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#1 Old 23rd Dec 2011 at 10:52 PM Last edited by leafpool377 : 25th Dec 2011 at 10:55 PM. Reason: announced deadline for first application before deletion
Warrior Cats (OPEN and desperate)
If no one is interested by 1/8/12 (second Sunday of the year) I will take the thread down.

This roleplay is based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. It is a traditional RP, with the four original Clans and traditional Warrior Code.
The four clans of the forest are Thunderclan, Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan. Thunderclan is well-known for questioning the Code, and is named for the Thunderpath, or highway, it uses as its Windclan border. Riverclan is named for the river border it shares with Thunderclan. Also, the cats in that clan know how to swim, eat a diet of mainly fish, and have extremely glossy coats due to the oil in fish. Windclan is named for the windy and somewhat barren land it has claimed. Shadowclan is on a marsh, and is the shadiest clan, in both weather and activites. Starclan is a clan of dead cats, that live up in Silverpelt, or the night sky.
NOTE: This is just a clan stereotype. You can have an evil Windclan cat, a nice Shadowclan cat, a sheepish Thunderclan cat, and a hydrophobic Riverclan cat. Starclan can ONLY be dead cats, and that’s only kept in order to keep track of all charries.

Title: Cat [player]
  • Leader:
  • Deputy:
  • Medicine Cat:*
  • Medicine Cat Apprentice:*
  • Warrior 1:**
  • Warrior 2:**
  • Warrior 3:**
  • Apprentice 1:**
  • Apprentice 2:**
  • Queen 1:**
  • Queen 2:**
  • Kit 1:**
  • Kit 2:**
  • Elder 1:**
  • Elder 2:**

Will be filled in as needed.

Title: Cat [player]
  • Leader:
  • Deputy:
  • Medicine Cat:*
  • Medicine Cat Apprentice:*
  • Warrior 1:**
  • Warrior 2:**
  • Warrior 3:**
  • Apprentice 1:**
  • Apprentice 2:**
  • Queen 1:**
  • Queen 2:**
  • Kit 1:**
  • Kit 2:**
  • Elder 1:**
  • Elder 2:**

Will be filled in as needed.

Title: Cat [player]
  • Leader:
  • Deputy:
  • Medicine Cat:*
  • Medicine Cat Apprentice:*
  • Warrior 1:**
  • Warrior 2:**
  • Warrior 3:**
  • Apprentice 1:**
  • Apprentice 2:**
  • Queen 1:**
  • Queen 2:**
  • Kit 1:**
  • Kit 2:**
  • Elder 1:**
  • Elder 2:**

Will be filled in as needed.

Title: Cat [player]
  • Leader:
  • Deputy:
  • Medicine Cat:*
  • Medicine Cat Apprentice:*
  • Warrior 1:**
  • Warrior 2:**
  • Warrior 3:**
  • Apprentice 1:**
  • Apprentice 2:**
  • Queen 1:**
  • Queen 2:**
  • Kit 1:**
  • Kit 2:**
  • Elder 1:**
  • Elder 2:**

Will be filled in as needed.

Will be filled in as needed.

Will be filled in as needed.

The cats must*** live by the Warrior Code, created by their ancestors to prevent chaos.
The code is:

1. Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle.

2. Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory.

3. Elders, Queens, and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders. If any warrior or apprentice is sick or injured, they may eat while the elders, queens, and kits are eating.

4. Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life.

5. A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice.

6. Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name.

7. A cat cannot be made deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice.

8. The deputy will become Clan leader when the leader dies or retires.

9. After the death or retirement of the deputy, the new deputy must be chosen before moonhigh.

10. A Gathering of all four Clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the night. There shall be no fighting among Clans at this time.

11. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing cats.

12. No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different Clan.

13. The word of the Clan leader is the warrior code.

14. An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win his/her battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or if it is necessary for self-defense.

15. A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.

Cats on their way to the Moonstone or Moonpool are allowed to cross other Clans' territories to get to their destination - WindClan grounds in on the moorland and ThunderClan grounds by the lake, in the forest.
Additional Rules
The following rules are not specifically stated in the Warrior Code, but are expected to be followed:
Medicine cats may not have a mate or kits.
Kits must stay in camp until they are apprenticed, and are not allowed to hunt.
The safety of the Clan is more important than the safety of one cat.
Clans must not unite together to drive out another Clan.
Clans must not force another Clan to share territory.
Enemy patrols must not attack cats if they are returning from a mission all four Clans agree on.

