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Mad Poster
#1176 Old 25th Nov 2021 at 3:58 PM
If he's looking for a long-term commitment and a quiet life, which is a reasonable interpretation of the Golden Anniversary LTW, then how do you think he'd go about deciding, in the absence of a solid romantic preference or sexual draw? Income? Boltage? Toss of a die? Since it's a legacy, you could take them all off birth control and he could marry the first one to show pregnant.

You have his entire adult life to decide in, so you needn't be in any hurry. Ultimately, the main thing is to ask yourself, What's most fun for you?

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Lab Assistant
#1177 Old 25th Nov 2021 at 4:02 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sunbee
Legacy Heir Merlin has three ladies he's in love with. Christy, Family Sim, works at the pool Merlin's mom owns, friends since he was a child, I always expected him to marry her because both family sims, two bolts. Jaiden, college student, family sim, three bolts. Beth, the Diva, fortune sim, two bolts. Beth is probably out of the running: she didn't show up to his graduation party and, well, the founding generation were both fortune sims and neither one liked being self-employed. Both are elders and both are still whining that they didn't get a job. (Y'all got $600,000+ in the bank from your businesses, what for do you want jobs?!)

Problem is, Merlin isn't rolling a want to marry any of the ladies. And his LTW is a Golden Anniversary. So . . . he has to get married, he's the heir, who should he marry? (Merlin's little brother Galahad is deeply pleased that he, pleasure sim, is not faced with this problem.)

Peni had good advice! I'd throw in thinking about who has the more interesting genetics. I love having a variety of recessive genes being mixed in to see what pops up later on so tend to pick the best partner for my sims with that in mind.
Mad Poster
#1178 Old 25th Nov 2021 at 11:43 PM
My best advice would be to go with wichever one was the cosest friend as friendship would mean a longer lasting marriage.I'd have hime choose the one he was best friends with if they were still single.
Field Researcher
#1179 Old 12th Mar 2022 at 11:34 PM
Spoiler Alert for anyone who reads my Simblr, but I hoping to get some ideas or advice about a plot choice. If you read my Simblr and you don't want a spoiler stop now.

Okay, so two of my Sims started an affair in the last rotation. They are ex-husband and wife. The woman's new husband is the town's Criminal Mastermind. He does not take betrayal well and is furious when he discovers the two together. He allows the divorce and doesn't murder them both on the spot because you can't become Criminal Mastermind without some sense of self-preservation.

Anyway, now he has to act.
1. He could send them poisoned wine while they are vacation so he can ensure it can't be traced back to him
2. He could instead try to destroy them - have a woman seduce and become pregnant by the man to pull him away from the wife who is already in a poor financial state after the divorce, then ensure she enda up destitute and alone.
3. He could burn their house to the ground and make it look like an accident.

Alternatively, this could make him look so weak that his enemies eliminate him and the lovers have no idea how close they came to death.

Or other thoughts. What should he do to revenge himself and ensure his continued position of power as Criminal Mastermind.
#1180 Old 13th Mar 2022 at 3:13 PM
As you say, your criminal mastermind has an image to maintain; he can't make himself look weak. I'm very surprised you let the divorce happen, in that case, but eh, it works too. Anyway, I'm thinking you need something that can't be traced back to him, something that involves someone else doing the dirty work because that's the first place authorities would look (if there are any authorities in your hood), no matter how the ex-wife dies. Especially if he's notorious and they've been trying to pin him for a while.

Anyway, what's your mastermind's personality like? I guess at least a little patient/rational if he divorced, rather than opted for instant murder. But is he the type to do a sneak attack, when someone leasts expects it? Is he the type that goes overboard--like burns the whole city down to get one person? Because maybe he needs to destroy their entire lives first and everyone around them. Then kill them, you know? Or maybe he doesn't really want to kill his ex, because he did love her, and he just wants to make her suffer a bit, maybe even get her to come crawling back. *Shrugs*

Any one of your options could work, really, but what kind of people are we talking about here? Is anyone going to put up a fight? Go into hiding? Or will they be completely gullible? Are any kids involved? Who has any leverage? Are there any sims you like more than others? What do wish for them?

So you know, tell us a bit more about your sims and who they are and where they came from; that usually helps someone find the right path to take for their story.

