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Ocasia States - apartments - No CC

by the_sim_of_manu Posted 16th Feb 2022 at 5:18 AM
4 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 2 Feedback Posts, 1 Thanks Posts
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#2 Old 18th Feb 2022 at 3:22 PM
this is wonderful! i really liked your design with bathrooms, and all that space on the first floor. All is styilish, interesting to look upon. Thank you so much for making and sharing with us <3
Only two inconveniences:
1. First floor is accessible for wolfs it seems, maybe for any pets, i just noticed the wolf :D
2. sims keeps rolling wants about buying toilets and refrigerator and etc., since all this stuff, technically, not in the owning.
Otherwise, i really enjoying your build :}
#3 Old 19th Feb 2022 at 12:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Shamit
this is wonderful! i really liked your design with bathrooms, and all that space on the first floor. All is styilish, interesting to look upon. Thank you so much for making and sharing with us <3
Only two inconveniences:
1. First floor is accessible for wolfs it seems, maybe for any pets, i just noticed the wolf :D
2. sims keeps rolling wants about buying toilets and refrigerator and etc., since all this stuff, technically, not in the owning.
Otherwise, i really enjoying your build :}

For the second problem you could use those.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#4 Old 22nd Feb 2022 at 10:29 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Shamit
this is wonderful! i really liked your design with bathrooms, and all that space on the first floor. All is styilish, interesting to look upon. Thank you so much for making and sharing with us <3
Only two inconveniences:
1. First floor is accessible for wolfs it seems, maybe for any pets, i just noticed the wolf :D
2. sims keeps rolling wants about buying toilets and refrigerator and etc., since all this stuff, technically, not in the owning.
Otherwise, i really enjoying your build :}

Thanks! yes indeed that's quite a problem, I had to re-buy the game station from time to time, I'll have to recommend you all to use No Strays or Wolf allowed... Or the Visitor Controller

And for the wants YOU CAN USE THIS PAINTINGS but It's not my cup of tea personally
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 14th Jan 2023 at 6:16 PM
Hey, I tried to send you a PM about my Blade Runner Street lot, but the PM won't get through. Of course you're free to share your extended version. Nice work!

Did I really say that?
- Well, at least yesterday is behind us now.