Rejected Codes
Throughout history, several other rules were proposed for introduction into the Warrior Code, however, they were turned down. These rules were:
Only cats of pure forest blood can be Clan members
Each Clan may only eat the prey they are most suited for
All Clan cats must believe in StarClan

The Clan Leader may choose to punish cats who broke the Warrior Code. These include scolding, giving a warrior apprentice duties, or giving an apprentice an unpleasant task. In severe cases, the cat may be exiled from the Clan.
Cats who would murder for no reason or caused much pain to other cats for no reason would go to the Place of No Stars instead of StarClan.

A tornado landed in your forest. Generations of Clan cats have lived and died in this forest, and now it is nothing but twigs. Few cats survived, prey is scarce, and no one knows what the future of the Clans will be.
The Ten Commandments of Leafpool's Warrior Cat RPG
1. OBEY the RP rules and RP guidelines.
2. RESPECT other RPers, especially in OOC.
3. NO God-modding whatsoever.
4. NO God-moding whatsoever.
5. In fights, be fair. Discuss it in OOC, or PM. If you don’t, I will determine whether it was a hit or miss.
6. TRY to be at least semi-literate. No kid-writing like my mother does in her Kindergarten classroom. At the very least, a high-school level of literacy.
7. NO superpowers. Cats cannot fly, or control flames. Also, no mythical creatures. Leafpool did NOT fly in on a Unicorn.
8. READ the entire introductory post. I made a very detailed intro, and that was on purpose.
9. USE common sense. A tabby can’t jump thirty feet. Also, escaped housecats/strays (which this RP is about) aren’t about snow leopards.
10. IF you have read, understand, and agree to these rules, put your favorite song in the “Other” section of the application.

Birth name:The first part of their name, given at birth. EX: Bramblekit, Bluestar, etc.
Status name:The second part of their name, determined by status. Leaders have “star”, Apprentices have “paw”, kits have “kit”, and warriors, deputies, queens, and medicine cats can choose a variety of endings, typically one syllable in length. EX: Moonstar, Willowclaw, Feathereye, Berrypaw, Stampedekit, etc.
Full name:Birth name directly followed by status name. IE Birthstatus.
Appearance:A picture or detailed description. Enough to visualize your cat.
Personality:A brief description of how your cat interacts with others, it’s preferences, and peculiarities.
Biography:A detailed description of your cat’s history and past.
Other:Other stuff about your cat or you.

*If you play this role, please either a)know the difference between poppy seeds and mouse bile b) read this. or c) be very good at making stuff up. I don't want you giving a cat foxglove seeds (lethal).
**Can be as many as needed, but I only put up the first few slots because I don't expect many people. In fact, I plan to launch before filling up even one clan.
*** They can choose not to, but most cats do out of honor. Evil cats can disobey it, however.

I don't mind if you call me leafpool, leaf, pool, or leafy for short.
Test Subject
#2 Old 28th Dec 2011 at 7:26 PM Last edited by Venesa99 : 29th Dec 2011 at 4:18 PM.
OOC: I'll join! I'm a big fan of the Warrior series! I will add more charries soon

Birth name: Willow
Status name: Tail
Full name: Willowtail
Personality: Willowtail is very peaceful and caring. She is quite graceful but has her clumsy moments.
Biography: Willowtail was severely disappointed when she became the medicine cat's apprentice, for she had her sights set on becoming the Thunderclan leader one day. But as time passed she found that she enjoyed helping sick cats and was pleased with the job she would play in her Clan. When her mentor joined Starclan she was very upset and scared. She didn't know what she would do without her best friend and for days was in a bad mood. She eventually lightened up and is now back to her old self.
Other: She is the medicine cat for Thunderclan. FAVE SONG: PARTY ROCK ANTHEM

Birth name: Flame
Status name: Paw
Full name: Flamepaw
Personality: Flamepaw is hotheaded but can be sweet at times. He is very arrogant and standoffish.
Biography: Flamepaw became a 'paw not even a moon ago. He likes to think of himself as the best apprentice in Windclan. His sister died when a fox snuck into the Clan and they failed to protect the kits. Flamepaw believes that he is ready to become a warrior.
Other: Apprentice in Wildclan. FAVE SONG: PARTY ROCK ANTHEM
#3 Old 29th Dec 2011 at 1:23 AM
OOC: I'll join this, I'm a really big fan of the books.

