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#1 Old 17th Oct 2005 at 2:37 PM Last edited by Dr Pixel : 17th Oct 2005 at 2:59 PM.
Default Question - Cars and WooHoo animation
I've been working on some car meshes, but there is a problem with the "WooHoo" and the "MakeOut" animations - maybe someone can help with this?

As you know, the animations for these simply make the windows "cloud up", then the cars bounces around for a while.

My problem is this - I have made convertibles of a couple of the cars - these work fine in the game, except for the woohoo and makeout animations.

The game puts up and clouds over the original car's glass rather than the new glass from my new mesh. Obviously it is getting this mesh from somewhere else but I don't know where?

I can think of three solutions, but I don't know how to do any of them.

1} Make the animation use a mesh I have created for these animations. Only for my own object of course, I don't want to change it for the original Maxis car.

2} Get these animations off my object's menu - so that Sims would not be able to "woohoo" or "makeout" in my car. Again this would have to be only for this particular car. I have tried un-checkmarking them in SimPE, but this doesn't work - probably because they are listed in SimPE as "semi-global"
There isn't any "makeout" listed in there either, just "woohoo".

3} Have "makeout" and "woohoo" ALWAYS be rejected in my car So this "clouding up" animation would never happen.

Does anybody know how to do any of these, or at least tell me how to find out where the game is getting the "glass" mesh from?

Or maybe you can think of another solution to this?
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 17th Oct 2005 at 4:08 PM Last edited by willem81 : 17th Oct 2005 at 9:13 PM.
I would realy like to know too how this wohoo problem can be solved.
#3 Old 18th Oct 2005 at 12:44 AM Last edited by pinhead : 18th Oct 2005 at 12:49 AM.
The only thing that i know about this is that the fog is an effect.
Inside the Effect Resource has a reference to the shape resource of the fog. I don't know more about the Effects resource. I don't know if has references to Instance/Group/Subtype or anything like coordinates or something like the cres.
The other thing, the animations have reference to those effects to play together.

I know how to remove this problem that you guys have, but not create another effect to show up. Since we can't edit and see what is stored in Effects resource with SimPE or DatGen.
To remove the other windows that appear fogged when the animation plays, try to change the name of the effects reference inside the animation. Of course, include the anim of the woohoo and makeout in your cloned package, change the name of the animations and replace the original animation reference name inside Anim texts to the new name.

Works fine for me with one car that i made. I'm waiting to see what we can do after someone decode the effects list resource.
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 18th Oct 2005 at 4:30 PM Last edited by willem81 : 18th Oct 2005 at 7:20 PM.
I have already been trying to edit this Effectlist with Datgen, but everything I tried caused the Sims to hang. I'm gone try out now what you said about the animations. Thanks a lot, Pinhead.

I gave it a few tries:
You were right about the fog disappearing, but the sims never stop wohooing.
I extracted both the wohoo and the makeout animation from ojects00.package and added them in my custom-objectpackage. I changed the names of both animations, changed the anim-names in the text list (instance 0x00000086) into this new animation-names, and changed the effectname in both the animations (from "******supersportscarnew******" into "******impreza*******". What am I doing wrong? I suppose you meant to rename the effectname in the animation into something that doesn't exist, is that right?
Original Poster
#5 Old 19th Oct 2005 at 3:09 AM
I had the same problem with the "woohoo" getting stuck.

Here is what I did - when I cloned the car, I had SimPE pull the animations too.

Then I went into the animations list, and extracted the "driveway pose" animation of the car - which really is no animation at all, the car just sits there.

Then I used this to replace both the "woohoo" and "makeout" animations.

I renamed these back to their original names and fixed integrety to make sure everything was still OK.

THe only remaining problem is that there are no animations for the Sims themselves - since you are not supposed to be able to see them, they simply disappear for a moment, then come back.

