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#1 Old 27th Oct 2009 at 8:50 PM Last edited by Phaenoh : 10th Feb 2014 at 4:58 PM.
Weird Challenge: Top of the Careers!
Okay so I saw all those cool challenges and thought to make a quicky for you guys so here it goes: I know it's kinda lame so yeah... it's like an easy one.

Okay, So, You have to make a family of 9-10(you have to create them). You can only use the move objects cheat for glitches. Then you can use the family funds to give them 50,000. No more, no less. Now you have to survive off of that money with 9-10 people while also trying to get each of them to the level 10 career of a specific level. Simple right? Actually no. I made it more fun. Here's a couple rules:

1.Each sim must be an adult.
2.You have to keep it fair, either all girls or all boys.
3. You can wooho all you want but no sims are aloud to get married or move anyone in.
4. You can't have children.
5. You can't have pets.
6. No gardening, painting, writing, ect for money.
7. You can't sell items, you can move them, break them, upgrade them or buy new ones but you can't sell them. ( An upgrade is only if you have an item and you buy a better version of that item, it must be the same category of item and must cost the same or more then the amount the object sells for)
8. No custom content except for recolors of Maxis items that do not alter the in game properties of the object.
9. No cheats except familyfunds and moveobjects
10. No pets
11. Each person must be set to a certain career.
12. You can't use custom careers only bases.
13. No career/aspiration rewards.

The game ends when they grow into elders or all sims die. okay. so. after you do all your life stuff, uh, add up points:

+10 for each sim in the top career level.
+5 for each sim with maxed out skills.
+1 for each sim who is a werewold/zombie/plant/witch/warlock
+1 for every friend
+2 for every best friend
+3 for every love
+2 for each sim in platinum
+1 for every 100,000 your sims have saved up.

-1 for each engagement
-10 for each sim below career level 5
-1 for each enemy
-20 for each dead sim
-2 for each sim in red mood.
-1 for each cheat used.
-10 for each money cheat used.
-25,000,000 for each cheat used to raise a sims career level.


Also, if you are looking at this, POST A COMMENT. I NEED comments and suggestions and such. This is very hard to get through but if you hit back without posting an honest opinion, it will haunt you forever

Only the main ten careers are to be used:

Law Enforcement
Undead Molten Llama
#2 Old 27th Oct 2009 at 9:10 PM
It's an interesting concept, one I actually haven't thought of before... You'd need a hack to allow more than 8 Sims in a household, but I have that already, so no biggie. You'd also need a fairly big house to house them all, which will likely cost more than $50,000, although I suppose you could have people sleeping on couches and keep other furnishings to a minimum. All in all...I think I'll add a lot for this to my 'hood where I play challenges.

Thanks for the idea.

*ponders a household where ALL of the careers are represented. There are more than 10...although I'd need to put some of the Sims through college first to access the ones that require a college degree...*

I'm mostly found on (and mostly upload to) Tumblr these days because, alas, there are only 24 hours in a day.
Muh Simblr! | An index of my downloads on Tumblr.
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#3 Old 27th Oct 2009 at 9:59 PM
Hmm... I should clarify that shouldn't I?
Undead Molten Llama
#4 Old 27th Oct 2009 at 10:25 PM
Yeah, covering ALL the careers might be a bit overwhelming. I'm used to playing large households (20+ Sims, sometimes), but usually at least some of the residents don't work at all in order to keep up on cleaning, landscaping, cooking, etc. That won't be the case with this, so...yeah.

So! I'm thinking I'll create only one of the Sims in CAS and then let the Tombstone of L&D generate everyone else, so that things are nice and random, aspiration and personality-wise. The Sims who randomly get career-related LTWs will go in that career and the others will fill in the blanks. Should be fun! I'll fire it up tonight. Maybe I'll even post pics, if I'm feeling ambitious. I'm thinking a modest four-bedroom house will accommodate everyone. (Bunk beds FTW! ) At least only single beds will be needed, since no one will be marrying and having kids. If anyone wants to woohoo, they'll have to find a couch or a car.

*goes off to contemplate floor plans with good bathroom access...*

I'm mostly found on (and mostly upload to) Tumblr these days because, alas, there are only 24 hours in a day.
Muh Simblr! | An index of my downloads on Tumblr.
Field Researcher
#5 Old 28th Oct 2009 at 12:35 AM
Interesting, but I must query why having all female or all male is 'keeping it fair'?

And also not so keen on the 9/10 sim thing...don't really want to get a hack just for the sake of a challenge...

