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#51 Old 29th Nov 2016 at 12:22 AM
Quote: Originally posted by HCAC
Yes, well the future will tell....

I will be waiting for future chapters to see how this all pans out! Love this story and thank you for writing it.
Original Poster
#52 Old 29th Nov 2016 at 2:14 PM Last edited by HCAC : 27th Dec 2016 at 8:56 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by magpie56
I will be waiting for future chapters to see how this all pans out! Love this story and thank you for writing it.

Aren't you kind? Thank you for being a reader and for giving feedback. I hope I can get another chapter done in the near future.

OKAY SORRY...I'm working on the next chapter and maybe will get it done soon...holidays!!

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
Original Poster
#53 Old 27th Dec 2016 at 10:07 PM Last edited by HCAC : 28th Dec 2016 at 7:02 PM.
Default Chapter 20--Help Me
Chapter 20

The awkward silence between Doctor Samuel and Mr. Hunt were broken when a woman dressed in a stylish suit emerged from the door marked "PRIVATE" carrying a clipboard.

"Is either of you Mr. Hunt? I'm Mrs. Forbes, the director of the facility. Mrs. Samuel is ready to see you but I have some forms I need filling out."

"I'm Doctor Samuel," said Richard, springing to his feet. "Is my wife all right?"

"Yes, she is on the road to good health, Doctor," replied Mrs. Forbes. "We strive to help patients make a full recovery." She looked down at the clipboard again. "Apart from the paperwork, I do need some sort of remuneration today."

"Yes, yes," said Mr. Hunt in a terse voice, pulling out his checkbook from his jacket pocket. "You do take personal checks, Mrs. Forbes?"

"From you, Mr. Hunt, of course. And as for the matter of confidentiality, that will not be a problem. We pride ourselves on discretion. Although I won't name names, several months ago I had a very famous patient staying here."

She nodded at me. "Is this young lady over 18? We don't allow children here."

"Of course," replied Mr. Hunt shortly. "She's family. Perhaps she can go see Mrs. Samuel while we sort out the details with you?" Hunt took an engraved fountain pen from his other pocket and slowly screwed off the cap. "I might also be willing to make a donation to the facility in exchange for your cooperation in everything."

"Yes, well, that would be lovely," cooed Mrs. Forbes. "Young lady, if you will follow that other door to the Sunshine Wing, you will find Mrs. Samuel in Number 4 Suite."

I stood up and walked where she was pointing. The furnishings were elaborate and plenty of sunshine streamed into the corridor. Betsy's door was ajar and I knocked quietly then entered.

She sat on the bed in silky pajamas, without any makeup and her hair was in a simple ponytail. Her expression scared me. Her face looked dead, blank and lifeless.

"Hello Betsy," I began cautiously. "How are you?"

She turned to look at me. She didn't speak for a long time. I sat in a chair across from her bed.

"Oh, Laura," she finally replied. "I'm so sorry." Her voice was weak and robotic.

"Betsy, you don't have to apologize to me. But why did you lie to me about everything? Doctor Samuel told me you took a bad drug and overdosed-"

She cut me off with a slow wave of her hand. "He lies, he's lying!" she insisted with great effort. "Now he and that stupid Arthur have me locked up here."

She shifted a bit and said, "They have me drugged to be calm. Laura, it's a plot--you have to help me. They want to take my child away and keep me locked up forever. Believe me, you have to get a message to John and help me."


"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
Original Poster
#54 Old 28th Dec 2016 at 8:07 PM
Default Chapter 21--Delusions
"No, Betsy, no one is trying to take Trevor." I tried to be gentle with her. She did seem drugged but with my limited knowledge of rehabilitation centers--mainly from tv--I assumed they had given her something to keep her relaxed. Her reply was slow as if it pulling the words from her mind caused her distress.

She struggled and stood up. I did the same and faced her.

"How can you side with them? I thought you were my friend."

"I am--who do you think is taking care of Trevor while you tried to kill yourself?" I exclaimed. "You came home on something the other night, Betsy. You screamed and ranted and acted like we were all against you."

