover, THIS makes me want to try my hand at machinima again. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, beautiful work!
Test Subject
#18 Old 13th Jun 2017 at 2:02 AM
that grass looks so damn comfortable i wanna bare feet walk on it!
#19 Old 21st Feb 2018 at 3:02 AM
Well, thank you for this!!! They look way much better than EA's!!!
Original Poster
#20 Old 10th Aug 2018 at 11:00 AM
the 44 Floorpaints are updated for Seasons now Every texture has been resized to 512px in order to be more straight with Seasons and as we removed the few doubles between the 202 Terrains and the 44 Floorpaints replacement ( and the 303 Terrains ), everything should work fine. I STRONGLY suggest you update and keep your files really updated in order to avoid any problem !!!

I make sims worlds ... can you believe it ?
Test Subject
#21 Old 26th Aug 2018 at 12:12 AM
Thanks for this. Looks great The only issue I see is with the floorpaints, the English string tables are in "French"
Test Subject
#22 Old 26th Sep 2018 at 2:33 PM
Hi, the link to the 303 terrains isn't working. Do I still need that download as well as this one and the 202 terrains?
Lab Assistant
#23 Old 21st Oct 2018 at 11:06 PM
Just want to confirm that the name and description for all the paints are in french.
#24 Old 31st Mar 2019 at 5:15 PM
Great Job :)
Lab Assistant
#25 Old 3rd Apr 2019 at 8:03 PM
After updating my game and all my terrain replacers and paints, I seem to have an issue with a dirt/sandy terrain that's used in Windenburg (Mainly used on the Island bluff) , any of my lots that I've used the matching paint have now changed into the stone paint, which is fine, as I don't mind repainting my terrains, but a bigger problem is and I can no longer find the matching terrain paint for this.

example image:
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