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Mad Poster
#1051 Old 6th Mar 2021 at 2:18 PM
I've just got my own version adapted from the fact that mine is about a situation in Europe that led to the colonization of the new world as history happened in the TS2 version of history.My disaster event was a volanic eruption in Asia in the 16th century disrupting the weather patterns and causing crop failures that led to colonization in mine so they have different things to un;ock like schooling and expanding the town.My sims also have to unlock jobs and what unlocks that is population growth and sims can still earn money by alternative methods like growing crops and by trades or vocations.I've also got a perma fridge patch in because sims can't buy groceries and I don't want them to starve though I cna restrict use of the fridge in a food shortage.
Lab Assistant
#1052 Old 26th Apr 2021 at 8:00 PM
Well, hello. It's been more than a month but I'm still alive! I've been really busy (and I still am) but I could play a couple of hours today so I'm here with a small update:

Anthony lifted the Medicine restrictions (finally showers!). He also married a townie, Gwen, and had a baby, Vanessa. Gwen is both taking care of the baby and skilling to join the Military later. I hope she can make it...

What else can I say...? Well, I got a genie lamp but obviously I can't use it yet. Oh, I
also got 80k monies from a chance card! My problems to pay the bills just vanished. I should use some of that money to make a basement, that is, if I can find a place for the stairs...

I think that's all for today. See you next time, whenever it is.
Mad Poster
#1053 Old 28th Apr 2021 at 9:52 AM
I've got a lot of setting up to do in my town before going live in mine.My town is a colony in the new world and they have to start from scratch though my settlers can garden though their new home might have a different lenth of growing season than they were used to back home.
Test Subject
#1054 Old 16th May 2021 at 2:25 PM
I started the apocalypse challenge (again), and I've been really enjoying it! It seems to be a lot easier than before, need wise, so I decided against getting need perks for my future sims.
The weirdest thing is that I haven't gotten even a single burglar, but my founder's spouse lit on fire when cooking grilled cheese sandwiches! And he was at the top of the culinary career! (luckily having lifted the restriction before dying, lol)
Mad Poster
#1055 Old 17th May 2021 at 5:17 PM
I've got to get ready to create my first colonial couple for my apocalypse challenge and get them settled into the colony.
Lab Assistant
#1056 Old 8th Aug 2021 at 1:40 AM Last edited by Borja20 : 9th Aug 2021 at 5:22 PM. Reason: small update
Not being able to control elders is probably my least favourite rule. Please, I can't help him. (And he started another snowman in the front of the stairs, smh)

Ok so I'm back after many months! I swear, I want to play, i just don't have time...
Sadly, Gwen (the mum) didn't make it to the top of Military. She grew up to elder with 9 of body skill, and also with negative aspiration level because she feared ghosts. Gwen's life is being harsh... To make it worse, Anthony (the dad) died and all family friends were his. Looks like Vanessa (their daughter) will have it hard too. Why is making friends so hard without the phone...? I really want to top Military already. Not just because of the restrictions, but also I want do do some building.

Small update: Gwen was fired from a chance card, when I thought nothing else could go wrong for her...
Good news is Vanessa is making friends pretty fast.
Mad Poster
#1057 Old 9th Aug 2021 at 12:02 AM
I won't be controlling any elders in my game for some time because nobody will reach that age for a while as mine is starting out as a new colony settled by young couples and they have to grow old over time.I can control my elders a little though I'll have to let them make mistakes once in a while as they might become forgetful with age.I'm starting my settlement from scratch and slowly building it up and some things like getting jobs are unlocked though some are allowed right away for sims being sent over as convicts.
Test Subject
#1058 Old 8th Feb 2022 at 10:46 PM
Well, I was trying this YET AGAIN, but my game got corrupted. I WAS definitely having some trouble with the Pets mods, for some reason. The Pets Service mod made it impossible to open any lot. I have no idea why. At least one other of the mods somehow managed to FORCE DELETE some of my mods, like SimBlender and the BatBox, and I MUST HAVE the SimBlender and the BatBox, so I added them back. Some random other things were lost as well, and I found MOST of them?

