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Original Poster
#1 Old 9th Feb 2024 at 12:28 PM
Default AI or no AI?

As soon as I caught the first glimpse of the model in this video I thought of inZOI, but my question is not about AI; whatever you and I think of it, it's here to stay and there are plenty of other places where one can discuss it. The question is about a clear choice we are, seemingly by pure chance, given ATM, the choice between inZOI and Paralives. We already know quite well how people will look in each one (and in LBY which is somewhere in between, but definitely leaning towards photorealist side), so: which ones would you prefer to play and why?
Top Secret Researcher
#2 Old 9th Feb 2024 at 1:59 PM
I'm not a fan of photorealism, it creeps me out if playing means having control over something that looks so real.
So, unless there is something outstandingly special or interesting about inZoi, I don't think I will play it. And from what I've seen, right now it's looks shiny but I see nothing interesting about the game otherwise. And the fact that they probably use AI quite a lot to create the game also doesn't endear the company to me.
Mad Poster
#3 Old 10th Feb 2024 at 1:06 AM
I am far more interested in LBY and inZoi than Paralives. AI is fine with me if it produces a result I like. Some mindblowingly good artwork is being done using it. If the use of it moves the overall game in the right IMO direction, I am fine with it.
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 10th Feb 2024 at 4:52 AM
I'm interested in inZoi because its mascot is my greatest weakness: a cat. I do have issues with AI (and issues with AI-generated CC for Sims, aside from AI upscaling) but my ethics are sadly weak enough to be won over by a cat.

While I'm interested in Paralives, I'm really losing faith in its release, and LBY, while interesting, is too Unity asset-looking for me. However, if they update the art style or someone comes out with an overhaul (which i'm sure will happen bc it's the greatest complaint so far), I'd want it.

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