"I didn't! I don't remember." She sighed. "Richard is drugging me. He and Arthur are evil-- you know that!"

"You must have taken something! Were you partying with John Hazen? Betsy it's not fair to do this to Trevor or Doctor Samuel or me. All I wanted was a simple summer before I went to college but instead I wound up inside your soap opera."

"John is waiting for me," she announced, not hearing what I just said. She slipped me a piece of paper. "Here's his number. Tell him where I am so he can come get me out of here."


"I hear someone coming down the hall. Here comes Richard, please Laura....please! You're my only hope."

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
Original Poster
#55 Old 3rd Jan 2017 at 4:48 PM Last edited by HCAC : 4th Jan 2017 at 1:28 PM.
Okay readers--can I have a bit of feedback...this is not "a demand for likes." I just want to know if anyone (hellloooo!) is reading this? Is it about time I wrapped it up?

Edit--Also, what sorts of stories do you guys LIKE so I can think of a new one when I finish this? Romance? Sci-Fi? Drama? I'd like to do a comedy or something sort of funny. Thank you.

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
#56 Old 4th Jan 2017 at 3:58 AM
I have recently read your story, and I find it rather intriguing, yet the main character particularly, lacks any substantial character development ( although keeping some consistency is imperative) I would like to see the incorporation of more "dramatic" or life-changing events surrounding Laura as well as the Samuels, but overall, excellent work! I am quite glad that there is finally a more unorthodox main character than what is depicted in most stories. I also think some mystery or romance would be a most welcomed addition (just a little-not too much) Hope this helped!
PS: Please continue! This has to be one of my FAVORITE stories! And it was getting really good~
Original Poster
#57 Old 4th Jan 2017 at 1:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Emperor Crat
I have recently read your story, and I find it rather intriguing, yet the main character particularly, lacks any substantial character development ( although keeping some consistency is imperative) I would like to see the incorporation of more "dramatic" or life-changing events surrounding Laura as well as the Samuels, but overall, excellent work! I am quite glad that there is finally a more unorthodox main character than what is depicted in most stories. I also think some mystery or romance would be a most welcomed addition (just a little-not too much) Hope this helped!
PS: Please continue! This has to be one of my FAVORITE stories! And it was getting really good~

Thank you. I appreciate your replies and suggestions. Writing and getting the correct photos can be time consuming and we're all busy people. I'm glad you like it. I would like to wrap up the story and maybe work on a new one but I will try to get a new chapter out in the next few weeks once I "get a direction" to where I want it to end. It's been an interesting experience and I would love to hear from you readers (I assume a lot of people read these stories but few write them) what sort of stories you like--

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
#58 Old 4th Jan 2017 at 3:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by HCAC
Thank you. I appreciate your replies and suggestions. Writing and getting the correct photos can be time consuming and we're all busy people. I'm glad you like it. I would like to wrap up the story and maybe work on a new one but I will try to get a new chapter out in the next few weeks once I "get a direction" to where I want it to end. It's been an interesting experience and I would love to hear from you readers (I assume a lot of people read these stories but few write them) what sort of stories you like--
I love mystery and sci-fi!
Original Poster
#59 Old 19th Jan 2017 at 7:30 PM Last edited by HCAC : 20th Jan 2017 at 7:07 PM.
Default Chapter 22--Doing the Right Thing
Doctor Samuel and CASH decided that Trevor should stay with Mrs. Samuel and her sister a few days. CASH said I needed a little break after the stress and he pretended to be concerned about my welfare but as he slipped me a few fifty dollar bills it became obvious he was trying to buy my silence. Doctor Samuel directed me to the train station saying he was going to remain in Boston with his mother, as well, to settle some things at his practice and stay close to Betsy these critical first days in treatment. Happy to get away from all of them, I sat thinking on the train how Betsy had pleaded with me to help her.

Two days later, I didn't know what I should do about contacting John Hazen. Obviously he was a bad influence on her. Or was he really someone who could save Betsy? I was so confused. I tried to message Leon. It took him till that night to get back to me. I was already in bed when my cell phone rang.

"Hello my friend," he said bright voiced over the phone.

"You took your time," I snapped. "I've been dealing with all sorts of crap here, Leon."