But then... Then, I wanted to use Brandi LeTourneau as a villain character. So, I had Cyd Roseland (A much-too-nice zombie Patient Zero, who never DID anything, because he's too nice to fight) use the Tombstone of Life and Death to add her to his family. But, because the original designers of the game had something against last names, I wound up adding Brandi THE BUS DRIVER to the household, and BOOM! Big Flaming Ball Visible From Space. However, not before I noticed a jump bug in all social interactions AND when my sims visited post-apocalyptic community lots, all the visiting sims just stood around doing nothing. The ONLY things they would do was interact with the visiting pets on the lot.

Soo, I uninstalled the game, and reinstalled, and have decided to try again, using the rules, but not the mods.

And not using Brandi LeTourneau as my villain, or Cyd Roseland as my Zombie Patient Zero.

So, now that it's installed again, wish me luck!

PS: Phaenoh, I don't know why the mods don't work for me. I've had problems with them before, on this same computer, so maybe (probably), it's just me and my computer. But this is what I have to work with, so that's what I'm going to do. I'm still REALLY grateful for all the work you did to make them, in the first place. For one thing, it was a relief to be able to have the "typewriter" be fully accessible, and not always have to worry about cancelling sims wanting to play games.

I'm going to go with the manuscript, instead, for the novel writing, because I have searched for a typewriter-only CC, and couldn't find one, and writing out longhand just makes good sense, anyway. But! If I can find a typewriter-only CC, I will definitely install that, because they had them in the time of the Gold Rush, so why not? I just won't use a computer that can do other things.

Anyway, I'm off to send my founder to college.
Mad Poster
#1059 Old 13th Feb 2022 at 6:52 AM
I've got traits collection Mods being installed to determine who van or can't read as those who can;t read will be very limited on skilling and also very slow at it.I've also got a skip school and not lose any grade and will put a siminlar Mod in for jobs so any sims working at a job can't get into trouble of they arrive late for work though showing up in a bad mood might cause them to lse perfomance.That wouldn't by much of an issue right away sonce most sims would be farming and working in trades or crafts for a long while and school isn't a real issue since children and kids don;t have any school unless one got home schooled.
Lab Assistant
#1060 Old 27th Feb 2022 at 7:23 PM Last edited by Borja20 : 27th Feb 2022 at 7:33 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by FlinkeMeisje
At least one other of the mods somehow managed to FORCE DELETE some of my mods, like SimBlender and the BatBox, and I MUST HAVE the SimBlender and the BatBox, so I added them back.

How is that possible? I had some problems at the beginning (conflicts with other mods) but nothing THAT bad. I ended up making a new Downloads folder with just the mods I can't live without and starting the challenge again.
Now the only mod that doesn't work properly is the one that changes the bill (that 50% of the lot value thing), so I'm just doing that manually.

Anyway, time for my update after 6 months.
Not much in live mode other than finally reaching the top of Military. My next Sim (oops, forgot his name) adopted a dog and I tried for him to work on Architecture while the dog worked on Service, but failed with both. No more restrictions lifted so far. Oh, and that dog destroyed the double bed, so I could buy a better one without breaking the "no selling items" role. But now most of the ghosts are mad, so I'm not sure if it was a good thing.

Now to the building part, I first did the town hall, but I'm not exactly proud of how it looks, so I'll hide it in that button. I was going to make a much bigger one, even having an underground prison so I could use it for Law Enforcement too, but gave up midway. It was looking too modern for an apocalypse hood.
Then I spent sooo many hours building in the Research Base, I didn't count how many but it must be my personal record. I think it looks pretty good from this angle (the other side of the building is ugly).