"Thinking of you, wherever you are. We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend." - Kingdom Hearts

XPTL Mod Archive | Change a Mod's Mesh into a CC Object | Increasing the Game Difficulty | Editing ACR 4 Your Age Mod
aka Kelyns | she/her
Mad Poster
#1181 Old 13th Mar 2022 at 7:05 PM
As suggested above, you don't have to necessarily kill the ex and boyfriend. Death doesn't do all the revenge possible. What could happen is that he makes the ex and her boyfriend's life destruct-by getting them fired, losing their home, etc., in order to prove his power. Killing people is a last resort for the truly desperate.
In doing so, he only looks like he's being kind-by letting them live, he gives them reason to believe he's forgiven her for her transgression, but hides his anger and betrayal. Think of Don Corleone in the "Godfather". He only killed people when really pushed to it. Most of his enemies knew if would be dangerous to cross him and thus did not.
The few who did regretted it. "Make them an offer they can't refuse."

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://www.mediafire.com/?r=wbmnd#myfiles
Field Researcher
#1182 Old 13th Mar 2022 at 8:13 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
Any one of your options could work, really, but what kind of people are we talking about here? Is anyone going to put up a fight? Go into hiding? Or will they be completely gullible? Are any kids involved? Who has any leverage? Are there any sims you like more than others? What do wish for them?
So you know, tell us a bit more about your sims and who they are and where they came from; that usually helps someone find the right path to take for their story.

Quote: Originally posted by FranH
As suggested above, you don't have to necessarily kill the ex and boyfriend. Death doesn't do all the revenge possible.

Thank you for your input and for giving me permission to go into the complicated details surrounding this situation.

Felix is our Criminal Mastermind. He's almost 70 years old, in a position where he's being perceived by other Criminal organizations as being on the decline. This includes that recently one of his lieutenants was killed. Also, he is on the decline, honestly, suffering incontinence issues (he's peed himself more than once since he became an elder). If he's being honest with himself, he is in a position where there are likely to be attempts on his own life, and they might even come from within if his own people start to question his strength.
Mary Anne is Felix's first wife - they had been married about 5 years. Before that, he had lovers, but the only truly serious one was not interested in marriage and died about 20 years ago. He was pretty fond of Mary Anne.
Felix also has an older brother, Fletcher, and a twin sister, Abigail, with whom he is close.
No one outside of his organization is aware that he is a criminal.

For Mary Anne, this is marriage #3. She was married to Cory for 10 years, and had two sons, Robbie and Charles. She then married Garrick (also about 10 years of marriage), and had another son, Rick. Shortly after that divorce, she married Felix. She's a serial monogamist, and plans to marry Garrick again soon now that she is divorced.
The reason her marriage didn't work out with Garrick in the first place is: 1 - he wanted more kids and she didn't, something he may have gotten over by now. 1 - Mary Anne is a gambling addict and spent all the time she wasn't at work at the Casino, gambling.
Honestly, as attracted to each other as Garrick and Mary Anne are, they are not the best pair. Once remarried, Garrick will soon realize that Mary Anne still spends a lot of time at the Casino (it'll have be to a different one, since Felix is not going to let her back into the Casino he owns, and not gamble on house credit either), and their financial situation may not be strong enough for Mary Anne to continue in being retired, which would mean there's no time for Garrick outside of work and gambling, again.

Regardless, how things went down - Charles, Mary Anne's son, found out about the affair. He told Mary Anne to break it off and confess to Felix, or he would do it for her. She did confess to Felix, who was willing to forgive her (and was trying to decide whether he had to kill Garrick or could take care of him some other way). But when Garrick later showed up to take his son Rick, who lived with Felix and Mary Anne (as did Charles) on an outing, Felix caught them being intimate in a clear violation of Mary Anne's story that she had ended things. This happened in front of Charles and Rick, so Felix couldn't well murder them both in front of the children.
Instead, he allowed Mary Anne her divorce. Charles and Rick are actually both pissed at Mary Anne and Garrick for betraying Felix.

Adding to the complications:
Garrick's mother is the head of the SCIA and not likely to ignore her son being murdered, so Felix has to be doubly careful not to get caught, in addition to him being the most obvious suspect as the jilted ex-husband.
Garrick's father is one of Felix's best friends.
Mary Anne's mother is married to Felix's brother, Fletcher.
Felix cares about Robbie, Charles & Rick, and hates the idea of murdering their mother - his own mother died in a fire while giving birth to him and Abigail (seriously, it was pretty crazy).

