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Mad Poster
#76 Old 3rd Apr 2024 at 5:00 PM
0 nice points doesn't mean that you have a disability. It just means that you're an asshole.
Lab Assistant
#77 Old 3rd Apr 2024 at 8:08 PM Last edited by miriamnz : 3rd Apr 2024 at 8:38 PM.
I've made cow mascots playable before. Well, one in particular who had the maxis default 1 face shape and was rather studly. Sims with the cow mascot personality are actually quite romantic (with goosing galore), fun-loving scamps. I don't tend to think of sims as good and evil. 0 nice points, to my mind, correlates with sims who are the curmudgeons of the neighbourhood (or larrikins if also highly playful) - prickly, cantankerous with less of a filter for bullshit, and enjoy a decent barney. On the other hand they still value their relationships, and have many of the same positive relationship-based wants and fears as sims with more social graces.

Edit: One thing I find interesting is the fact that sims with 2-3 nice points are in effect even more tetchy than sims with 0. They are more restricted in the level of relationship needed to perform positive interactions, and have the option hurling insults at the outset.
Mad Poster
#78 Old 3rd Apr 2024 at 9:28 PM
Quote: Originally posted by bnefriends
Who better to put in Simlogical’s prisons?

Edit to reply:

Is she pretty on the inside too, or just physically pretty? If she has a pretty personality to match her looks, regardless of the shenanigans she deserves a nice boyfriend/husband.

Cows are actually pretty nice animals, I may give her a chance
Haven't made her playable, but I did notice she was good-looking, she takes a lot of baths in the dorms.
Field Researcher
#79 Old 4th Apr 2024 at 12:05 PM
Visitor Controller "takes care" of them and any other "annoying" character that could bother my sims when they have much more important things to do
Mad Poster
#80 Old 4th Apr 2024 at 5:20 PM
My Sims and I just put up with them. Neither I nor my student Sims like them. But there are worse things in the universe. So we just try to ignore them, and try not to them spoil our fun.

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
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The Veronaville kids are alright.
Forum Resident
#81 Old 7th Apr 2024 at 5:51 PM Last edited by bnefriends : 7th Apr 2024 at 5:53 PM. Reason: adding detail
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
0 nice points doesn't mean that you have a disability. It just means that you're an asshole.

Tell that to the IEP teams in schools. You can take it to the bank that the kids with 0 nice points are either going on the special needs bus or they're getting bussed to the second chance school. I think 1 or 2 nice points is an asshole but 0 is an extreme, so I visualize a psychopath with no conscience at all, like the ones that curse you out if you say good morning to them and don't want to have anything to do with anyone unless it involves inducing pain on them, basically Michael Myers. Being a psychopath is considered a severe disability.

On a lighter note, I should make a mod where one of the things on the bulletin board in the game is a picture of the cow mascot with the words "if you see this person, call 911" like they've been trespassed. That would be kind of funny.
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
#82 Old 7th Apr 2024 at 11:28 PM
Quote: Originally posted by bnefriends
Tell that to the IEP teams in schools. You can take it to the bank that the kids with 0 nice points are either going on the special needs bus or they're getting bussed to the second chance school. I think 1 or 2 nice points is an asshole but 0 is an extreme, so I visualize a psychopath with no conscience at all, like the ones that curse you out if you say good morning to them and don't want to have anything to do with anyone unless it involves inducing pain on them, basically Michael Myers. Being a psychopath is considered a severe disability.

On a lighter note, I should make a mod where one of the things on the bulletin board in the game is a picture of the cow mascot with the words "if you see this person, call 911" like they've been trespassed. That would be kind of funny.

If we go back to the game rather than RL, 0 nice points is not always a psychopath/horrible sim. The Cow mascot I married in has zero points, as they do, but she seems to get along quite well with most other sims. There are a few sims who hate her but it isn't wide spread like I thought it might be.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Mad Poster
#83 Old 8th Apr 2024 at 12:34 AM
Quote: Originally posted by bnefriends
On a lighter note, I should make a mod where one of the things on the bulletin board in the game is a picture of the cow mascot with the words "if you see this person, call 911" like they've been trespassed. That would be kind of funny.