And now is when I proceed to disappear for 6 months again.
Test Subject
#1061 Old 30th Mar 2022 at 9:10 AM
Well I'm bummed out! I've been playing for hours and (so I thought) was adhering to all the rules well. I'm on generation 3 now. My founder lifted culinary, married a wife who was at the top level of Science so I just let her be and will remove Science when I get to R2, founder's son unlocked military but founder's daughter got fired from Medicine so the son's wife has been working on it instead. It's been a lot of fun to play in a more challenging and creative way. However, I obviously made an oversight at using the Job Noticeboard as recommended to get the founder his job and didn't adjust it to level 1. I only realized my mistake when reading through the thread. I'm not sure whether to consider this a small mistake and keep going since everyone else has started at level 1 or if it's too egregious and I should start over
Mad Poster
#1062 Old 30th Mar 2022 at 5:07 PM
I'd just pretend that he'd gotten promoted on his first day because he was overqualified for the bottom and there were toomany at the bottom.It can make a great tool for telling a story like he'd studied logic to a higher level and was able to advance faster because of that.It's fine to have one slip and I'm letting the rule about elders go as I won't even have any until couples who arrive in my new world colonial settlement evenually reach old age and mine is set in the 16th century so I had to change some rules as mine started with a 16th century volcanic eruption disrutpting the weather and resulting in food shartages in Europe which forced the settlers to set sail for the new world.Mine will be alloqed to grow gardens though the growing season might be a little shorter because of colder weather or they might have a drought.
Test Subject
#1063 Old 31st Mar 2022 at 8:44 AM
Just checking - are children allowed to stay home alone while adults work? I can only find the rule about having to take them to community lots.
Mad Poster
#1064 Old 31st Mar 2022 at 10:57 PM
It's might be possible if you have a no social worker Mod from Simlogical and one from here that let you leave little ones alone.I've got the social worker Mod as well as ablilty to take toddlers along to coomunity lot and leave little ones home alone though toddlers only for a short grocery run.
I've been into my Apocalypse challenge town in Riverdale and added lighing to the service center and a few to the homestead.
Test Subject
#1065 Old 1st Apr 2022 at 2:46 PM Last edited by dietcoke : 3rd Apr 2022 at 6:27 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by TadOlson
I'd just pretend that he'd gotten promoted on his first day because he was overqualified for the bottom and there were toomany at the bottom.It can make a great tool for telling a story like he'd studied logic to a higher level and was able to advance faster because of that. It's fine to have one slip

Thank you! I decided to start again because giving myself such a huge advantage at the beginning didn't seem in the spirit of the challenge (especially when so many people fail at that first hurdle), and I had fuzzed up by having both of the founder's children romancing people when only one can get married and continue the legacy until Law is lifed. So

This is my founder, Cody, skilling his way through La Fiesta Tech. He's a knowledge Sim, and I was originally planning to have him just max the skills needed for Culinary plus body, but he had the LTW to max all 7 skills so I went for it! He was on top of the world leaving college with perma-plat and 10 BFFs, so much so I wonder how much the nuclear devastation bothered him. His hair already looked post-apocalyptic anyway.

This is his new home!

I went a little crazy with grunge-CC to cheer myself up about starting over and it worked! I'm excited all over again and I feel better prepared now that I've had some practice. Hopefully the Bennet family will make it all the way through back to civilised society

Update: Cody managed to clear culinary with 16 days to go! He didn't even need to touch his Elixir of Life. I was worried about chance card firings but he only got one (with a result of 3,000 simoleons) and was getting promoted every time he went to work. He quickly called over his uni sweetheart Lucy to elope (side note, I had to reset her temperature because she was so cold she would immediately leave after being greeted ) and they got started on the next generation with their son, Asher. Cody quit his job to look after the baby and Lucy joined Medical. She's up to level 5 so far, hopefully she'll make it and they can put an end to all the sponge baths. They did adopt a stray dog, which celebrated the only way they know how by rolling in the trash. Unfortunately it refused to eat from its pet bowl was fired from Security on its FIRST day (not sure if the rule about not re-entering a career once fired applies to pets so I decided to give it away to be on the safe side.) We will need to find a new furry friend and hopefully Asher can clear Military. I'm debating whether to have another child as a "spare".

Mad Poster
#1066 Old 1st Apr 2022 at 9:47 PM
I don't restrict how many of the children from the original settlers could get married though the numbers of children they do birth might be restricted because it's couples without children who are coming out to the new world to settle in the colony in the 16th century.My restrictions are that sims won't have running water and will be fetching it from wells and will only have tabel or floor lamps if they aren't using wall lights.They also won't actually shop for groceries as they're supposed to be growing their own food and raising farm animals.Most of the sims will work in crafts take up in a trade if they aren't working in general labor.
Test Subject
#1067 Old 10th Apr 2022 at 5:31 AM Last edited by dietcoke : 17th Apr 2022 at 1:06 PM.
Default Tier 1 madness

The family are working on Tier 1, but it hasn't been without drama. The zombies walked by more than I expected given the town's small pool of custom townies, and I was horrified to notice that after one was greeted in order to be fought, she dragged herself up to the top floor of the house where a foggy minded Cody was playing chess! Luckily Asher had grown up by this point and managed to fight back. He got to level 9 of Military and found a wife, and they worked on the next generation with two kids (Ella who is the heir, and Oliver) before sleeping through his carpool one day and promptly being fired! He dabbled in a business job to keep him busy before growing into an Elder.

