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#1451 Old 28th Oct 2013 at 11:26 PM
The contest was a real eye opener for me. I have sooo far to go to become any good. No wonder My stuff will always be turned down for upload. Oh well. At least I learned a little bit.

Thank you for suffering through my unworthy lots and judging them just the same. It must have been a bear to have to score my lots when there were others much more fun to score. Thank you so much, judges!
#1452 Old 29th Oct 2013 at 2:26 AM Last edited by fairycake89 : 29th Oct 2013 at 2:27 AM. Reason: sheer shock
bugger!!! I am stunned! I gets a ribbun!?!
Veteran Finn
retired moderator
#1453 Old 29th Oct 2013 at 6:00 AM
Quote: Originally posted by IshigreenSA
The contest was a real eye opener for me. I have sooo far to go to become any good. No wonder My stuff will always be turned down for upload. Oh well. At least I learned a little bit.

Thank you for suffering through my unworthy lots and judging them just the same. It must have been a bear to have to score my lots when there were others much more fun to score. Thank you so much, judges!
Good heavens, give yourself at least a LITTLE MORE CREDIT!

No one's born as a 'perfect' creator, making things is always a process of learning, trying new stuff, tearing your hair out, and so on. There are NO unworthy lots, or other creations. Who likes what the best is ALWAYS a matter of opinion.

I wanted to "nag" more about your words, as they kinda made me sad, but instead, I'm just going to say I really hope you keep that "at least I learned a little bit" and build on it! This site is full of great tutorials, forums for learning things, helpful people, and you can always get feedback on your work at the Creator Feedback Forum if you feel like having second opinions. And if you don't think that is enough, just look outside the box called MTS; there are plenty of sims sites around, big and small, and even more helpy tutorials and such - just search! But it's all up to you and I won't tell you you HAVE to do this.

Finally, your houses look like houses, so duh. If you had intended them to be chickens, THEN you might consider yourself failed.

ps. judging is NOT fun. You have the faith of another creator in your hands, and you have to be fair and square, put your personal feelings towards the people aside and so on, and just look at the creation. (Big thumbs up for the judges who lasted!) It's a big big job, and while I have judged my share of contests and will still volunteer if asked/needed, I would always rather partake than judge.
Lab Assistant
#1454 Old 29th Oct 2013 at 9:06 AM
Quote: Originally posted by IshigreenSA
The contest was a real eye opener for me. I have sooo far to go to become any good. No wonder My stuff will always be turned down for upload. Oh well. At least I learned a little bit.

Thank you for suffering through my unworthy lots and judging them just the same. It must have been a bear to have to score my lots when there were others much more fun to score. Thank you so much, judges!

Give yourself some credit by golly! You stuck it out to the end, you made some truly cool lots AND your scores consistently improved!!!!! Silly Simmer! Looking forward to competing with you on the next build contest
Field Researcher
#1455 Old 29th Oct 2013 at 10:21 AM
This was a lot of hard work, but really fun to see what everyone created from the same foundation. Congratulations to the winners! Those builds were most impressive. Thanks Q and the judges for sticking with us through thick and thin. You guys helped all of us improve and Q pulled off a great contest. Now I'm sure you all need a beach spa weekend! And my fellow contestants, I am still inspired by all of your beautiful works to get better at building. I'm so glad I was apart of this! :lovestruc

Memory Games A Sims 3 Thriller Mystery
Field Researcher
#1456 Old 29th Oct 2013 at 10:57 AM
Quote: Originally posted by armiel
....Finally, your houses look like houses, so duh. If you had intended them to be chickens, THEN you might consider yourself failed....

I really want to go and try to make Baba Yaga's house now!
Test Subject
#1457 Old 29th Oct 2013 at 3:48 PM
WTH!!! Ahhh, okay I undersatnd having points off for being late, but COMPLETELY IGNORING IT!!! Sure, I handed mine in like a week late, but the scores were poster 3 WEEKS AFTER!!!! Not only am I pissed off, but I seriously would be screaming and throwing tables if I wasn't in school. GOD what the hell.
Lab Assistant
#1458 Old 29th Oct 2013 at 4:15 PM
Thank you And grats Yogi-tea, Sionelle, and FairyCake. It was a good competition. There were a LOT of really great lots that were produced by a ton of creators.

As for my next project Think princesses, castles, and rescues <3 Back to tomb building for me
Captain Louie
retired moderator
Original Poster
#1459 Old 29th Oct 2013 at 6:30 PM
Quote: Originally posted by IshigreenSA
The contest was a real eye opener for me. I have sooo far to go to become any good. No wonder My stuff will always be turned down for upload. Oh well. At least I learned a little bit.

