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#51 Old 25th Mar 2024 at 7:16 PM
I just wish the Pleasure aspiration got more points from the basic things or more high value wants, like taking vacations or throwing parties.
#52 Old 25th Mar 2024 at 7:47 PM
They could want to engage in those activities for an extended period of time where the want is satisfied after a certain number of loops. Now they have "play cards" for 500 or something, which is actually "touch the card table" and get up to touch another object for 500.
#53 Old 25th Mar 2024 at 8:46 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Power - There was one, but it got cut from the game. I guess it would be a combination of fortune and popularity, with a focus on politics, law military careers.
Creative - This would be focused on the more artistic endeavors. Careers would be music, entertainment, cuisine, perhaps slacker
Deviancy - For your more antisocial Sims. Sims want to pick fights, get a bad reputation, and soap fountains. Main career would be criminal.

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Not sure what it'd be called .. but somethin along the lines of a naturalist .. someone who prefers do green and such as much as possible

I love these!!! I have sims who are power hungry but they have the fortune aspiration and almost max for outgoing and little niceness. I guess this sim's constant wants about making friends and throwing parties makes him a good networker. As for antisocial sims, having zero nice personality points isn't enough, those sims are just a pain in the ass for making friends.

For the naturalist sims, I guess we have plant sims, Seasons' homestead with a solar panel and talking to trees but there isn't anything else convincing. Weird how there is a lot of hippy stuff but not the hippy lifestyle. Maybe it's because that kind of personality wasn't popular when the game came out, those people were seen as dirty tree huggers.
Forum Resident
#54 Old 26th Mar 2024 at 12:51 AM Last edited by KittyCarey : 26th Mar 2024 at 1:31 AM.
I've been thinking more along the lines of sub-aspirations, as some others have here, but dividing each main aspiration into three different sub-categories. My sims don't always stay neatly in one throughout their lives - sometimes they've always been a bit of two, or sometimes they start out with one and grow into another - but mostly this is working out.
  1. Groomer
    Primary Aspiration: Family
    Secondary Aspiration: typically Knowledge or Fortune
    These sims want to bring up the next generation to be successful - whether that's through skills, education, career success, or marrying and having children of their own. They are focused on having children, but maybe not all that many - they want to make sure that all their children are a success, and there's only so much time. LTW of "Graduate 3 Children from College" is very much this, though "Marry off 6 Children", "Have 6 Grandchildren" or "Become Education Minister" all fit with this aspiration well too, depending on what "success" looks like to this sim.
  2. Breeder
    Primary Aspiration: Family
    Secondary Aspiration: often Popularity, though Romance or Pleasure can also work
    These are the sims that want a house full of children, the more the merrier. There's always room for another little one in their homes and hearts. LTWs of "Marry off 6 Children" and "Have 6 Grandchildren" work with this, though in many ways the real LTW of these sims is more like "Have 10 Children"
  3. Family Glue
    Primary Aspiration: Family
    Secondary Aspiration: Popularity, Romance or even Grilled Cheese
    These sims want their family to all be close and loving. They want to be happily married, and best friends with all their relatives. Family Reunions are their favourite kind of party, and those happen as often as possible. They usually like having children of their own, but are far less focused than Groomers and Breeders - Spouse, Parents, Siblings, Niblings, Pets are all important too. LTWs like "Reach Golden Anniversary" or the pet-focused ones are all typical of these sims.
  4. Soulmate
    Primary Aspiration: Romance
    Secondary Aspiration: typically Fortune, Family or Grilled Cheese
    These sims are looking for their one true love who must be out there somewhere, and once they find them they're all about that relationship. They can sometimes get ahead of themselves and fall in and out of love with several sims before they find the one, but once found they're very loyal [the 'Hopeless Romantic' trait and associated mods can help make this work]. LTWs to reach the top of a career are well suited to these sims, especially the ones with Fortune as a secondary aspiration that want to provide their true love with every luxury.
  5. Polyamorous Sim
    Primary Aspiration: Romance
    Secondary Aspiration: typically Popularity, but Family is also possible
    These sims want to love and be loved, but don't see why that needs to be restricted to one sim. Some of these sims like to have lots of friends with benefits but will happily live alone, while others want to live in a big happy family with all of their lovers. A LTW of "Have 20 Simultaneous Lovers" is this sim, but they can also have reach the top of a career one.
  6. Serial Dater
    Primary Aspiration: Romance
    Secondary Aspiration: typically Knowledge, Pleasure, or none
    These are the sims who love the thrill of first dates and seducing someone new, but once conquered old loves have little interest. They don't want long-term relationships, and are un-fussed when their lovers move on. LTW of "Woohoo with 20 different sims" or indeed "Have 50 First Dates" very much fit these sims.
