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Question about Making a CEP
Hey y'all, I've decided to tackle making a
CEP (specifically for a window) and I have two questions.
So, the window in question doesn't have a TXTR entry, so it can only be recolored via the TXMTS--I wanted to change this, so I did the following:
1. Remapped the Glass subsets (they were...not exactly mapped to look like they should)
2. Edited the two glass TXMTs with "stdMatBaseTextureEnabled" and "stdMatBaseTextureName", so they would accept actual textures
I didn't need to do anything to the SHPE, GMND, or MMATs, as the SHPE pointed to a "clear" glass color, the GMND listed both of the glass colors already present in the package (clear and smoke), and there were already two MMATs for each color of glass that came with the window.
As for how I created the new package:
1. I exported the original resources from the window (The Light Pane)
2. Created a new package file
3. Right-clicked and added the resources above (minus the MMATs) into the new package
4. Imported the edited meshes
5. Edited the TXMTs
6. Fixed TGI as I went
So, as for the questions:
1. Since I didn't really have to touch the SHPE or GMND, do I still need to include them in the file that goes in Documents?
2. Since there were already MMATs for the colors, do I still need to do something to them? Or do I not need to do anything with MMATs and just have the one single file for Documents?