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Child can be Carried by Adults and Child can care for Toddlers MOD in progress

by Sofmc9 Posted 25th Nov 2019 at 4:06 PM - Updated 26th Aug 2023 at 4:50 PM by Sofmc9
71 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 48 Feedback Posts, 22 Thanks Posts
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Test Subject
#2 Old 25th Nov 2019 at 5:56 PM
I love this mod and thanks for it.
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 25th Nov 2019 at 6:15 PM
For a 'Life" Sim its sad that this stuff is not in game by default. Thank you so much for this mod!!

Sometimes i think modders are way better then the actual sims team they apparently ether don't understand real life situations, don't have kids, or just lazy on adding realistic things as this issue has gone back to even Sims 3 times theres a similar mod for that version as well.
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 25th Nov 2019 at 7:09 PM
Thankyouuu Eternally!!!!!
You don't know how much this made my day!!!! I have been wanting a mod like this forever!! I feel like it should already be in the game. People carry their kids all the time. I don't have kids of my own but my niece is 7 and I still carry her on occasions like during family outing when she is tired/and or sleep or whatever the case may be. Or simply as a sign of bonding and affection. There are so many similar instances I wanted to use it in the game and could not, and as a big time family player it was frustrating. I cannot thank you enough!!!! I will check regularly for updates :D

Edit to say this was suppose to be a thanks post. still not familiar with this website.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#5 Old 25th Nov 2019 at 8:40 PM
"I have been wanting a mod like this forever!! I feel like it should already be in the game. "

Aww me too! I've always wanted it. I asked modders to make it but they all said it can't be done without a script. I checked the game files anyways and finally managed to make it work without a script lol
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 25th Nov 2019 at 10:36 PM
I literally danced and squealed when I saw this thank you so much for making this!
Test Subject
#7 Old 26th Nov 2019 at 1:02 AM
I'm loving your mods. I'm looking forward to seeing more in the future.
Test Subject
#8 Old 26th Nov 2019 at 7:01 AM
Me encanta este Mod, muchas gracias, llevo mucho tiempo esperando algo así. Haces que nuestros juegos valgan la pena, gracias. Agradezco todo tu arduo trabajo. :D
Field Researcher
#9 Old 26th Nov 2019 at 10:38 AM
pls try enable sleeping in double bed with parents :D
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 26th Nov 2019 at 3:26 PM
Thank you so very much dear.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#11 Old 26th Nov 2019 at 5:00 PM
De nada! Welcome : )
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 26th Nov 2019 at 7:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sofmc9
De nada! Welcome : )

Are you speak Portuguese?

Quais arquivos eu devo colocar na minha pasta de mods? Which files i have to put in my mods folder?
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#13 Old 26th Nov 2019 at 8:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by guedespoa
Are you speak Portuguese?

Quais arquivos eu devo colocar na minha pasta de mods? Which files i have to put in my mods folder?

Yeah I'm from Portugal lol.
Tens de colocar todos os arquivos. : )
Test Subject
#14 Old 26th Nov 2019 at 10:22 PM
stupid question, but 'child can care for toddler', what does that mean and does an adult need to be in the household? cause i wanna recreate the walking dead game where Clem takes care of AJ, but i can't cause of the way the sims is. also, what is the 'clips zip' file?
Test Subject
#15 Old 27th Nov 2019 at 2:43 AM
Thank you so much for this! I really love it when there are mods that make kids seem more like kids and not just well, you know an "Overlooked, boring, life state." Can't wait to try this out! Your mods are awesome!
Test Subject
#16 Old 27th Nov 2019 at 2:53 AM
Holding child mod is a great contribution
Test Subject
#17 Old 27th Nov 2019 at 3:39 PM
Default maybe these xmls are missing
Here are the xmls I think you are missing
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#18 Old 27th Nov 2019 at 4:32 PM
Oh thanks, simsmods! I'll edit those and see if it works.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#19 Old 27th Nov 2019 at 4:36 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lucky Fire
stupid question, but 'child can care for toddler', what does that mean and does an adult need to be in the household? cause i wanna recreate the walking dead game where Clem takes care of AJ, but i can't cause of the way the sims is. also, what is the 'clips zip' file?

Well, kids can pick up toddlers, carry them around, put them in bed, give a bath, change diapers, teach flashcards, so on. Some of these interactions are not working yet.
The clips zip is just the snuggle in sim adults arms' animation converted for child.
Field Researcher
#20 Old 27th Nov 2019 at 8:24 PM
This is really cool.. and realistic for gameplay. I can't wait til you finish and are happy with it!! Will be following !!
Lab Assistant
#21 Old 28th Nov 2019 at 6:58 AM
Thank you so much!
Test Subject
#22 Old 28th Nov 2019 at 4:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sofmc9
Well, kids can pick up toddlers, carry them around, put them in bed, give a bath, change diapers, teach flashcards, so on. Some of these interactions are not working yet.
The clips zip is just the snuggle in sim adults arms' animation converted for child.

Ah, ok. cool thank you
Test Subject
#23 Old 29th Nov 2019 at 6:10 AM
Do I need all the files or just clip 2?
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#24 Old 29th Nov 2019 at 4:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ZeGauntlet
Do I need all the files or just clip 2?

All the files. The Clips just have the animations.
Lab Assistant
#25 Old 30th Nov 2019 at 1:39 PM
Amazing mod, i really thinking on this but.. you make my game :D
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