I would like to somehow get them to use the "kiss" animation or something, or maybe just sit - but I don't know how to do that.
#6 Old 19th Oct 2005 at 4:22 AM
hmm. I was thinking exactly like this: only the name of fog effect as one that didn't exist.
sincerally, i have no problems with animations stuck. But maybe with my old test changing the effects list in HexEditor made something right. In my package i have the fog shpe/gmnd/gmdc using the same name that i changed in effects list and the animations are using the exact name of those references, but the fog don't appear.
strange. I was thinking that just changing the name in animations references did the trick.
i will see if i find something more. sorry, guys.
#7 Old 19th Oct 2005 at 5:32 AM Last edited by pinhead : 26th Oct 2005 at 10:23 AM. Reason: attachment excluded
Well, i got your mesh of the golf and tried import the anims and changing them and it's working fine. Maybe you guys done something wrong.. sorry, but i'm a little asleep and my brain slow down to think in these conditions. lol

i will upload here, if you don't mind willem81, your golf with the anims added and properly changed. Note that is required to use a 128bit string with the name of the animation to avoid conflicts.
When you clone objects with SimPE and select "pull animations", SimPE will pull and create apropriate names, including hash GUID, for all anim files and make the changes in all anim txts to reference them. Since you and Dr.Pixel make objects to share, will be good to include this hash GUID in the anim names. To generate one, you always can access in SimPE the "GUID" option in hash generator plugin to create an unique GUID string. I think it's located at Tools/Object Tools/Hash Generator.

anyway, this is only an advice, not related to the problem that you guys have, since the name of the anim files will not make difference to the anim itself.

attachment excluded
Original Poster
#8 Old 19th Oct 2005 at 9:39 AM
I was not very clear in my post - my car does work OK after I did as I explained by cloning the car again and having SimPE pull the animations.

It onlly got stuck the first time, when I tried just changing the name references in the Text List. That time I had not pulled the actual animations into my .package file.

I probably made a mistake on the naming when I did that.

Now if I have the Sims woohoo or makeout in the car, they both just fade to invisible, then fade back to visible again. The fogged glass does not come, and the game does not stick.
#9 Old 19th Oct 2005 at 7:22 PM Last edited by pinhead : 19th Oct 2005 at 7:55 PM.
Oh! i see. sorry.
I think that the fade is a BHAV referenced in BHAVs of woohoo and makeout. For me isn't a big deal, but you can try modify the bhavs that make the fade. I never tried, but here is the one:

WooHoo - Accept - Hide Sims = group: 0x7F4EA230 = Instance: 0x00002107

This Bhav will be used to hide (fade out) for both actions, woohoo and make out.
It's a semi-global bhav, so to modify it only for your package you will need to make it private and import to your package the BHavs called by the Pie Menu Functions of woohoo and makeout. And you have to make sure that all bhavs operations and references are included in your package. It's a bit more advanced, but can be done.

And i think that the anims called by woohoo and make out is exactly the kiss anim. But i didn't look it better in the BHAVs so far. But it's possible also that the sims will be freeze or something..

i was looking better in the bhavs an i think that the best option is to make the interactions for woohoo and make out private, import the woohoo - accepted (instance 20A5) and makeout - accepted (instance 2107), make them private, skip the nodes of woohoo - accepted - hide sims and woohoo -accepted -unhide sims, change the reference of the main BHAV interaction for both to use the private instance that you changed of accepted bhavs there.
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 19th Oct 2005 at 7:59 PM
Cloning again with "pull animation" and importing this new "pulled" animations into my "old" package worked fine. But I don't understand this. What is this "pull animation" doing what I can't do manually (by extracting from objects.package and importing in Simpe)?

Anyway, thank you very much for the information!
#11 Old 19th Oct 2005 at 10:06 PM
I don't know why you can't do manually. In fact, i did manually the extraction and importing of those anims files and no problems appeared.