Otherwise though, I'd be happy to give it a go one day.
Test Subject
#6 Old 28th Oct 2009 at 9:00 AM
WOW!!! if you use cheat to raise a sims career level. What a big penalty!!

Anybody can create a mirrored armoire? Iwant to make it but so hard!!
Undead Molten Llama
#7 Old 28th Oct 2009 at 3:37 PM Last edited by iCad : 29th Oct 2009 at 3:34 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by indonesiast
WOW!!! if you use cheat to raise a sims career level. What a big penalty!!

*laughs* Well, since the whole point is to get your Sims to the top of the career, it'd make the challenge rather pointless if you just cheated to do it!

Anyway, I did start this last night. I didn't get very far because it took a while to get their 5-bedroom house (2 Sims to a room) ready and then generate and then prettify (a bit) the randomly-generated Sims. So, basically, I only actually played the lot for two Sim days. I took some pics but was too sleepy to edit them, so I'll post them later. Anyway, this is what I did.

The house cost way more than $50,000 with just basic, mid-quality furnishings. (OK, I gave them a hot tub and a pool. That's not "basic," but...I wanted them to have the pool for body-skilling rather than an exercise machine. They tend to be obsessed with the machines and then I end up with a bunch of Sims with heatstroke. And I just wanted them to have a hot tub.) So, I family-funded the first Sim enough money to buy the lot and have some left over for clothes (Randomly-generated Sims come in ugly, usually-clashing Maxis outfits which MUST BE CHANGED. ) Then when the beautification was done, I reduced their funds to $500, enough to cover the first round of bills.

I decided to do this with all girls, just so I could have fun with clothes and makeup and such. I generated all of them randomly. I used CAS for the first one, just using whatever Sim was spat at me, moved her into the lot, and then generated the other nine with the Tombstone of L&D, just so things would be random. I ended up with mostly Knowledge and Romance Sims, with a couple Family, and one Popularity. (Who's already happy because she basically has 9 built-in friends. )

I decided that if a lady had an LTW to top a career that wasn't one of the base game ones, then she could have that career anyway. (I never keep score with challenges, just play to have fun and see if I can do the challenge, so I won't have any advantage or anything in terms of Sims in platinum.) So, I have a few careers like that. Off the top of my head, one was Architecture, one was Oceanography, one was Entertainment, and one was Journalism. (Or is Journalism a base game career? I can never remember what came from where.) There might have been one other non-base career, but I can't remember. One of the Family Sims wants to be Captain Hero, so she got Law Enforcement. The other Family Sim wanted 6 kids, so that's obviously not going to happen. I gave her Culinary, since when she was generated she "came with" points in Cooking and Creativity. I also have a Criminal, which one of the Knowledge ladies had an LTW for. Oddly enough, she and the Captain Hero wannabe instantly hit it off and are already best friends. Because of this, I made them roomies. It amused me. I also have Slacker, Business, and I think one or two others. Can't remember off the top of my head.

I've been using the computer on the lot to get the ladies their jobs and so far I think five of them have jobs, although some of them haven't actually worked yet because their job appeared on the computer on the day the entry-level job for that career has off. One of the first ones to get a job was my Slacker, ironically. She's already at level 3. (The schedule of the early Slacker career is kind of ironic, too. The first job goes from 5AM-1PM, then the next level goes from that same evening until like 3AM then next morning, then the NEXT position starts at 9 or 10 that same morning. Not very slacker-ish. She's pretty sleepy. But anyway...)

Since it's a large household, I do what I always do with large houses: I rotate through the Sims and actively control each of them for a few minutes, setting up a queue of actions. When/if they finish that queue before I get back to them, they free will. So far, they all seem to like dancing to the stereo. I get random mass smustlings. I've got a couple who won't leave the chess board, two who fight over the piano, one who makes a beeline for the pool (She has fitness as her True Hobby, and since the pool is the only fitness/body-skilling item on the lot...), and one who seems to be drawn to painting. (No, I won't sell her paintings and break that rule. I'll either stick 'em on the walls or stuff 'em in her inventory.) And one who regularly sets fires in the kitchen. *rolls eyes* Why is it that the Sims who can't cook are the ones who always try to cook? I guess it's OK, though, because the firefighter makes the three or four Romance Sims' hearts go pitter-pat when he arrives. Swooning all over the place. I think there's too much estrogen in this house... Oddly enough, no one's touched the hot tub yet.