  7. The Best Friend
    Primary Aspiration: Popularity
    Secondary Aspiration: typically Family or Pleasure
    These sims want a small group of best friends that are best friends forever. The most important thing in life for these sims is that their close friendships stay strong. Close friends can be family (and a sim with family secondary will probably have a lot that are), but they don't have to be. They also don't have to be human - pet best friends are good too.
  8. Brilliant Reputation
    Primary Aspiration: Popularity
    Secondary Aspiration: typically Knowledge or Romance, or none
    These sims want everyone to like them. They want a good reputation, and as many friends as possible. Some of them might be Friends-with-benefits, but only if there's no risk of getting into trouble for cheating. LTWs of "Have 20 simultaneous best friends" is this aspiration, though some careers can work too.
  9. Would-be Celebrity
    Primary Aspiration: Popularity
    Secondary Aspiration: typically Fortune, but Romance is also a possibility
    These sims want everyone to know their name, but have a tendency to think that "all publicity is good publicity". They want to be looked up to and admired. LTWs of reaching the top of a career, particularly something like Show Business, are usual.
  10. Luxury Lover
    Primary Aspiration: Fortune
    Secondary Aspiration: typically Pleasure or Popularity, possibly Romance
    These sims want to live a life of luxury. They want lots of expensive stuff, a big house, and lots of vacations. How they get it depends on the sim: it could be by working hard, or by more unethical means.
  11. Investor
    Primary Aspiration: Fortune
    Secondary Aspiration: typically Family or none
    As far as these sims are concerned, it's important to always have access to funds. If you have money you can make more, but if you haven't then life is hard. These sims want to earn plenty of money, but won't particularly want to spend it. LTW could be "Earn $100,000", "Own 5 top level businesses" or reach the top of a career or even (for family secondary sims) "Graduate 3 Children from college".
  12. Workaholic
    Primary Aspiration: Fortune
    Secondary Aspiration: typically Knowledge or none
    These sims have a dream of being the best at a particular career. They are very focused on one particular corner office (or lab or stage or whatever), and will do whatever it takes to get there. LTW will always be reach the top of a career (or I suppose own 5 top level businesses).
  13. The Expert
    Primary Aspiration: Knowledge
    Secondary Aspiration: typically Fortune or none
    This is the kind of sim that wants to learn everything there is to know - at least from a theoretical point of view. They enjoy learning, and like to experiment - but the kind of experiment that has controls and results that can be analysed (and an ethics permit, usually). The supernatural is not really for them (though if they have been abducted by aliens, for example, they may be up for a repeat).
  14. Teacher
    Primary Aspiration: Knowledge
    Secondary Aspiration: typically Family or Popularity
    These sims want to pass on their knowledge to whoever they can find that wants to learn. Their children, family member's children, random passing townies - if they'll sit still and listen, a teacher will teach. A LTW of "Become Education Minister" in a knowledge sim points to this one.
  15. Human Guinea Pig
    Primary Aspiration: Knowledge
    Secondary Aspiration: typically Romance or Pleasure
    These sims set out to find out about the world by throwing themselves into it. They're not big on learning from books, they like to do. And if that involves becoming a zombie vampire werewolf, even more fun.
  16. Thrill Seeker
    Primary Aspiration: Pleasure
    Secondary Aspiration: typically Knowledge, could be Family
    These sims want to try new fun things. Go on a date! Try that dance sphere! Go somewhere new on Vacation! Meet aliens! Become a werewolf and howl at the moon! If it turns out not be as fun as they thought, they'll want to stop (unlike the Human Guinea Pigs, who accept whatever consequences), but if it is fun they'll happily continue.
  17. Comfort Lover
    Primary Aspiration: Pleasure
    Secondary Aspiration: typically Fortune
    These are sims that just want to be comfy. A nice couch to sit on, a nice bed to sleep on, and the money to pay for them (without too stressful a job).
  18. Life of the Party
    Primary Aspiration: Pleasure
    Secondary Aspiration: typically Romance or Popularity
    These sims love socialising, but with more of a focus on the here-and-now than the various types of popularity (or indeed romance) sims. They want parties and dates, and as long as there are people ready to party with them (and/or date them) then life is good.

One thing I've been trying to with all of these is to make sure that sims can be moral or immoral in any of the aspirations - it just depends on the sim. For example in my game both General Buzz Grunt and Cassandra Goth are Groomers. The General has a very strict idea of what success looks like (heterosexual marriage with kids, not to an alien) and has disowned those of his children that don't live up to his ideals, while Cassandra's much more about supporting her children (and brother) to learn so they can be prepared for whatever they want to do in life.
Mad Poster
#55 Old 26th Mar 2024 at 7:18 AM
Wow, that's detailed and I love it! I'd agree with most of those too. I'd make 'Life of the Party' Popularity main and I'd change the name of 'Groomer', because grooming children has some nasty RL implications.
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