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Hotpants by Beosboxboy for my bodybuider, adult and YA - UPDATED 08-02-2005

by marvine Posted 30th Jul 2005 at 5:05 PM - Updated 15th Dec 2005 at 12:02 AM by marvine : better with the mesh :)
36 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 33 Feedback Posts, 2 Thanks Posts
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#2 Old 30th Jul 2005 at 5:39 PM
Remember to get the mesh or the recolours won't work! hehe
#3 Old 30th Jul 2005 at 5:42 PM
If this isn't your work...SHAME ON YOU!

EDIT: I realized that beousxboy allowed it. Number 1, sorry! Number 2, why?
Forum Resident
#4 Old 30th Jul 2005 at 5:45 PM
Interesting clothing.
#5 Old 30th Jul 2005 at 5:53 PM
Quote: Originally posted by mod_bv
If this isn't your work...SHAME ON YOU!

EDIT: I realized that beousxboy allowed it. Number 1, sorry! Number 2, why?

Because these are modifications of her work - she spent 2 months crafting a mesh that i morphed in a few hours. It's only fair she post it and get the thanks.

I'm just the plough horse - she's the looks, grace, style and brains of the outfit. :D

I have only one God, Choice. If you remove the right to choose from any equation, how have you improved the world?
Test Subject
#6 Old 30th Jul 2005 at 6:00 PM
very beautiful indeed, thank you!
Original Poster
#7 Old 30th Jul 2005 at 6:00 PM Last edited by marvine : 30th Jul 2005 at 6:01 PM. Reason: bad english
See? I told you!!! :D

I strongly suspect that in fact you just hate starting threads even more than I do, you manipulator! *lick kiss bite*
Field Researcher
#8 Old 30th Jul 2005 at 6:49 PM
Just love this new mesh, and of course I had to do some more re-colours for it. You and Beosboxboy are truly marvelous to come up with all these new meshes.

*big hugs*


:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

When I'm all alone and blue as can be, dream a little dream of me.
Field Researcher
#9 Old 30th Jul 2005 at 7:00 PM
JEFFFF!!! OMG, you've done it again! lol. I love those recolors!
Field Researcher
#10 Old 30th Jul 2005 at 7:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Crmelsimlover
JEFFFF!!! OMG, you've done it again! lol. I love those recolors!

Glad you like them, must admit I went a bit overboard when I did the re-colours for these as so far I've done 20 with more on the way.


Jeff aka wirelessguy

When I'm all alone and blue as can be, dream a little dream of me.
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 31st Jul 2005 at 12:14 AM
Outstanding as always BBB & marvine....knocked up a few re-colours of my own

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.- (Albert Einstein) " Simillion Homes 2 & Simillion Homes & Simmillion Hair InSimenator
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 31st Jul 2005 at 8:18 AM
ooh scooby snacks where are these available? your yahoo group?
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 31st Jul 2005 at 12:55 PM Last edited by sgoobysnacks29 : 31st Jul 2005 at 2:42 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by gapfashionprep
ooh scooby snacks where are these available? your yahoo group?

Well im glad u like them gapfashionprep that names a im sorry to say i wont be posting them on this site due to my personal issues with this site's admin.....I wont be posting anymore of my work on this site until further notice .....only screenshots....but i have made them available on another few sites like THIS one.......i hope this helps:D

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.- (Albert Einstein) " Simillion Homes 2 & Simillion Homes & Simmillion Hair InSimenator
#14 Old 31st Jul 2005 at 6:58 PM
For Marvine
I was wondering if i could make skins for downloads with credits of course at my site for those meshes you and beosboxboy made together. I've already talked to Yakov and i have his permission, i also know that he is openning a new site where he will put mainly his and i'm guessing your work/meshes at.

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Original Poster
#15 Old 2nd Aug 2005 at 2:39 AM
:smash: UPDATE!!!

I improved the neck to better match the body, and corrected the uv-map - the mesh file should be re-downloaded, and will overwrite the former one.
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 2nd Aug 2005 at 6:10 PM
The new updated mesh looks excellent yakov & marvine......u both did an outstanding job on all these mesh's:D

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.- (Albert Einstein) " Simillion Homes 2 & Simillion Homes & Simmillion Hair InSimenator
Original Poster
#17 Old 3rd Aug 2005 at 12:21 AM
As you did on these recolours, Sgooby! :D
I even found the time to try them on my sims... Just delicious!
Lab Assistant
#18 Old 3rd Aug 2005 at 1:16 AM
Quote: Originally posted by marvine
As you did on these recolours, Sgooby! :D
I even found the time to try them on my sims... Just delicious!

Well im glad u like them marvine...without u and yakovs mesh they would'nt have been made so thanx

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.- (Albert Einstein) " Simillion Homes 2 & Simillion Homes & Simmillion Hair InSimenator
#19 Old 3rd Aug 2005 at 3:31 AM
These shorts are the best so far. The sims wearing them look too darn sexy. Very nicely done.
#20 Old 5th Aug 2005 at 1:30 AM
Default cool
i love the clotrhes
Forum Resident
#21 Old 9th Aug 2005 at 11:37 PM
sexy men cool thanks.
Test Subject
#22 Old 21st Aug 2005 at 1:35 AM
Quote: Originally posted by gapfashionprep
ooh scooby snacks where are these available? your yahoo group?

i Luv Justin! ^.- Nice Work! But i Think.. They have Homosexual instict.. :Slap:

Lil'ah Nyre Ethnii Mi Thumba..
Re'nié Lirh Math iné Zen..
Keirh Nith Sâi Krah...
Lerh in Arc De'ih Pour Aâ WitchCraft.
Lab Assistant
#23 Old 21st Aug 2005 at 3:02 PM
Quote: Originally posted by WitchCraft
i Luv Justin! ^.- Nice Work! But i Think.. They have Homosexual instict.. :Slap:

Homosexual instinct??? would have said ....a keen eye for fashion but if u feel they have "Homosexual instinct" then i will take ur word for it....just keep ur eye on that blonde guy....i think he,s doing something rude to the bloke in blue ....then again...might just be Homosexual instinct...LMFAO!!!

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.- (Albert Einstein) " Simillion Homes 2 & Simillion Homes & Simmillion Hair InSimenator
Test Subject
#24 Old 31st Aug 2005 at 5:55 PM
Aren't all sims bisexual? Isnt that the ideal way to be? Just asking
Test Subject
#25 Old 1st Sep 2005 at 12:09 PM
I need to know where to download the hair of the close up of the guy in the last screenshot.
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