Birth name: Birch
Status name: Leaf
Full name: Birchleaf
Appearance: Birchleaf has long, dark-gray fur, with a series of white speckles on her head. She has light yellow eyes and large ears, at least for a cat. Her tail is long as well, and has a black tuft of shorter fur, at least compared to the rest of her fur, on the tip of her tail. Her nose is black, as well as the pads on her feet. Her fur disguises her frame, making her look poofy and fat, but underneath she is very thin.
Personality: She is very calm, but if you make her angry, be prepared to run. She loves kits and apprentices.
Biography: Birchleaf was the only survivor of her litter. The rest died during birth, or during the winter following. Birchleaf wasn't allowed to do very much because of that; her parents were too worried. She would sneak out, however, and hunt at night. In retrospect, she finds it strange that no one discovered her nightly excursions. When she reached apprentice-hood, her father died in a skirmish over border markings, and her mother never really recovered.

Lab Assistant
#4 Old 13th Jan 2012 at 4:14 PM
ill join too- i love the books but i have trouble gettingthem in the UK- one question though- are we playing this in the forest or lake?

Birth name: Silent
Status name:Flight
Full name:Silentflight
Appearance:Small and slender, pale silvery-grey short fur with large green eyes, a white tipped ear and a small scar on the tail, young
Personality: Quiet most of the time, but very outspoken when nesscesary, will clam up when asked about her past. Very perceptive and can tell when cats are lying and can remember lots of details. Loves kits and is unusually good at swimming for a Thunderclan cat , and also enjoys aiding the medicine cat and hopes to become deputy oneday.
Biography: Was found abanndoned as a 3 day old kitten just outside the thunderclan camp, without the scent of a kittypet or clan, so was raised by a queen who had just lost her own kits, was trained and became a warrior after 3 seasons.
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 13th Oct 2012 at 7:24 PM
Birth name: Brave
Status name: Kit
Full Name: Bravekit
Appearance: Fit, with Blue Eyes and a beautiful Black Coat, only two moons old,
Personality: Very rambunctious, likes to sneak out of thunderclan boundaries to find other kits to play with, hopes to be a med cat someday because her mother was one
Biography: Bravekit was orphaned at the age of three days, after her parents died. She is very feisty, and always tries to play with the other clans. Suprisingly, she likes to swim. Her fear is that the leader will make her a warrior instead of a med apprentice.
Mad Poster
#6 Old 23rd Nov 2012 at 12:21 PM
Birth name: Cats
Status name: Paw
Full name: Catspaw
Personality: Very loud. Thinks they know everything and they think they are always right. Will voice their opinion, even when nobody wants to know
Biography: Catspaw was left by his mother after his father had died. Had to fend for himself and hunt for his own food. Was taken in by Riverclan just before his first birthday and has been a member ever since.

Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.
Steam ID: PadukSteam
Test Subject
#7 Old 26th Nov 2012 at 2:37 AM
lol. I love cats, but not this much x.x
Test Subject
#8 Old 27th Jan 2013 at 11:19 PM Last edited by Mooneh : 24th Jul 2013 at 1:22 AM.
: I'd love to join, I haven't read the books in a while but I remember a lot about the books so here it goes :3

Birth name: Angel
Status name: Shine
Full name: Angelshine
Appearance: Medium sized grey tabby cat with dark grey stripes, bushy tail with light blue eyes. Dark pink nose with white specks all over her muzzle. Scars all over her from attack as an apprentice.
Personality: Nice to friends, likes to be alone a lot very strong and not afraid to take a battle she will never back down from anything shes swift and brave, she has dark thoughts in her head and doesn't ever stop thinking about the cats who killed her sister. Quite and dark.
Biography: As a kit playful and nice the day she and her sister became apprentices they headed out quickly, one of the clans was attacking a patrol of cats coming back. She and her sister went with the warriors. The cats attacked furiously without hesitating. As Angelpaw fought she heard her sister scream, as she ran over to her sister, she saw blood rushing out, her sister's heart beat stopped, she was dead. Angelshine never forgot that day or the sleek black and white warrior who killed her sister.
Other: Deputy of Windclan ((If you don't mind<3)) She had kits with her mate (Tinytalon, now deceased) Song: Your gonna go far kid.

