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3D Eyelashes [EU-CU] *UPDATE*

by AppleWS Posted 14th Nov 2023 at 9:50 PM - Updated 14th Feb 2025 at 2:41 AM by AppleWS
42 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 18 Feedback Posts, 23 Thanks Posts
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Test Subject
#2 Old 14th Nov 2023 at 10:06 PM
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 14th Nov 2023 at 10:27 PM Last edited by Izenvy : 15th Nov 2023 at 4:55 PM.
This is exceptional, thank you so much for sharing! Oh and I think Memento-sims slider to minimize eyelashes will come in handy here.

Actually, scratch that, with no eyelashes these new ones hide too.
Test Subject
#4 Old 14th Nov 2023 at 10:39 PM
thank you so much for this!!!
Field Researcher
#5 Old 14th Nov 2023 at 11:16 PM
These are beautiful and I love that they have lower lid only choices. :)
Test Subject
#6 Old 15th Nov 2023 at 2:49 AM
What a contribution! Thank you for the hard work!
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 15th Nov 2023 at 2:52 AM
Neat! I love that you put it in an layover/accessory box. My Accessories section in CAS is already congested with tons of stuff so I'm really glad you chose not to make them CAS Accessories.
Plus, since it's in an object from the Buy Catalogue, I can set up a Lash Extensions Studio in one of my salons So cool!
#8 Old 15th Nov 2023 at 3:24 AM
It's Heeeeere! <3
Field Researcher
#9 Old 15th Nov 2023 at 4:55 AM

I've just saw this and had to download it. Such a great idea.
Test Subject
#10 Old 15th Nov 2023 at 6:19 AM
I've been waiting for this since the preview! You're awesome! I'm getting rid of all my other lashes lol
Test Subject
#11 Old 15th Nov 2023 at 8:33 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Izenvy
This is exceptional, thank you so much for sharing! Oh and I think Memento-sims slider to minimize eyelashes will come in handy here.

Thank you for this! I knew I saw something like this at some point!
Field Researcher
#12 Old 15th Nov 2023 at 6:51 PM
This is incredible, would have never thought it would be possible!

Do they class as glasses or makeup or jewellery? I'm just wondering for the turn-on system (which I should really swap to a different replacer mod since I always avoid wrinkle 'makeup' because I don't want all my elder males being classes as wearing makeup lol, or any cc accessories in the glasses category for that matter ugh)
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 15th Nov 2023 at 7:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by BellaDovah
This is incredible, would have never thought it would be possible!

Do they class as glasses or makeup or jewellery? I'm just wondering for the turn-on system (which I should really swap to a different replacer mod since I always avoid wrinkle 'makeup' because I don't want all my elder males being classes as wearing makeup lol, or any cc accessories in the glasses category for that matter ugh)

It's a box, like overlay boxes, found under dressers.
Field Researcher
#14 Old 15th Nov 2023 at 9:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Izenvy
It's a box, like overlay boxes, found under dressers.

Thanks for replying, I got that like I understood that's how you apply them and where you find them but I'm still unsure whether that then applies any of the turn on/off attraction traits
Test Subject
#15 Old 16th Nov 2023 at 1:16 AM
Omg this is a god send. I was hoping someone would make eyelashes like these. They look fabulous!
Btw do you possibly have a link to the yellow eyes in the first picture? They're actually beautiful
Test Subject
#16 Old 16th Nov 2023 at 6:11 PM
Works great, thank you!
Test Subject
Original Poster
#17 Old 16th Nov 2023 at 10:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by BellaDovah
Thanks for replying, I got that like I understood that's how you apply them and where you find them but I'm still unsure whether that then applies any of the turn on/off attraction traits

Yes! They are 'labeled' as glasses.
Field Researcher
#18 Old 16th Nov 2023 at 10:30 PM
Quote: Originally posted by AppleWS
Yes! They are 'labeled' as glasses.

Thanks so much for the reply and hard work on these! I definitely need to replace that TO then or my whole 'hood will be 'wearing glasses'
Test Subject
Original Poster
#19 Old 16th Nov 2023 at 10:52 PM
Quote: Originally posted by PinkFlamboyant
Omg this is a god send. I was hoping someone would make eyelashes like these. They look fabulous!
Btw do you possibly have a link to the yellow eyes in the first picture? They're actually beautiful

It's called "Charlotte's Clear Eyes", the color is "Owl". You can download it here.
#20 Old 17th Nov 2023 at 12:44 PM
I wish it would become featured or picked post.
Regards Vic
Meet Me In My Next Life
#21 Old 18th Nov 2023 at 2:57 AM
@AppleWS This is an excellent idea you created here, But I do have a question ( if you don't mind )
The problem with this is you do not know exactly what the lashes you are picking "Within" the game. All those within the game it do show the numbers of lashes in the box, but do NOT show what each number of lashes look like. ( this is only being shown in the download picture in your package of their looks. )

Therefore how will a player know what lashes they would like to use or apply to the Sims without a picture within the lashes box "Within" the game?. At this point it's a guess as to which one is the one you want to use on the Sims.
I hope you understand. Am I doing something wrong??

"Nothing in life is a Surprise it just happen to come your way at the time".
#22 Old 18th Nov 2023 at 11:21 AM
These are wonderful and I do hope this gets picked or featured! I do have one small suggestion, though. Would it be possible to do top lash-only versions of these lashes? I only ask because I use Pooklet's waterlines and the bottom lashes don't really look good with it. You don't have to, of course.
Link Ninja
#23 Old 18th Nov 2023 at 8:54 PM
Wonderful job on this! Thanks so much for your efforts
that chaos-loving 'bre
staff: trainee moderator
#24 Old 20th Nov 2023 at 6:03 PM
These are AMAZING! I will equip all the playables in my rotational n'hood with those eyelashes now :D
Lab Assistant
#25 Old 21st Nov 2023 at 4:08 PM
These lashes are sooo beautiful!
Unfortunately, I too find the selection system not very practical. Is there a way to make them appear in makeup, and maybe even layerable with other eyeliners? I've been using SimPE for a short time so I don't know the techniques yet.
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