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Mad Poster
#34001 Old Yesterday at 1:59 AM
There's BO's mod, which uses a different method to allow more sims: https://www.leefish.nl/mybb/showthread.php?tid=2139

Should hopefully get around your issues (if not tied to streakers or other potential adult sims).
Mad Poster
#34002 Old Yesterday at 1:59 AM
Try BoilingOil's version (though that "does not conflict with ANYTHING" kind of makes me skeptical): https://www.leefish.nl/mybb/showthread.php?tid=2139

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

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#34003 Old Yesterday at 1:22 PM
I believe you actually need the mod as well as editing the userStartup. They each seem to address different methods of increasing number of sims on lot. BO's mod does mention it at the bottom.
#34004 Old Yesterday at 1:26 PM
Quote: Originally posted by HugeLunatic
I believe you actually need the mod as well as editing the userStartup. They each seem to address different methods of increasing number of sims on lot. BO's mod does mention it at the bottom.

I edited the userStartup while having Cyjon's mod, it didn't work. The 6th member still could not join. I will try out other versions, but for now I just took the mod out and played normally.

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#34005 Old Yesterday at 1:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
How does a Sim fulfill the "go broke" fear?
Has your Sim actually rolled that fear? It sounds like that wording precedes the repoman/is a hidden fear. I've never had it roll in my game at least, and I've been testing quite extensively lately just how little money Sims can get by. It's insane how much free money is thrown at Sims all the time, I wish RL was like that!
Mad Poster
#34006 Old Yesterday at 4:01 PM Last edited by simsfreq : Yesterday at 4:17 PM.
Greek Houses have levels - do the levels limit how many sims can move in? It seems strange the message would be about 8, though, if that is the problem. And the wiki actually says this isn't an issue. Hmm.

My guess is a mod conflict - you could probably find it by doing the 50/50 method on a throwaway copy of the hood.

Edit: Oh duh. Sorry. You found the problem mod already. Well, I'm tired and not reading correctly.

I have just had a look at Cyjon's mod and his mod simply replaces the entire calculation of whether or not a household has space with an operation which always returns true no matter what.

So I'm guessing, the Greek House joining process probably refers to this process but isn't expecting to get a "return true" result.

That would make sense, because the original BHAV reports three values - the total number of members, the number of sims and the number of pets.

BoilingOil's mod reports these three values each as 1, 0, 1, bypassing any calculation. That might be why it works where Cyjon's one doesn't.

I use the sims as a psychology simulator...
Mad Poster
#34007 Old Yesterday at 5:56 PM
Quote: Originally posted by HugeLunatic
I believe you actually need the mod as well as editing the userStartup. They each seem to address different methods of increasing number of sims on lot. BO's mod does mention it at the bottom.

You don't need to add the lines in UserStartup for BO's mod to work on-lot (like for several similar mods), but adding it allows you do add families from the neighborhood window (comments section, pg7).
Mad Poster
#34008 Old Yesterday at 10:46 PM
Has anyone heard from @AndrewGloria recently? I haven't seen him around for a while. I hope he is OK.

I use the sims as a psychology simulator...
Mad Poster
#34009 Old Today at 12:20 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
Has anyone heard from @AndrewGloria recently? I haven't seen him around for a while. I hope he is OK.

Considering he loved this post, I assume he is!

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
Mad Poster
#34010 Old Today at 2:21 AM
I'm more or less OK, though at the moment I've got a cold that might be COVID. I'm writing a fairly long comeback post in the Sims 2 Thoughts thread, but, quite honestly I'm too tired to finish it tonight. I'll try to post it tomorrow.

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