Let me think of 2 more of my Warrior Cats I have made a long time ago:
Birth name: Dawn
Status name: Breeze
Full name: Dawnbreeze
Appearance: Dark grey belt with dark grey stripes lining up to her tail. Beautiful eyes that look like the dawn. Light specks around her eyes. Normal size for a cat but slightly smaller.
Personality: The kindest medicine cat. She will help any cat and respects every bit of the warrior code. Can be one to disagree, but when she knows the choice is right starclan may even give her a sign, Very distance and when there are troubling times should not be tampered with. Trustworthy.
Bio: Dawnbreeze never liked fighting an unlike other kits rather see what the medicine cat at the time was up to. She didn't want to play with her kin, even though he became a wonderful warrior. She didn't even look up to her leader, she had to respect them though. She still listened but by the time she became a paw she wanted to be a medicine cat. She did want kits though and when she realized she couldn't have any if she wished to be a medicine cat, she was angered. but she didn't let that get in the way of her life. She kept on becoming the medicine cat she was today. (I might make her take a mate in another clan, whoever would like to be that cat, or I can just make an NPC, no big deal, this was just the story I had made up for her a long time ago and I would love to keep that story.)
Other: Medicine cat of Windclan. Song: Safe & sound (Gonna do this for every cat, as there theme song :3)

Birth name: Thorn
Status name: Kit (Warrior name: Thornberry)
Full name: Thornkit
Appearance: https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/...ppDj94v6iB_xfMA
Personality: Very playful curious little kit. He loves to play with his kin and pull a few pranks on cats, like the medicine cats. He mostly has to help the elders after words.
Bio: Born with a brother and sister, His father died shortly after he was kitted. Due to being a kit he hasn't had to many memories and not much of his life has been lived the fact that he has to stay in camp.
Other: 5 moons old. Kit of Windclan. Song: Can't get my head around you (I think it was called that XD)

Just decided that :3,
Just chose to populate windclan XD i'm terrible, anyways lookout for some hardcore rping from me, trust me there will be a lot out of my posts.
Mad Poster
#9 Old 28th Jan 2013 at 3:33 AM
Birth name: Dog
Status name: Star
Full name: Dogstar
Appearance: A black and orange cat. Somewhat large.
Personality: Loyal to the Shadowclan. They are somewhat large, but they have a great bite. Won't back down from a fight, when the clan's safety is concerned.
Biography: Dogstar first came to the Shadowclan after he was left at birth by his parents. He was raised by the leader of Shadowclan. Dogstar became the leader of the Shadowclan, after the previous leader was attacked by another clan.

Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.
Steam ID: PadukSteam
Test Subject
#10 Old 2nd Jul 2013 at 5:45 PM
I have a question. Can my charrie be a loner/rogue/whatever you want to call it? I just have such a hard time choosing clans. Also this thread seems pretty dead. I'm almost positive nobody will reply :'( If nobody wants to roleplay this, I have another site that is tons of fun that I think you guys should also check out. It's called Warrior Cats RPG: http://warriorcatsrpg.com/
Test Subject
#11 Old 16th Jul 2013 at 1:47 AM
@crystal5213 I just found this post today and it brought back so much nostalgia and made me consider getting back into Warriors (haven't read them for a few years). It saddens me greatly that this thread died as I would have loved to participate but I will check out http://warriorcatsrpg.com/, thanks for the link :D
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 17th Jul 2013 at 11:24 PM
I want to join! I hope this will possibly save the thread.
birth name: wind
status name: paw
full name: windpaw
appearance: a female grey cat with brown spots on her. she is small too. she has a torn ear because of a dog her and her mentor ran into out on the hunting grounds.
Personality: very jumpy and gets scared easily, she always sticks to the warrior code, even though she is not a warrior yet. she has a younger sister, Sandkit and she is always annoyed of kits because of sandkit. she is always ready to train and brags whenever she wins a fight or gets prey.
Biogrophy: born to Sparrowtail and Sorrowclaw her father died in the paws of a dog. she hads always been terrified of dogs and recently got to see one, face to face. it tore her ear but her and her mentor ran it out of camp. her little sister sandkit always loves to annoy Windpaw and listens to her windpaw's storys and wont leave Windpaw alone.
other: from Windclan. fav song: radioactive.

