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Pregnancy for everyone

by Nukael Posted 17th Apr 2015 at 1:52 AM - Updated 17th May 2015 at 7:56 PM by Nukael
58 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 32 Feedback Posts, 25 Thanks Posts
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Lab Assistant
#2 Old 17th Apr 2015 at 2:32 AM
Thanks for this! I was waiting for someone to make another mod for my males. I will be trying it out this weekend and will report back if I have any issues. Thanks again!
Test Subject
#3 Old 17th Apr 2015 at 6:41 AM
Thank You! I like this, but can you make it possible to turn off pregnancy on some people to not get pregnant? I don't want to have two pregnant adults and using the other Mod to terminate it just feels like abortion...I know it is weird, but so am I.
#4 Old 17th Apr 2015 at 8:59 AM
Finally ^____^
Thanks a lot :)
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 17th Apr 2015 at 9:56 AM
the last one that I had always crashes the Sims 4 I will Try it and let you know what happens.
Test Subject
#6 Old 17th Apr 2015 at 4:04 PM
I want to kiss you!! I was so sad because the original modder didn't update anymore and I loved this mod, thankyou !!
Test Subject
#7 Old 17th Apr 2015 at 6:12 PM
Best mod in the world! Thank you so much!
Test Subject
#8 Old 17th Apr 2015 at 6:30 PM
Bless your soul! Thank you, thank you so much!
Test Subject
#9 Old 17th Apr 2015 at 8:54 PM
Thank You ! <3
Original Poster
#10 Old 17th Apr 2015 at 9:11 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lucreziana
Thank You! I like this, but can you make it possible to turn off pregnancy on some people to not get pregnant? I don't want to have two pregnant adults and using the other Mod to terminate it just feels like abortion...I know it is weird, but so am I.
The way the game code is set up, I can't do that, because there is no way (with my current knowledge) to exclude one of the Sims from potential pregnancy.

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Test Subject
#11 Old 18th Apr 2015 at 12:38 AM
This makes me happy! thank you!!
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 18th Apr 2015 at 5:47 AM
thank you sssooooooo much
Test Subject
#13 Old 18th Apr 2015 at 1:30 PM Last edited by dominatorex : 20th Apr 2015 at 9:10 AM.
I`ll try it in combo with inteen mod. TY
p.s. Couldn`t get it to work for for teens even if inteen mod is updated for gtw :/
Test Subject
#14 Old 18th Apr 2015 at 4:32 PM
Hey! The mod works great, but you can't travel/move, or the baby will be born and show up in the household as a random inactive.
Original Poster
#15 Old 18th Apr 2015 at 5:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by DashingDarling
Hey! The mod works great, but you can't travel/move, or the baby will be born and show up in the household as a random inactive.
You might be having a mod conflict, as I have not seen this happen in my game and I also can't reproduce the problem. I haven't tried moving while pregnant, though. But travelling works fine.

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Test Subject
#16 Old 18th Apr 2015 at 9:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Nukael
The way the game code is set up, I can't do that, because there is no way (with my current knowledge) to exclude one of the Sims from potential pregnancy.

Thank you so much for updating this one. I've literally had to stop playing because that was annoying me so much. I don't like that I won't be able to keep them both from getting pregnant, but I generally prefer only one pregnant anyway, so this will do just fine.
Test Subject
#17 Old 19th Apr 2015 at 2:54 AM
How long do the pregnancies last? I feel like my sims have been pregnant for daaaayyyyssss lol
Test Subject
#18 Old 19th Apr 2015 at 3:12 AM
thank a million, you are great
Original Poster
#19 Old 19th Apr 2015 at 9:20 AM
Quote: Originally posted by David18191819
How long do the pregnancies last? I feel like my sims have been pregnant for daaaayyyyssss lol
Three days, I haven't changed that. You can use the Pregnancy Mega Mod to set the stage, if you feel like the pregnancies take too long.

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Test Subject
#20 Old 19th Apr 2015 at 10:04 AM
Nice job! Just a quick suggestion: the moodlet for the second trimester is hardcoded to reference the pregnant sim as a "mother", even if they're a male sim. I did some testing, and it turned out it was a simple fix to make it use "his" and "father" instead for male sims. I've only added the string in English, but it wouldn't be too difficult to add in other languages if anyone wants to translate. The STBL's in the attachment.
Attached files:
File Type: zip (351 Bytes, 92 downloads)
Test Subject
#21 Old 19th Apr 2015 at 11:42 AM
Thank you so much for updating this mod!
Test Subject
#22 Old 19th Apr 2015 at 11:29 PM
Who knows why male and females sims get pregnant at the same time when they try go for a baby?
Test Subject
#23 Old 20th Apr 2015 at 3:18 AM
Will this mod interfere with this one: ?
Test Subject
#24 Old 20th Apr 2015 at 2:53 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Nukael
You might be having a mod conflict, as I have not seen this happen in my game and I also can't reproduce the problem. I haven't tried moving while pregnant, though. But travelling works fine.

I am also having the same problem but not sure what is causing it, got the pregnancy scan mod but need that unless I want both sims pregnant at the same time.
Original Poster
#25 Old 20th Apr 2015 at 4:07 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Aren
Nice job! Just a quick suggestion: the moodlet for the second trimester is hardcoded to reference the pregnant sim as a "mother", even if they're a male sim. I did some testing, and it turned out it was a simple fix to make it use "his" and "father" instead for male sims. I've only added the string in English, but it wouldn't be too difficult to add in other languages if anyone wants to translate. The STBL's in the attachment.
Thank you for the fix, I won't be integrating this into the main mod, since I don't know anything about STBL's and wouldn't know how to extract and update them for new patches. Since I am prone to extreme laziness, I'm trying to keep the update process as simple as possible for myself, so I don't dissappoint the downloaders with disappearing after a while and not updating anymore.
Quote: Originally posted by daniel226
Who knows why male and females sims get pregnant at the same time when they try go for a baby?
Read the description of the mod, it's all explained there. Also see an earlier reply of mine in the comments. This is the way the game code works and I can't change that. I suggest using the pregnancy mega mod from here on MTS to manage pregnancies.
Quote: Originally posted by tescoman
I am also having the same problem but not sure what is causing it, got the pregnancy scan mod but need that unless I want both sims pregnant at the same time.
I've not tested this with the pregnancy scan mod, I only use the pregnancy mega mod. I've been travelling around the neighbourhood and even moved a pregnant male Sim and everything is fine, I can't reproduce the problem. Do you have Get to Work or just the basegame?

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