Anyway, there's my update. I've got I think half the ladies in careers but the only one who's had a promotion so far (Two of them!) is my Slacker, ironically enough. The only other one who's actually worked yet is in Business, but she didn't get her promotion because she needs a skill point in Charisma, I think, which she'll get when next I play. Pics later.

ETA: As threatened, pics of my laydeez. Pic 1:

Clockwise from the top left, we have:

1) Abby Handen
Career Represented: Culinary
Aspiration: Family
LTW: Marry off 6 children (Not gonna happen, obviously)
Personality: Playful Aquarius, even though she looks rather...severe, doesn' she? Gotta love randomly-generated Sims! )

2) Celia Alexander
Career Represented: Entertainment
Aspiration: Knowledge
LTW: Become a Prestidigitator
Personality: Nice, active Pisces
(My game seems to randomly generate a lot of dark-skinned blondes for some reason. Usually, I'll change 'em to have dark hair, but I decided to leave Celia as is because I thought she looked rather...unique. )

3) Cleo Golden (My favorite!)
Career Represented: Journalism
Aspiration: Popularity
LTW: Become Media Magnate
Personality: A very outgoing yet perversely grouchy Leo. I think she's adorable.

4) Christa Simpson
Career Represented: Slacker
Aspiration: Romance
LTW: Become a Professional Party Guest
Personality: A nice & outgoing Libra...and an atrocious, pyromaniacal cook. As you can maybe see, I took this pic in the kitchen. No doubt, right after I took it, she set another darned fire.

Pic 2:

Again, clockwise from the top left:

1.) Kara Kramer
Career Represented: Business
Aspiration: Romance
LTW: WooHoo 20 different Sims, which is probably not going to happen.
Personality: Very neat, extremely active Virgo

2) Kiera Lawrence
Career Represented: Criminal
Aspiration: Knowledge
LTW: Become Criminal Mastermind
Personality: Active & playful Sagittarius

3) Corrinna Cooke
Career Represented: Law Enforcement (It would've been cool, given her last name if she'd gotten Culinary, but alas...)
Aspiration: Family
LTW: Become Captain Hero
Personality: Another playful Aquarius

4) Greta Ridley

Career Represented: Medicine
Aspiration: Romance
LTW: 20 Simultaneous Lovers (And she so darn cute that I might see if I can get her there.)
Personality: Another nice & outgoing Libra (Makes me wonder if the Tombstone of L&D is really random...)

Pic 3:

And finally, from left to right:

1) Star Walton
Career Represented: Oceanography
Aspiration: Knowledge
LTW: Become Hand of Poseiden
Personality: Another nice and active Pisces (Random, yes! )

2) Tammy Underwood (My original CAS Sim. I picked her appearance and her name. Everything else was randomly generated.)
Career Represented: Architecture
Aspiration: Knowledge
LTW: Become City Planner
Personality: Extremely, one might say almost OCD, neat Virgo. (But thank GOD someone's neat; the rest, other than Kara, are on the slobby side.)

And a bonus pic: Abby's dancing face.

It's just too funny. She looks like she's getting ready to punch someone!

I'm mostly found on (and mostly upload to) Tumblr these days because, alas, there are only 24 hours in a day.
Muh Simblr! | An index of my downloads on Tumblr.
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#8 Old 29th Oct 2009 at 8:47 PM
Huh! Did I do ny good at making this challenge?
Test Subject
#9 Old 31st Oct 2009 at 7:42 AM
Who should she punch??

Anybody can create a mirrored armoire? Iwant to make it but so hard!!
#10 Old 25th Nov 2009 at 6:39 AM
I have two questions.
When you say no custom content, does that include wallpaper and floors or recolors of maxis objects? I like my stuff to match.
And under number 7, if I upgrade something like from a cheap bed to a better bed, does that mean I can delete the old one or do I have to stash the old one out back behind a tree or something?

1st Place : Superb Sibling, Hearts Consume the Stars Contests
2nd place : Daddy N Me Cycle 2 Alien Edition, Sims Real Estate Contests
3rd Place : World Zombie Model Agency Contest
4th Placce : Aspiration N Me, Maxis Makeover Home Edition, My Girl, Stages of Life, SRE Cycle 2 Contests
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#11 Old 25th Nov 2009 at 3:31 PM
Deatherella, thank you for bringing these to my attention, I have fixed these so it's more fun to play. :D

The reason that these things are in place is so that the only way to make money is to work at the career if that helps you understand the rules better.
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