- ISBI (Sylvarlotte)
- Wishacy: (Odette)
- Do It As You Go (Cas)
-Perfect Genetics (Alyssa)
Test Subject
#13 Old 18th Jul 2013 at 4:46 PM
I went on the rpg site and it confused me so much 0.o so i'm just gonna hope Leafpool comes back *Gets on hands and knees and prays to god*
Test Subject
#14 Old 23rd Jul 2013 at 12:30 AM
Yeah I didn't really like the RPG site, I would prefer to do something with a smaller group on Modthesims. Maybe PMing Leafpool would help? 0.o
Test Subject
#15 Old 24th Jul 2013 at 12:53 AM
Yeah, I just PMed her, I hope she comes back.
Test Subject
#16 Old 24th Jul 2013 at 6:08 PM
Name: Storm
Status name: Star
FUll name: Stormstar
Appearance: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:...E4Vxj5rtIoqastc
Personality: Loyal, brave and smart. Never afraid to take any challenges.
Biography: Had a seemingly perfect life. He became deputy when a dog had attacked, the previous deputy died during the attack and an omen was sent from starclan. His leader had died in leafbare from sickness.
Other: Leader of thunderclan. My fave song: Radioactive
Lab Assistant
#17 Old 1st Aug 2013 at 11:39 PM
i really don't think this thread ism coming back. but if it does i'll still be joined.

- ISBI (Sylvarlotte)
- Wishacy: (Odette)
- Do It As You Go (Cas)
-Perfect Genetics (Alyssa)
Test Subject
#18 Old 3rd Aug 2013 at 12:53 AM
Hey guys, so yeah this RP is inactive and I can't imagine how long it will be until Leaf will even come on. I roleplay on another site also and since I really was eager to start this one I posted it on the site :3 we already started roleplaying and it's going great! Don't worry the site isn't confusing it's simply and fun! Someone created a rouge clan and I wanted to post this to see if anyone wanted to join his rouge clan well it's not really a 'clan' he calls it Children Of Shadows (C.O.S) because he had his leader & jester (You'll see in a second) start a war against all the clans. It was a real plot twist and I like it! He even made ranks to tell me what is what ^.^ i'll link the OOC thread! (P.S please don't roleplay in the OOC thread there is an IC thread (In character) where we will roleplay))
King(Leader): Sabimaru
The jester(Basically Sabimaru's right-hand.): Sabi.
The Shield(The one who is the head of Sabimaru's guard.):
The swords: (Sabimaru's generals.)
The medics: (The medics of the group.)
The Assassins: (Just as it's put. They're like.. senior warriors.)
The Fighters: (Normal warriors.)
The future: (Apprentices)
The youth: (Kits)
The mothers: (Queens)
The pasts: (Elders)

I really hope you consider the site: http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=46538 (Link to the thread)
Lab Assistant
#19 Old 4th Aug 2013 at 12:48 PM
too confusing i think i'll stay here but i did try.

- ISBI (Sylvarlotte)
- Wishacy: (Odette)
- Do It As You Go (Cas)
-Perfect Genetics (Alyssa)
Test Subject
#20 Old 6th Aug 2013 at 5:30 AM
Anyone looking forward to Saints Row IV?
Test Subject
#21 Old 7th Dec 2013 at 7:10 AM
This seems cool and all, but I prefer making up my own Clans and traditions.
Test Subject
#22 Old 7th Dec 2013 at 7:15 AM
There aren't any Clan generals. And there's only one medicine cat in a Clan, unless they have an apprentice. Also, no-one IS head of the leader's border patrols.
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