About the name of animations and the "pull animations":
The custom animations have to use the same group ID of maxis global to work, unfortunaly, and to make sure that users will not create an animation that cause conflicts with maxis ones, MaxoidTom suggested to us to include the 128bit string with the name for now. I think that they will look to enable the anims to use the custom group (1c050000) later. SimPE do that automatic for you when cloning with "pull animations" checked. The pull animation only does this: Find the anim files that were referenced in text list, rename the anims with the name of your model and the 128bit string, and change all references in the anims text files to use the new name of the animations.
so, maybe you forgot a little detail in the first try, but i can't think what exactly you did wrong...
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 20th Oct 2005 at 1:21 PM Last edited by willem81 : 20th Oct 2005 at 1:54 PM.
Once I have pulled the animations with OW, where can I find this 128bit string? :sorry:
#13 Old 20th Oct 2005 at 7:41 PM
it's a string created in the name. You don't need that if you already cloned with "pull animations"
sorry not be clear enough. I'm saying that to make sure that if you not use the pull animations (just extract directly from Objects00) to include this string in the name of the animation.
This string is generated by SimPE using "Tools/Object Tools/Hash Generator". Select GUID in the hash generator box and copy those numbers to the name of your animation. Always will be unique everytime that you use it. But you can use the same generated string to all your animations names inside the same package.

the name will be like this:

the bold letters are the 128bit string.
anyway, i did not created anything with pull animations since some time ago. Don't know if quaxi created other thing to prevent the conflicts. But this string was used in the beginning.
if the animation was pulled by OW, don't need to worry about.
#14 Old 21st Oct 2005 at 1:48 AM
I see a fourth option. it depends on the way you made the car. It would be easier to see a picture of the car and a picture of the clouding up. I coulkd show you the ofourth option with the picture.
Retired Moderator
retired moderator
#15 Old 21st Oct 2005 at 4:05 AM
How about you dont- we say you did- and we save weeks of fixing the cock ups?

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Lab Assistant
#16 Old 21st Oct 2005 at 12:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by pinhead
You don't need that if you already cloned with "pull animations"

Ok, it's clear to me now. Thanks again.

Mod BV: if I do understand you right it would be necessary to add (several) blocklist(s) to the CRES for this fourth option. I've found out it's not that easy to add to the CRES. I believe Cevic did this in one of his versions of the Porsche Carrera.
Forum Resident
#17 Old 23rd Oct 2005 at 6:24 AM
I am working on making a driveable Lamborghini Murciellago and to get rid of it I just deleted the woohoo string. We could live with out it but if you want to keep it would take a lot of time to fix it.

Now known as CMW15
Original Poster
#18 Old 26th Oct 2005 at 12:17 AM
SimPE now seems to name it the same as the other parts when using the "fix integrety"

For example, mine is named:
Forum Resident
#19 Old 5th Dec 2005 at 5:35 PM
Here's a little hack I made after Nightlife came out, some time back. I never bothered uploading it because it was disappointing.

It keeps the Sims from disappearing during car makeout or woohoo animations, allowing you to see their dull behavior. Basically, they do the basic "kiss" animation, then sit back in their seats (normally this part would be invisible) and sort of twitch and yawn idly until the car stops rocking.

The windows still fog with this, but you can see the Sims inside the car if you move the cam into the car. Really, it is disappointing.

If you want to be a REAL hero, you might try replacing the makeout and woohoo animations with another game animation, like the one from globalsofa for makeout on the sofa. I thought about trying this, but I'm not up to speed on SimPE enough to mess with something so ambitious.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  UnhideWoohoo.rar (255 Bytes, 61 downloads)
Lab Assistant
#20 Old 8th Dec 2005 at 11:40 AM
Wow, Doc Doofus!

I'd hit a "Thanks" button if there were one.

I can't help with the technicalities of this problem I'm afraid, folks, but I did want to post to say a thank you for this little hack that stops the sims disappearing.

I also concur with the above - IF it's possible to steal romantic animations from other seats, that would be a great idea.

The "Hot Smooch" animation from the Restaurant booths might be worth a thought? The diners are probably seated at about the right height.

Just a thought.

Thanks once again for the "No Invisibility" Hack, Doc.
#21 Old 25th Dec 2005 at 7:39 PM
I just had a unique Q I hope has an answer. I would like to know if it is possible to change the voices of a sim. For instance, when sims "woohoo" instead of their stupid "giggling" which doesn't sound anything like woohoo, it could be changed to more realistic intamate sounds like breathing. If anyone knows how to do this mod, please respond.
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