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#1 Old 20th Jun 2024 at 9:26 PM Last edited by JoyaJoelle : 22nd Jun 2024 at 3:45 PM.

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Default Eye colour switched from brown to alien eyes
Hi guys, I just had something weird happen. I went to change the appearance of this teen as I want them to cheer and thus be happy. But as I picked out another haircut, her eyes changed to alien ones! How can eyes suddenly change? Her mom has normal skin and dom. gene grey, rec. gene green. Her dad is alien with normal eyes from CAS made zombie/alien parents, his dom.gene is brown and rec. gene alien. She had brown eyes at birth and normal skin (I've written this down for every Sim in my huge family, I zoom in at birth haha and when I don't like a combination of hair/eyes I'll exit the game without saving to try again ).

So her brown eyes switched to big alien eyes! What kind of glitch is this? And will it be possible and safe to edit this back to brown eyes in SimPE?
Mad Poster
#2 Old 21st Jun 2024 at 2:47 AM
She probably actually has the alien eyes and you just don't have the fix that allows them to show up with non-alien skin, so you're just seeing whatever eyes were painted on the skin instead.
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#3 Old 21st Jun 2024 at 5:02 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
She probably actually has the alien eyes and you just don't have the fix that allows them to show up with non-alien skin, so you're just seeing whatever eyes were painted on the skin instead.

ohh I didn't know this was a thing. Been playing since it came out when I was a teen, have downloaded lots of mods to fix bugs and annoyances these past few years. What kind of mod would fix this? Because I have multiple alien - Sim pairings getting children
Mad Poster
#4 Old 21st Jun 2024 at 6:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by JoyaJoelle
ohh I didn't know this was a thing. Been playing since it came out when I was a teen, have downloaded lots of mods to fix bugs and annoyances these past few years. What kind of mod would fix this? Because I have multiple alien - Sim pairings getting children

Creaturefixes should do it, although I'm surprised that you don't already have it.

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#5 Old 21st Jun 2024 at 7:06 PM
Gotta love genetics! I checked the eye and skin DNA of all 9 kids and I am in for a surprise as they all inherited their dad's recessive alien eyes except for the second youngest. She inherited his skin and brown eyes.

I've added a pic as I don't think I can paste the table in here. I think it also shows where I've learned about rolling the dice before having a baby born after starting up the game to be clear: only on child 6 and 9 were the eyes shown, and now also on child 4. I think because I must have installed that mod that fixes it. Will this mean that the next generation will all have alien eyes (except for child 8)?
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