Thank you for suffering through my unworthy lots and judging them just the same. It must have been a bear to have to score my lots when there were others much more fun to score. Thank you so much, judges!

IT WAS SUCH A CHORE TO GRADE YOUR HOUSES OMG I HATED IT. Is that what you want to hear? You progressed a lot and I hope you learned some new stuff! I have 9 rejections on site -- it really isn't a big deal, dear. As Armi said, give yourself some more credit, friend! You have talent!

Quote: Originally posted by morgaroni
WTH!!! Ahhh, okay I undersatnd having points off for being late, but COMPLETELY IGNORING IT!!! Sure, I handed mine in like a week late, but the scores were poster 3 WEEKS AFTER!!!! Not only am I pissed off, but I seriously would be screaming and throwing tables if I wasn't in school. GOD what the hell.

Don't be mean -- I just didn't see your post is all. I'll add it to the scorecard and ask the judges to peek in right quick.

Now streaming on at Twitch.tv/SeveralNerds or UglyHoesConnect.com - whichever is easier for you to type in your browser.
#1460 Old 29th Oct 2013 at 10:16 PM
Congrats to the winners and to everyone who participated in the contest! And well done to the judges for dealing with that workload, too!

I'm pretty happy with how my scores increased across the rounds, and how I finally realised I need to use more clutter, although I'm dreading going back through every item in my last entry before I upload to work out what EPs I used...
Lab Assistant
#1461 Old 30th Oct 2013 at 3:54 PM
@ Ishi: I don't think you are giving yourself enough credit. Your lots were not bad. I thought they were quite good, especially since you are a new builder. I'm a fairly new builder myself, and although my stuff was not even close to the caliber of the top scoring entries, I am very proud of what I produced given my lack of skill. Don't beat yourself up....otherwise, it gives others the opinion that you are not proud of your work, and I know that isn't true.

@morgaroni: I'm sure there are other contestants that would like to have their late work graded too, but I don't see them complaining about it. There was a deadline for a reason. I'm sorry if that comes off harsh, but we all had the same deadline.

@Qbie: You and the judges did a fantastic job, and although it took quite a while to get the final round scores, the contest had a deadline for the entries to be submitted. Nowhere in the guidelines of the contest did you say the scores would be posted within a certain time frame. IMHO, if you add Morgaroni's late entry, you will have to add everyone else's that didn't make it by the deadline, but submitted it anyway for everyone to see. Then you will have to re-calculate the scores, etc. etc. etc. I for one don't believe it would be fair for the rest of us.

God will never give you more than you can handle--my mother
Test Subject
#1462 Old 31st Oct 2013 at 12:49 AM
yea round 4 was my best score Just wish i'd had comments so i knew how it was better. Ironically i built it in 2 days after spending 2 weeks bangin my head against a wall with a house more like my other builds
Test Subject
#1463 Old 1st Nov 2013 at 10:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by QBUILDERZ

Don't be mean -- I just didn't see your post is all. I'll add it to the scorecard and ask the judges to peek in right quick.

So sorry, had a bad day! Thanks so much!! It just I put a lot of time into it, and i was stressing about school, ect.
Interstellar Traveler
#1464 Old 3rd Nov 2013 at 3:10 AM
Just wanna say that it was an honor judging this contest! I'm so glad to see how each and everyone of you all improved by each entry and I'm proud! Now here's the thing -- don't stop here! You all have potential to become some outstanding creators! Don't let some judges opinion get you down (after all, it is a competition! ) Each creation and entry was unique which makes you all very talented, so please don't leave here with a dull heart and loss of inspiration because you didn't win. Keep at it and I promise you won't regret it!

With that -- I had a lot of fun (even though Q might have been aiming some canons at me during the judging period!) Happy Simming

Formally SeeMyu | Retired Mod
Lab Assistant
#1465 Old 5th Nov 2013 at 3:11 PM
one again just to thank everyone and let you know my first competition lot has been accepted for upload!!!!!!! Thanks for the encouragement.
Captain Louie
retired moderator
Original Poster
#1466 Old 7th Nov 2013 at 5:03 PM
Quote: Originally posted by klf1
one again just to thank everyone and let you know my first competition lot has been accepted for upload!!!!!!! Thanks for the encouragement.

That is awesome! Congratulations! :D

Now streaming on at Twitch.tv/SeveralNerds or UglyHoesConnect.com - whichever is easier for you to type in your browser.
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