So if he were to ruin lives, he would have to somehow only affect Garrick and Mary Anne, not the rest of the people in their lives whom he also cares about.
And if he doesn't move quickly, he's going to end up dead himself, which may already be in the works.

So, how should Felix proceed? And how should I proceed with my story?
#1183 Old 13th Mar 2022 at 10:29 PM
Okay, I can see the logic behind some off your other suggestions now--that's starting to make sense. But honestly, I don't think they will serve Felix in the way he wants because he needs to be free from suspicion from the law, but at the same time, his enemies and those under his command need to know he did it, in order to fear and respect him. Taking out his ex doesn't really solve the reputation/work issue.

But maybe we can solve several problems at once, eh? Is there something he can do that he can pin on a rival gang, and make it look like they did it? That way Garrick's mother will go after them, and potentially take them out. At the same time, it might motivate the sons to join Felix's business, if they haven't already, and if Felix is/was considering making them his heirs. He can groom one or more of them to take over, but the truth behind the hit can give you options in the future for drama, revenge, maybe even a rift between the brothers depending on how who feels about what.

Not sure about the specifics to suggest (like the how), since I don't know too much about the rivals. But maybe the accident happens in rival territory. Maybe there's gullible rookies willing to take a weird job for big money. Maybe costumes and fake identities are involved. Maybe there's someone else in a vulnerable spot who needs money and they do the hit and have to go into hiding. Etc. Etc.

"Thinking of you, wherever you are. We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend." - Kingdom Hearts

XPTL Mod Archive | Change a Mod's Mesh into a CC Object | Increasing the Game Difficulty | Editing ACR 4 Your Age Mod
aka Kelyns | she/her
Mad Poster
#1184 Old 13th Mar 2022 at 10:31 PM
I would have hime take his own life with something that made hime get suddenly very sick so it looked like he simply got ill and died or had an awful accident that killed hime.His health was declining so it would be something that somebody in that position might do if they were in decline and they could make out it was the ex-wife's actions that drove them to taking their life if they just ended it without making it look like anything else besides what it really was.
Mad Poster
#1185 Old 14th Mar 2022 at 12:57 AM
Not sure about the specifics to suggest (like the how), since I don't know too much about the rivals. But maybe the accident happens in rival territory. Maybe there's gullible rookies willing to take a weird job for big money. Maybe costumes and fake identities are involved. Maybe there's someone else in a vulnerable spot who needs money and they do the hit and have to go into hiding. Etc. Etc.

A very old way of getting rid of people you don't like happens when you use poison. It would have to be a very subtle poisoning and Felix could give the order to eliminate his ex and her lover by giving them poison when he gives them a party or something.

One doesn't have to use a gun to achieve your aims.

I do have a notable collection of various methods of death, including poisons, suicide knives, guillotines, bombs, and various automatic weapons. I like to think of myself as the 007 of my towns. "Licensed to kill.", but it has to be a very solid reason for the killing.

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://www.mediafire.com/?r=wbmnd#myfiles
Field Researcher
#1186 Old 14th Mar 2022 at 2:21 PM
@phantomknight @TadOlsen @FranH
Thank you so much for your thoughts and input. I believe I have come up with a way forward which I like.
I can't believe I didn't think about the rivalry and how Felix could kill two birds with one stone. I will let you know when the plot plays out on my blog (I'm a couple months ahead of my playing at the moment).

Thank you, thank you, thank you.
#1187 Old 4th Apr 2022 at 4:18 PM
How do you imagine the relationships the Veronaville Teens had with their deceased parents?

Juliette: based on cornyregans' headcanon, I imagine she had a good relationship with her mother, who supported her crush towards Romeo, so she's very heartbroken about it. Although I couldn't come up with ideas how here relationship was like with her father.
Hermia: becomes a moody teenager. Since she's also a Family Sim, I imagine she had a good bond with her mother too.
Tybalt: not sure how his relationship was like with his parents.

Any ideas for Romeo and Mercutio's type of relationships with their parents?

Inspiration source: https://cornyregans.tumblr.com/post...ville-tragedies
Field Researcher
#1188 Old 16th May 2022 at 1:51 AM
Okay, dilemma!!
Normally I let things happen with whatever random chance they have of happening in game. However, if I accidentally leave my game I paused and walk away, I exit without saving.
This time, I did it just as my Sim went on vacation. So, they travel to their new vacation house with their two dogs and apparently DIE!!! The dogs completed the vacation (maybe) and so the game saves with this Sim dead at the vacation home.