He was silent a few seconds. "I'm sorry, but our lines were down, my dear. We had a storm. Things not good at that job still, then?"

"The wife tried to kill herself. She's a drug addict. She has a boyfriend and is now in a rehab center. She says her husband and CASH are drugging her. You tell me!"

"Not good, then."

"She wants me to contact her boyfriend to get her out of rehab. I'm really in a mess here. I thought my mother was nuts but this is the most dysfunctional family I've ever come across."

"You have to get out of there," he advised. "They pay you yet? Take the money and go home. Go to campus early and see if you can get a local job there. Your mum will have to understand."

"She's on THEIR side, remember? CASH will insist I stay till next month. I haven't even gotten my class schedule. I've been so distracted with this job and these people I have simply forgotten myself and my future."

"You need to call your mum. Maybe they sent the paperwork to your house after she paid the tuition."

"Yeah," I replied. "Anything for her to be in control."

"I have to go, Laura. I'm sorry but my phone is dying. I never charged it before the storm."

"Okay, I'll message you soon."

"Bye." He hung up. Leon was so distant by both location and attitude these days I was basically on my own. I suppose he had his own life to lead just like I had to try and salvage mine.

The next morning I called my mother, dreading even speaking to her.

"Hi, Mom."

"Laura, hello." She sounded surprised. "Arthur said you've been a big help in this whole terrible incident. I mean, what sort of person is this woman, Laura? Poor Richard, he obviously was ensnared by her years ago. Those sort of people know how to prey on people, don't they?"

"Mom, I like Betsy," I insisted. "I think she's just confused."

"No, dear, she's just trashy." My mother sighed. "She hooked in a nice man with a good future and has been torturing him for years. I think that boyfriend was trying to blackmail Richard. Arthur says-"

"Mom, I haven't heard anything from my college. Classes start in only three weeks. Did you pay the fees from my college fund?"

"Oh, yes, about that," my mother said, tapping on the desk with her long nails. (I could hear them over the phone). "Arthur needed some quick investment funds, Laura, dear. He has a deal coming up that he says will double that account, not that there was that much left in it after your father died. I had to dip into it a few times--you understand--but Arthur says as soon as he clears his profits from this deal, it will go right back in, with more than twice. I gave him $20,000 of my own IRA funds from your father..."

"Mom? What the hell did you do that for? You have no right! It's my college money Papa left for me."

"No right? Laura, I have been raising you ALONE since I was a widow with a baby. The only way I could get by is by investments. That is what wealthy people do. We invest and get profits. Next year you can go to college and never have to worry about whether this teaching "career" will go anywhere. Arthur says--"

"I don't give a damn what you or Arthur say. I never want to talk to you or him or his insane family ever again!" I clicked my phone off and hurled it at the wall.

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
#60 Old 19th Jan 2017 at 7:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by HCAC
Doctor Samuel and CASH decided that Trevor should stay with Mrs. Samuel and her sister a few days. CASH said I needed a little break after the stress and he pretended to be concerned about my welfare but as he slipped me a few fifty dollar bills it became obvious he was trying to buy my silence. Doctor Samuel directed me to the train station saying he was going to remain in Boston with his mother, as well, to settle some things at his practice and stay close to Betsy these critical first days in treatment. Happy to get away from all of them, I sat thinking on the train how Betsy had pleaded with me to help her.

Two days later, I didn't know what I should do about contacting John Hazen. Obviously he was a bad influence on her. Or was he really someone who could save Betsy? I was so confused. I tried to message Leon. It took him till that night to get back to me. I was already in bed when my cell phone rang.

"Hello my friend," he said bright voiced over the phone.

"You took your time," I snapped. "I've been dealing with all sorts of crap here, Leon."

He was silent a few seconds. "I'm sorry, but our lines were down, my dear. We had a storm. Things not good at that job still, then?"

"The wife tried to kill herself. She's a drug addict. She has a boyfriend and is now in a rehab center. She says her husband and CASH are drugging her. You tell me!"

"Not good, then."