The family also adopted a stray named Salem who managed to get to the top of Security without a hitch. Ella grew up reasonably well and did well in her military job as a teen so I designated her to be heir, and she met her beau Seth while at the Military community lot. He soon moved in, and Ella is still working in Military while I let Seth keep his Law Enforcement job that he moved in with. She's currently up to level 7 or 8 and they just gave birth to their daughter, Lily. Hopefully Ella can lift Military so I can finally be done with Tier 1 that's taken multiple generations!

*UPDATE 17/04/22* Ella did lift Military! Hello Tier 2. After Lily they had one more son, Diego, before Ella hit Level 10 and aged into an Elder. Oliver didn't manage to lift anything and didn't marry. Sadly, Ella didn't last long as an Elder, but Seth and Oliver are still around. It's been really hard to find a new pet, strays never stay on the lot for long (can become friends but not adopt) and the same ones don't come around very much at all but I'm working on it. Lily grew up and is working in Law, she married her townie bf Mark and I let him keep his lvl 2 Politics job, Diego is working in Business. I need to be a bit craftier with getting them to the top of their careers as no one has managed to lift any Tier 2 jobs yet. Ah well.

Test Subject
#1068 Old 25th Apr 2022 at 1:16 PM Last edited by dietcoke : 6th Jun 2022 at 11:35 AM. Reason: update
Default Spaghetti, and a mental breakdown

Lily has been the hardest heir so far, she managed to lift Law and the friend requirements were pretty tough.. they had to go to community lots a ridiculous amount to meet people! I had her use some of the Founder's items Life of Elixir which was a struggle in itself since Lily's aspiration was almost always in the red and being visited by the therapist, but eventually she did it. They adopted a stray called Patches who is working on Pet Service (UPDATE: success!) Mark also managed to lift Politics (which happened to be his LTW, much to my surprise when he got perma plat). Felix (Lily and Mark's only son) got a job in Science, but due to an unfortunate chance card involving llama field work he was unceremoniously fired. He married his friend since his teenage years, Eliza, and they had a daughter called Hazel who looks JUST like her cousin Isabel.

Since Law was lifted 5 days before Diego became an Elder, so I rushed to move him out and get him married to his townie friend Liana. They had a daughter named Isabel. I didn't think he's going to lift Business in time so I nearly forgot that, but I managed to lift pet service so he was able to make it on the very last day of his life! He became the first Sim since the founder to die in Platinum aspiration, and Business successfully lifted. So I now have the founders lot, with Lily, Mark and their only child Felix, and Diego's lot. I have made a family tree to show so far. Also, I believe all the zombies have been defeated! Slowly but steadily, the town is rebuilding.

**EDIT 02/05/2022:** Tragedy strikes!

I always thought ghosts would be a problem on the founder's lot, with the whole family plus several zombies making a pretty sizeable graveyard, but asides harmless spooks I've had no problems. Diego, of all people, was the one to change that. He scared Liana endlessly and I couldn't get her to eat or sleep at all save from all the scaring. As she was getting a bottle for Sienna, she collapsed and died! Damn you Diego. I had Lily adopt her two oprhaned nieces so now they're in the house. They grew up into teens and Hazel, Sienna and Isabel all have the EXACT SAME HAIR. I've never hated the Show Business rule about changing appearance so much until now. It's made the house extremely more difficult to run but at least there's always people around to babysit the young'uns. I plan to move the Rodrigo sisters out when Isabel ages up.