I can't just make it not have happened.

1. They died and they stay dead. Some accident occurred while they were on vacation. There were no witnesses. Very mysterious. (Could add a lot of drama - was it a simple accident? Was it murder? Will it cause political drama between the main hood and the vacation hood?)
2. They didn't "die," but are in a coma. Same mystery, with a chance for them to wake up (be resurrected) based on some criteria.
3. Nothing happened. Resurrect them, fix everything, continue as if it didn't actually occur.
Help please!!
Mad Poster
#1189 Old 16th May 2022 at 9:46 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Coriel_Muroz
Okay, dilemma!!
Normally I let things happen with whatever random chance they have of happening in game. However, if I accidentally leave my game I paused and walk away, I exit without saving.
This time, I did it just as my Sim went on vacation. So, they travel to their new vacation house with their two dogs and apparently DIE!!! The dogs completed the vacation (maybe) and so the game saves with this Sim dead at the vacation home.

I can't just make it not have happened.

1. They died and they stay dead. Some accident occurred while they were on vacation. There were no witnesses. Very mysterious. (Could add a lot of drama - was it a simple accident? Was it murder? Will it cause political drama between the main hood and the vacation hood?)
2. They didn't "die," but are in a coma. Same mystery, with a chance for them to wake up (be resurrected) based on some criteria.
3. Nothing happened. Resurrect them, fix everything, continue as if it didn't actually occur.
Help please!!

I'd play it (#1 scenario) as if they did die, the family has to bring them home to bury them, and then someone investigates why they died while on vacation. It does happen that people die while away from home in all reality-you have to decide if the pixel was important to you in the game play and then act on what would happen if they did die-who would be affected, how old they were, etc.

It depends also on whether or not you want to follow the reality thing or just pretend it never even happened.

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://www.mediafire.com/?r=wbmnd#myfiles
#1190 Old 16th May 2022 at 2:37 PM
I'd play that one very differently depending on what was going on in the sims lives before they died. Were they a young, active and social sim in the beginning of their career? In that case they would probably just be resurrected and played as if nothing had happened. Were they approaching the elder stage and at or near the top of their career ladder with teenaged children who can probably take care of themselves? Then I might go for the coma option and put off a final decision until I see how the neighbourhood gets on without them. Were they an elder sim, not that socially active and with grown up children? I'd probably let them die and take as much drama from that option as I could.
#1191 Old 16th May 2022 at 3:20 PM Last edited by Orphalesion : 16th May 2022 at 6:50 PM.
I'd leave them dead. Some tragedy can spice up stories(everybody relax, Sims ain't real people, they are not alive, they are virtual dolls).

The only situation where I would resurrect them is if they have no family yet and so wouldn't be part of any family tree . That's the one thing I have with my Sims everybody must be immortalized by a place in the neighbourhood family tree.

Or what I also like to do is resurrect them, but with the personality reversed, or at least altered, had some fun with that in many of my past hoods :-)

Avatar by MasterRed
Taking an extended break from Sims stuff. Might be around, might not.
Field Researcher
#1192 Old 17th May 2022 at 4:11 AM
Thank you for your input.
Even as I was writing the initial options, that they would stay dead seemed to make the most sense and I appreciate knowing that you agree with this.
It's hard and heart breaking, but tragedies happen.
Mad Poster
#1193 Old 17th May 2022 at 7:23 AM
Well of course I'm the infamous Simmer who's been playing for over nine years and never seen a Sim die. So I possibly feel a little different. If I had watched a Sim die and been unable to save them, then I think I might just reluctantly accept their death, as I have to accept Real Life deaths. I know people don't come back. But in this case, when I didn't see it, and know it would never have happened if I had been playing properly, I'd be very tempted to try to resurrect them (something I've never done), or more likely, restore from backup so there would be no memories of their deaths (except perhaps mine). What did you actually see? The Grim Reaper standing over their bodies? Or just a message to say they had died?