"She wants me to contact her boyfriend to get her out of rehab. I'm really in a mess here. I thought my mother was nuts but this is the most dysfunctional family I've ever come across."

"You have to get out of there," he advised. "They pay you yet? Take the money and go home. Go to campus early and see if you can get a local job there. Your mum will have to understand."

"She's on THEIR side, remember? CASH will insist I stay till next month. I haven't even gotten my class schedule. I've been so distracted with this job and these people I have simply forgotten myself and my future."

"You need to call your mum. Maybe they sent the paperwork to your house after she paid the tuition."

"Yeah," I replied. "Anything for her to be in control."

"I have to go, Laura. I'm sorry but my phone is dying. I never charged it before the storm."

"Okay, I'll message you soon."

"Bye." He hung up. Leon was so distant by both location and attitude these days I was basically on my own. I suppose he had his own life to lead just like I had to try and salvage mine.

The next morning I called my mother, dreading even speaking to her.

"Hi, Mom."

"Laura, hello." She sounded surprised. "Arthur said you've been a big help in this whole terrible incident. I mean, what sort of person is this woman, Laura? Poor Richard, he obviously was ensnared by her years ago. Those sort of people know how to prey on people, don't they?"

"Mom, I like Betsy," I insisted. "I think she's just confused."

"No, dear, she's just trashy." My mother sighed. "She hooked in a nice man with a good future and has been torturing him for years. I think that boyfriend was trying to blackmail Richard. Arthur says-"

"Mom, I haven't heard anything from my college. Classes start in only three weeks. Did you pay the fees from my college fund?"

"Oh, yes, about that," my mother said, tapping on the desk with her long nails. (I could hear them over the phone). "Arthur needed some quick investment funds, Laura, dear. He has a deal coming up that he says will double that account, not that there was that much left in it after your father died. I had to dip into it a few times--you understand--but Arthur says as soon as he clears his profits from this deal, it will go right back in, with more than twice. I gave him $20,000 of my own IRA funds from your father..."

"Mom? What the hell did you do that for? You have no right! It's my college money Papa left for me."

"No right? Laura, I have been raising you ALONE since I was a widow with a baby. The only way I could get by is by investments. That is what wealthy people do. We invest and get profits. Next year you can go to college and never have to worry about whether this teaching "career" will go anywhere. Arthur says--"

"I don't give a damn what you or Arthur say. I never want to talk to you or him or his insane family ever again!" I clicked my phone off and hurled it at the wall.
Another great chapter! I absolutely despise Laura's mother. Antways, keep up the good work!
Original Poster
#61 Old 20th Jan 2017 at 12:30 AM
Thanks. I hope to finish up the story soon. It's gone on too long!

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
Original Poster
#62 Old 20th Jan 2017 at 9:30 PM Last edited by HCAC : 21st Jan 2017 at 12:58 AM.
Default Chapter 23--The Ending Was The Beginning--COMPLETED

Ten years ago I was that girl who refused, finally, to keep my eyes shut to the reality around me. But what happened in those ten years that lead me to be begining of this story? Readers always want a happy ending and I wish I could tell you my life bloomed once I vowed to leave my mother, CASH, and the Samuels behind. It didn't. It was a struggle.

First off, where does a nearly penniless 18 year old go when she doesn't have a job or a home? The money CASH had given me paid for a taxi to the train station in Newton and a train ride back to Arris, the poor neighborhood and shelter where I volunteered in my last year of high school. Mrs. Hodges, the director welcomed me warmly.

I explained my situation. I needed a job and a room.

"Well, I'm sorry," she said. "We do have a basement room available but it's nothing you're used to."

I took it gladly. I might have been small and old but I found myself truly grateful for the first time in my spoiled life. I was able, with the help of the other people in the shelter, to find out how to navigate the welfare system so I could get a small allowance and take community college classes. The college offered me a work study in exchange for preschool teaching at their day care.

Life was not easy and I felt discouraged sometimes. I realized my childhood was very privileged and I didn't appreciate it as much as I should have. Many times as a young adult money for the bus or a used textbook or something like hygiene products became hard, if not impossible to come by and I went without luxuries most days. Speaking with the people who came and went at the shelter I found out that was the way life was for most people--spare money after paying bills was a rarity.