Update 15/05/22: Isabel and Hazel are now adults, so Isabel has moved back into Diego and Liana's lot to keep that family going. Hazel married a townie named Sam (who is good looking enough to forgive him staying at level 1 of his job for a week) and they had TWINS because my game hates me. Isabel also got married, a townie named Finn. Eliza and Felix passed away, Felix just BARELY managed to become the Hand of Poseidon so Oceanography is lifted! Eliza was at level 9 of Law Enforcement that's what I get for playing with shorter lifespans. I think in the vanilla game Elders can get as much as 20 days? In my game they get like 7 days. I may use the Sim Blender to give them an extra 3-6 days if needed because I don't want to remove my lifespan mod entirely.

UPDATE 06/06/22: So Finn managed to start a fire while burning some hamburgers and Isabel passed away in the fire I was too busy trying to extinguish it (still no fire alarm allowed) to take pictures. Sienna happened to have chemistry with him and they autonomously did something romantic... so now Finn (who was ALREADY having an affair with a townie) now wants to marry Sienna instead! Tragic. Hazel's twins Eric and Lauren are now teens, not sure who will be the heir yet. She managed to lift Education and Sienna and Finn are both doing really well in Architecture and Intelligence repsectively. Family tree updated.

Test Subject
#1069 Old 19th Sep 2023 at 11:42 PM Last edited by FlinkeMeisje : 21st Sep 2023 at 9:24 AM.
I'm trying another play-through. This time, I took the time (weeks) to go through all my mods, and remove the things that conflicted, and I THINK I'll be able to do it all this time! Woot!

So, my founder, Desdemona, has lifted Medical, and married Nawwaf, who just happens to be a Celebrity Chef! He made his lift as soon as he moved in, the very day that she made hers, so I took them both out, at once. Now, they have a baby, Claudia, and are waiting for her to grow up. Scout failed at his first chance card, and was fired from Pet Security, so he was given to a passerby. He keeps coming back, because they loved him, and he loved them, but whatchagonnado?

Now, just waiting for Claudia to grow up, and either lift Military, herself, or marry someone in the Military career. Nawwaf has brought home a friend, who happens to be male, and is definitely in the career, so there's always that possibility. Once Nawwaf is at level 6, he'll be able to get them a humvee. His real goal is to become a General, for his lifetime want, but he's also happy to provide an armored vehicle for his family. And if he can find a husband for his daughter, all the better. A man with a headstart on the military career? Yes, please. She can give birth to the next generation, while she waits and skills up, and then she can get her job, once Teir 1 is completely lifted. Or, she can raise a bunch of kids to lift a lot of restrictions, once Tier 1 is lifted. Although, we only have beds for six. But, hey, the elderly can doze off in a recliner, or something, right?

Oh, I AM swapping Athletic and Architecture, because I think it's ridiculous to try to build fancy buildings, when nobody is strong enough to even move a couch or a two-tile dining table. How are you going to lift heavy beams and heaven forbid, two-tile doors?! Nope, Athletic first. Fancy homes are Tier 3, in my mind.

I actually considered making Athletic Tier 1. Even tent-dwelling tribes have their own sports and feats of strength, right? Hmmmmm, maybe "Tier 1.5." Like, it must be lifted before Tier 2, but only after all the basic survival Tier 1 restrictions? That's a thought. Either way, Claudia will take a job in Military, when she becomes a teen, just so she can train at the obstacle course. She'll need it. But now, she can also train at the surgical dummy, as well as the chocolate maker, so she'll start her adult years well-trained in three skills! Because they're all fun! Yay! I guess whether she lifts Military or leaves it to her husband will depend on two things - whether or not she actually falls in love with Nawwaf's military friend, and how far advanced he is in his own career. I'll play it by ear, once she becomes an adult. I can't do much, except build up their friendship, before then.

Edit: So, Kobe lifted Pet Security, after Scout lost it on a chance card.

Claudia grew up into a very happy child, with platinum aspiration. She went to school (I thought the mod was supposed to stop the school bus from coming? It didn't so she went), and wound up with an A+, pushing her back into platinum. But then, it was her teen birthday, and we went to the community lots. With LOTS of coffee, keeping everyone going, Claudia built up her Mechanical skill at the First Aid station, then the family mooded up and headed over to the Military Base and Food Depot. There, she built up her body skill on the obstacle course. She couldn't make it all the way in either, because of zombie attacks, and it was time to go home. However, it was enough. With the four points of charisma she got from the bunny head, as a toddler, it was enough.