The only time I actually did leave my game running, my brilliant Sims (two Romance teens) looked after themselves with complete competence. One, who had a job, had gone to work several times, and therefore earned enough to pay to restock the fridge (which of course I had to tell them to do). In fact when I returned to the computer, it was about the same time of day as when I had left them, and the first thing I noticed was that some of their levels had dropped, and I wondered why. . . . And then I noticed that three days had past since I'd last seen them! In the event I only just got back to them in time, as their fridge was starting to run out of food, and there's no way they could restock it without my help. But all's well that ends well, and the incident left me with a much higher opinion of the Forster brothers.

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
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Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
Field Researcher
#1194 Old 17th May 2022 at 12:55 PM
Unfortunately, my most recent back up is too old for me to happily restore from. I should update again. With 36 households. I tend to do it every 12 or so, and I don't want to replay that many households.
Additionally, I honestly saw NOTHING. I paused my game with my Sim about to go on vacation. Turns out, I didn't pause it. When I picked up my computer, it's the household, but it's empty. No Sims live their. No dogs. Nothing. I was confused, and worried that my neighbourhood had imploded.
I went to the Vacation hood to see if somehow they had got stuck there, weirdly.
The niece of my Sim was listed as the property owner. That's when I figured out what happened. They went on vacation and died. The dogs returned to the main hood and were taken away by pet control. Hence the empty house.
Unlike you, Andrew, I embrace death as a part of my Sims lives. I don't try to be a cruel Watcher, but sometimes bad things happen. (BTW, I love that you take care of your Simmies - we just have different game play styles).
So they died, which was definitely an accident, but what derails one expected storyline creates another.
Mad Poster
#1195 Old 17th May 2022 at 4:56 PM
Well, it is a surprising twist, so build the story from there?
#1196 Old 17th May 2022 at 6:28 PM
The biggest thing is probably that you want to adopt the dogs into a family again so they don't stay in adoptable pet limbo. Maybe the niece can adopt them?

Avatar by MasterRed
Taking an extended break from Sims stuff. Might be around, might not.
Mad Poster
#1197 Old 17th May 2022 at 9:24 PM
If the niece has become the property owner, bring her into the story, and build it from there. She is the inheritor of the vacation property, perhaps she would buy the original house, and get the dogs out of rescue. All kinds of things you could do for the story.

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://www.mediafire.com/?r=wbmnd#myfiles
Field Researcher
#1198 Old 17th May 2022 at 11:47 PM
I managed to save the dogs from the adoption pool. My Sims' best friend adopted them. His dog just died and he wasn't planning on getting another immediately, but these two were related to his, so it made a lot of sense. He also got most of the wealth from the house sale (he's going to use the money to support some good causes in the neighborhood).
Not sure what to do about the cousin who inherited the vacation property. It's not her style; but it was an important family property.
Mad Poster
#1199 Old 19th May 2022 at 9:13 PM
I would have the new owner of a vacation home decide to renovate it to more their style and keep it in the family.
#1200 Old 1st Oct 2024 at 3:59 AM
Long story short, Vivian Cho tragically starved to death and her daughter Etsu was adopted by Timothy Riley. Timothy's biological daughter Sally is best friends with Sofia Baldwin, and by extension Etsu also became great friends with Sofia. Etsu wants to fall in love, meanwhile Sofia hasn't rolled the want to explicitly fall in love but she currently wants to go on a date and to sneak out with Etsu. Their turn-ons match each other, Etsu is turned on by black hair and make-up while Sofia is turned on by make-up and higher education (well, this one doesn't technically match yet but Etsu will be attending college in the near future) so they have chemistry.

The thing is, they are all teens but there's supposed to be an age gap. Sofia Baldwin is 3 days older than Sally Riley, who in turn is 1 day older than Etsu. These ages don't quite match with the wiki but it might've been just because of when I actually triggered each birthday. Anyway, the point is Sofia is meant to be older than Sally, who in turn is meant to be older than Etsu. Sofia is scheduled to leave for university this rotation, and since I'm playing 2 days per university year, Etsu is scheduled to go to university two rotations from now when Sofia is starting her 3rd year. This would theoretically make Sofia 2 years older than Etsu, though I think 3 is more fitting with their original ages to account for the birthdays not completely lining up - just assume Sofia was held back a year for some reason. Anyway, what we essentially have is a 17 year old and a 14 year old. Do I wait before exploring their romance? Wait until they are both at university? Until Sofia starts her 2nd year? Do I simply not care and say they are all teens and so it doesn't matter?

Nice Rachel we're having.
My Simblr! Now actually working!
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