Wanted poster lol. Does anyone know what the sim emergency number actually is? XD
Forum Resident
#84 Old 8th Apr 2024 at 2:08 AM
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
If we go back to the game rather than RL, 0 nice points is not always a psychopath/horrible sim. The Cow mascot I married in has zero points, as they do, but she seems to get along quite well with most other sims. There are a few sims who hate her but it isn't wide spread like I thought it might be.

Like I wrote in fan fiction on Sims Wiki on Fandom, I think "mean" Sims are really just aggressive and more inclined to fight rather than actually being mean. You can meet a "mean," "shy" sim on the street and be best friends with them in a couple of days. That would not be happening with someone who was truly mean and shy. Lily Pleasant for example has only three nice points out of the box, which isn't zero but still makes her mean, and I don't see her as a complete jerk. As someone who has traveled around a bit and been exposed to the personalities in different regions, Sims act like they're from the western portion of the Florida peninsula (where I live, where the southern Bible Belt hospitality is a thing, but not quite as redneck as say Alabama or Mississippi).

That said it's been a minute since I played around with someone with 0 nice points. I probably will when I go to make someone who is a villain.
Lab Assistant
#85 Old 8th Apr 2024 at 3:30 AM Last edited by miriamnz : 8th Apr 2024 at 6:11 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by bnefriends
Like I wrote in fan fiction on Sims Wiki on Fandom, I think "mean" Sims are really just aggressive and more inclined to fight rather than actually being mean. You can meet a "mean," "shy" sim on the street and be best friends with them in a couple of days. That would not be happening with someone who was truly mean and shy. Lily Pleasant for example has only three nice points out of the box, which isn't zero but still makes her mean, and I don't see her as a complete jerk. As someone who has traveled around a bit and been exposed to the personalities in different regions, Sims act like they're from the western portion of the Florida peninsula (where I live, where the southern Bible Belt hospitality is a thing, but not quite as redneck as say Alabama or Mississippi).

That said it's been a minute since I played around with someone with 0 nice points. I probably will when I go to make someone who is a villain.

That's kind of how I see it too. I can't help thinking of "A Man Called Ove" when I think of low niceness sims, or Nelson from the Simpsons. On the other side of coin, I think the "appreciate" social reputation interaction, that nice sims perform autonomously - can come across as obsequious, not quite sincere and an act of acquiring social capital.

Quite honestly I love the Cow Mascots best of all NPCs for the drama they sow on campuses - it's their low-paying student job to not let those earnest student couples get too complacent and settled in their young lives.

Edit much later: Mulling over this topic I realised the cows would quite rightly be deemed veritable sex pests in real life, so now I've no idea where I stand. They still add humour to my game, which I'm grateful for.
Mad Poster
#86 Old 8th Apr 2024 at 1:55 PM
Wait until you meet the Drama professors. XD
Hanging with the Gnomies
#87 Old 17th Apr 2024 at 2:07 PM
Quote: Originally posted by FuryCat
It banishes burglars and more evil NPC's, I think.

Glad to be of service!

Mad Poster
#88 Old 17th Apr 2024 at 4:58 PM
I once created an alien in CAS with a very extreme personality, I can't remember all of her stats but she was definitely 0 Nice. Maybe 10 neat, 10 active, 5 Outgoing, 0 Playful, 0 Nice?

I really enjoyed playing her because she was hilarious. She wasn't ACTUALLY mean - she just gave absolutely 0 care to any kind of social norms or the needs/wishes of other sims. She just did whatever she wanted and didn't care.

Check out my thoughts on Psymchology (Sim Psychology) - latest post is on the main six aspirations.
Field Researcher
#89 Old 19th Apr 2024 at 3:44 PM
I either scare them away with the twojeffs cow mascot head, or I trap them in a fence or pool (the joys of cheats to allow dorm building!). In some cases, if I worry I'll feel guilty, I'll use insim to give them a ridiculous makeover so I don't feel too bad lmao. I once built a cemetery for all the cow mascots I killed. XD

But sometimes I'll let them roam around and cause trouble to break up the monotony of uni gameplay.
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