She took a teen job, as a Paintball Attendant, and thanks to good moods, she raked in the promotions, even though I did everything I could to get her aspiration down low. After a couple of shifts, she was at level 3! And with her aspiration finally in the low green, I took a chance.

Desdemona has brought back two Elixirs of Life from college (three items, because she did not graduate, thanks to the randomness, and the other item was a souvenir rack from Asia, that she can't use, so it sits on a balcony, locked away and unused). Desdemona had taken only one sip from one, and that night, Claudia drank four sips, emptying one of the bottles. The timing was PERFECT! She grew up that very night, and got pushed to level 6 in Military!

And even better, Desdemona had invited over one of her best friends, Juan Reamon, who happens to be level 8 in the Business career. As an adult, Claudia has two bolts with him! She used him to get into platinum, inviting him over nightly, so she could go to bed ready for a promotion the next morning, and Bob's Your Uncle, she has just lifted Military! WOOOOOOT!

Juan is now able to move in, and continue his Business career. It's not my favorite Tier 2 lift, but it's easy, Claudia is happy, and it will provide a fun way for kids, or at least teens, to train charisma!

Technically, I could have married him in, as soon as they fell in love, but I couldn't let him keep his job, if the tier wasn't open. Now it's open, and he is free to continue.

And now, I have to stop my game, and install a bunch of new community lots. Hahaha! FUN! That's going to take a while.

It took SO LONG for me to get this game working again! My computer completely died, and it took 18 months, just to get it fixed, and then months to get the Sims 2 to run AT ALL, and then, I had the JOY of testing all the mods, to see which were making my game so glitchy. Fun, fun, fun. Aaagh! But now, the game is running, the mods are working (no more randomly disappearing batboxes or simblenders!), and I am SO THRILLED!

I'm going to have fun building up a Tier 2 society, before I actually play again, and I will let you know how that goes.

Wow. Tier 1 is challenging, but after you get food and hygiene out of the way, it is SO MUCH EASIER to survive. Sure, the sims get bored, and you have to keep close tabs on them, and cancel jokes and dancing, and such, but they can SURVIVE. I always struggled so hard, with the Apocaborg rules, because I went for other lifts, first. Delaying food and hygiene seems great, and all, in favor of some of the other lifts, but it really does make a difference in just basic survival!

Anyway, I'll keep y'all posted, here, on how things go. I'm actually documenting it all, and will post the story over on Boolprop.net, once I have some chapters written up. I've missed that place, too. Stupid computer dying on me. Staying dead. Wah. Well, I'm up and running again, and I am STOOOOOKED!
Test Subject
#1070 Old 22nd Jun 2024 at 1:22 AM Last edited by poptart52 : 5th Jul 2024 at 9:11 PM. Reason: Two more questions; updates
Hi! I hope you see this and are able to reply ^_^;;;

Ok so I have "fun" trying to play apocalypse challenges across 2, 3, and 4. I just found your edit and LOVE the idea, because I agree that the challenge is basically impossible if you start with everything as it is. I'm sure the way it was created made sense as EPs were coming out, but after all was said and done, I've never made it to second gen.

Onto questions:

- "Sponge Baths for All" mod is giving some kind of 404 error when you click the link. I've downloaded another sponge bath mod I found on MTS. Is that ok?
- You say that community lots can break their restrictions or restrictions that make sense. For instance, I'm currently building the Military Base and I can include grills so long as they are under a roof, I probably could do a pool or log roll for fitness (inside of course), you said in another reply we can put showers on the military base, and that the food pantry can have a restaurant kitchen. Here's my issue - I've downloaded your mods, so now showers, obstacle course, restaurant kitchen, etc. don't even show up. If I remove the mods for those and put in showers, the obstacle course, etc., would they disappear or be useless? Same goes for the car you can learn mechanics on (I was in the Army, we def had a mechanic area lol).
- It says founders can bring home "three items they have purchased" from uni. However, what if I wanted to bring home a singular book from the shelf (since book shelves spawn them endlessly)?
- One of the people you linked to for lots made a "classroom tent" for kids for school. I'm assuming this would have things they can use to gain skills. Original challenge allowed children to go to school but teens could not. Do children not go to school in your version? Is the "classroom tent" allowed in tier one, maybe on the military base (free brainwashing for more future recruits!)?
- Final question: Can sims eat food made by other sims at these community lots? For instance, if someone makes hotdogs, can my sim have one and it doesn't count against their meal count for the day, because it was on a community lot/wasn't made by them? Is the mini fridge allowed on these lots/can sims pull chips/cookies/etc. out of them and it's ok?