Leon returned Arris Town after he got his degree in Jamaica. He went back to work full time at the diner until he found a career position as a guidance counselor in the local high school. We were always and still are best friends.

It was through him I was able to find the strength to go to court and sue CASH for the money he took from me.

It took many years and a lot time in court fighting CASH's highly paid attorneys who accused me of being a flighty and irresponsible person. CASH testified once and said I was unable to handle money and cited how I walked out on a good job with his cousin because I wanted to hang around with losers and bums in a homeless shelter rather than earn my keep. My mother sat glowering in the courtroom that day. "I was a disrespectful and wayward child who had to be guided or I would have spent my trust fund money on who knows what," she said dramatically to the reporters who followed her and CASH after the session ended.

In the end, all I got was an old property in South Pleasantville belonging to the Hunt Real Estate Corporation. It used to be some sort of factory in the late 1800s, but in the 1920s CASH's father had it turned into a rental house for unclaimed income each month. It was ugly and worn out but to me it was finally a place of my own.

Thanks to this case, someone decided to investigate CASH and his holdings. Suddenly many claims of "pyramid schemes" and "ill gotten gains" were being hurled in his direction.

Too bad time ran out for CASH.

I think my mom is going to need me in the future. Will I be there for her? I don't know. Maybe not. For now it's time for me to be happy and live my own life---the real Life of Laura.

The End

**Thank you to everyone who read my story. I hope you liked it. Thanks so much if you took the time to comment.**

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
#63 Old 21st Jan 2017 at 3:12 PM
Thank you for a wonderfully realistic, albeit slightly depressing end to the story! Despite seeming cruel, I wish something were to happen to Laura's mother. Do you have any plans to write new stories, as you seem rather skilled?
Original Poster
#64 Old 22nd Jan 2017 at 7:37 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Emperor Crat
Thank you for a wonderfully realistic, albeit slightly depressing end to the story! Despite seeming cruel, I wish something were to happen to Laura's mother. Do you have any plans to write new stories, as you seem rather skilled?

Thanks so much Emperor Crat.
I'm not completely happy to end the story but I just wanted it done. Maybe it could be revised or changed at some point.

Right now I think I'll probably take a break from stories. I haven't been able to find time to play much so with any free time I'd like to do that for a bit.

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
Original Poster
#66 Old 24th Jan 2017 at 2:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by PlatinumPlumbbob
I'd love to see a sequel to the story about the "real life of Laura". Maybe Laura will advance in her career and find company in cats and dogs. Maybe she will adopt a child and raise the child as her own.

If there was a sequel, Laura would not be alone. She'd have a boyfriend or husband.

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
Mad Poster
#67 Old 29th Jan 2017 at 8:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Emperor Crat
Thank you for a wonderfully realistic, albeit slightly depressing end to the story! Despite seeming cruel, I wish something were to happen to Laura's mother. Do you have any plans to write new stories, as you seem rather skilled?

I like that the ending isn't sparkly happy-ever-after, nor does it go the other way. She comes out of this a stronger lady, and you believe she will continue to get through this.

Thanks to ALL free-site creators, admins and mods.

RIP Sunni ... truly a ray of light.
Field Researcher
#68 Old 23rd Aug 2018 at 10:51 AM
Wow, this is a very good piece of writing!
I liked the whole drama, it is so puzzled.
I liked so many dead-ends, the reader can make up their mind about the plot and the characters.
I definitely like that the ending is not classic "american happy-end", where everyone got married, rich and happy.
Great job!
Original Poster
#69 Old 29th Aug 2018 at 4:15 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Ignissimo
Wow, this is a very good piece of writing!
I liked the whole drama, it is so puzzled.
I liked so many dead-ends, the reader can make up their mind about the plot and the characters.
I definitely like that the ending is not classic "american happy-end", where everyone got married, rich and happy.
Great job!

Thank you, I appreciate your feedback and kind words. They thrill me as an author.
Unfortunately it was kind of rushed at the end due to issues in my life at the time. I hope to write a few more Sims stories in the future.

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
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