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#1 Old 8th Apr 2015 at 7:36 AM Last edited by justhatsimmergirl : 9th Apr 2015 at 11:18 AM.
Default The Sims 4 Alphabet Babies Challenge

So I was looking around on some forums one day and I was looking for some challenges. I came across a challenge like this, but I decided to do a little twist on it.

About The Challenge

The challenge is based like the 100 Baby Challenge, but instead of having 100 babys, your Sim has 24 babies. 24? Yeah. The reason? Well your Sim's first baby's first name will begin with a letter of the alphabet ( So like the first baby would have a name beginning with letter A and so on..B,C,D).

Setting It Up and The Rules
  • Jump into CAS and Make a YA Sim ( This will be the founder) Give her any looks. But give her the traits of Family-Oriented, Romantic and Neat. Also give her the Aspiration of Big Happy Family.
  • The Founder can not get a job. But may bring money into the house by Painting and Writing At Home etc.
  • The Founder can only Try For A Baby once with each man. And can't marry the Male sim. Once one man's done you move onto the next.
  • You can only age up your sims when the are supposed to age up. However if a Child or Teen Sim Get an A in school they can age up.
  • Once your Alphabet Babies grow up into teens they can a part-time job and help along in the house
  • Once your Alphabet Babies grow up into young adults they automatically NEED to move out
  • No Mods or CC ( Custom content) that will help you out. But CC Hair etc. Are fine

If your Founder doesn't finish the challenge when she reaches Elder. The next Female Young Adult takes her place and carries on with the challenge.
Last but not least Have Fun!
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#2 Old 9th May 2015 at 2:21 AM
You know there are 26 letters in the alphabet right?
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#3 Old 9th May 2015 at 10:06 PM
You can only Try for Baby once with each man or only have a child once with each man? Because sometimes your sim doesn't pregnant.
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