Thanks so much! Luckily I'm building all of my stuff first, and then have Uni to contend with before getting into the actual apocalypse, so I'm hopeful you see this before I need the answers. xD

Whoops! Actually, two more questions:
- [question resolved]
- You said "throw the old fridge into the yard". I'm taking this literally xD You gave a link to some decor sideways fridges (edit: these are usable fridges placed on tiltable "shelves"). I just read the OMSP link and it looks like tilted objects are still useable. How do we stop sims from using the old fridges? Do fridges "thrown onto the lawn" break the rule that everything needs a roof over it and must be inside the 8x8 square?

Update: I took out the mods and added a mod so I could access the obstacle courses, so I added those to my military lot, as well as the busted-up jalopies and a "school tent" containing some desks, a sewing table, some easels, a book shelf, and a kid's oven. I did add in a minifridge as I'm pretty sure we need some kind of fridge for any food. I only put a couple grills, no actual cooking stuff. Was able to add in the ovens and grocery things to the food pantry, and added in the machine that you use electricity as a "pick me up" and the test dummy to the medical zone. From what I've seen, things on existing lots won't get taken away by the mods and you can still use them??? So that's my hope for once I add the mods back in after my sim finishes her term at Uni. So at least I've got this set up until you are able to log on and give some answers!

More updates: Your post also says that the mob payment is taken care of with your mod but I’m not sure how that works, and no payment has been taken yet.

Test Subject
#1071 Old 11th Jul 2024 at 12:11 AM Last edited by poptart52 : 11th Jul 2024 at 12:47 AM. Reason: add file description
Update: I'm almost at Gen 2! Which is huge for me because with the old version I never made it to Gen 2 lol I also just realized I didn't have the zombies mod (whoops) so I added that in!

I've attached my starter community lots because I'm honestly really proud of the military base and the first aid station!

Edit: It had me put in file descriptions but it's not showing them. Dangit I knew I should have copied them! I'll rewrite them as best as I can.

- Food Pantry: This building used to be a gym! Now, some local grocers and restauranteurs have moved in. With the help of the Sim National Guard, it has now become a food pantry and soup kitchen!

- First Aid Station: What did this lot used to be? Watcher only knows. But it's got a morgue in the back so we've turned it into our First Aid Station! We've got the latest and greatest -- well, we've got shoddy electricity as treatment and we've got fires to burn the bodies. Ok?

- Forward Military Base: When disaster strikes, the Sim National Guard moves in! This base was hastily built the same way they all are - with the cheapest materials the government can find until they come in to build REAL buildings.... theoretically. Uncle Sim wants YOU!
Attached files:
File Type: zip  Food Pantry.zip (2.62 MB, 5 downloads)
File Type: zip  First Aid Station.zip (8.55 MB, 4 downloads)
File Type: zip  Forward Military Base.zip (6.19 MB, 6 downloads)
Test Subject
#1072 Old 11th Jul 2024 at 6:38 AM
I need this senile old man to stop taking the baby out into the snow 😩
Test Subject
#1073 Old 24th Jul 2024 at 7:09 AM Last edited by poptart52 : 25th Jul 2024 at 1:05 AM.
Ok, final two updates:

- I added an irradiated dog to the family by creating it. I'm not sure how to see strays enough to have them become a pet, and wasn't sure if Security Pet prevents you from moving to Teir 2. This was the only thing I could think of to do.
- Because I added in my zombie well-through tier 1, I think what I'm going to do is maybe play around with my Patient Zero and then re-start the challenge. I got to the beginning of Tier 2 and realized I had broken some architecture rules.

Final question (for now. I really hope you happen to log on soon ^_^;;; ) :

- If I download apocalypse-like CC, am I still barred from using those windows until I complete Architecture? My idea on how they were getting them was basically they were stealing windows from buildings or something, I dunno. But I have time before I start my second go of it, so I'll be more careful next time and then see what you say.
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