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#1026 Old 9th Jul 2024 at 12:47 AM Last edited by PANDAQUEEN : 9th Jul 2024 at 2:55 PM. Reason: Grammatical, Addendum and Correction
Reviewing my summer activity list

So far. I have collected nearly all the Disney 1990s Renaissance movies and sequels. I would then have to start work on the 2003 and onward, including stuff from Pixar. Luckily. I know the best sellers in the secondhand markets through Amazon.

Currently working on earning money to get my hair styled so I can further style it.

Burning pertinent information to disc. The 128GB BDXL-Rs are great.

I play on making tons of gummy bears on Sundays and Mondays as I have free space in the kitchen. I am still new at it. Scratch that, I think I rather buy candies than make candies. Besides, summer may not be the best time.

Working on my Pokémon games and Living Pokédex. In the past 24 hours as of this writing, I caught a Corphish, Clamperl, Skarmory, and I evolved a Horsea to a Seadra and a Ducklett into a Swanna. Still have a ways to go to get badge #06 as I face off against Iono and her Electric types. It's good that I have quite a few Rock types to power through.

I have the mainline games and Pokémon GO, hence if it's confusing to you.

Either way, I am trying to earn back my keep as my parents are returning to work on Wednesday. My mom is currently dealing with spinal issues that are affecting her body and my dad unfortunately has been dealing with drama at Walmart as he grouses about the employees.

I have occupational therapy tomorrow afternoon. My left arm is pretty badly strained.

As for self-checkout, I find it to be impersonal. Glad people are wising up that nothing beats the satisfaction of human interaction, especially after the pandemic.

The world situation is starting to look up because the famous part of a phrase that goes "You can't fool all the people all the time!"

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
#1027 Old 9th Jul 2024 at 11:52 AM
The day started off pretty lame - I drove downtown and was struggling to find parking somewhere in the dense 2nd zone. I had quite a walk to get to my bank from where I finally parked; I had to pick up my renewed debit card. The branch still works as it did during covid - Mon, Wed, Fri mornings; Tue, Thu - afternoon. I turned around and went to run some errands over at uni, which there happened to be more than I expected, and I managed to do it all! Feeling very productive. Now just to transfer that productivity over to coursework...
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#1028 Old 9th Jul 2024 at 9:11 PM
I had occupational therapy and I will get a call back once they straighten out the red tape for future appointments.

Otherwise, I spent today cooking heat and eat foods in the microwave, typing and catching Pokémon in Pokémon GO. Currently working on getting a Kingdra and Crawdaunt.

I even bought some gummy bears that were part of the "True to Fruit" line at Albanese. Either way, I am arming myself with knowledge as it is one of the greatest powers of the universe.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
Forum Resident
#1029 Old 10th Jul 2024 at 1:10 AM
I went to the library today to pass some time and to mostly keep up going out into the world despite the spiritual warfare; that's going to happen regardless. (Which reminds me, I half way started watching The Matrix and it just felt different this time around. Like yeah, I have the same questions and feelings as Neo; I'm no one special, why me? But apparently some know more about me than I do myself.) At the library I saw two men sleeping off to the side at the desks and wondered if they were homeless. I was going to pick that spot if it were available but that's okay, there's a lot of space in that library which I really like.

Also this heat wave/high humidity is just too much sometimes. And it seems is pretty much synonymous with this season in my life right now. Which I forget already the name of the book I read at the library about the author going through seasons in her life. Something about feelings...(Feelings: A Story in Seasons by Manjit Thapp)

I read a graphic novel called Pulp by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips. I related to that one as well.

And another graphic novel I read called Radium Girls by Cy (Loved the artstyle and color scheme). I remember reading or watching something about that and thinking how sad. Unfortunately, that still happens to this day but in a possibly different aspect and the majority aren't even aware of it. There's always going to be people who know the full dangers and risks but omit certain things from the public; intentionally so.

Then I kind of just browsed a bit through other graphic novels and read a little bit about Batman. One of the Joker's henchmen was checking his phone alert about the identity of Superman is Clark Kent (Oh shocker, because you know, it's not like Superman hides his face or anything; just a different hairstyle and no glasses. But that's just good old classic superhero storytelling logic.) and told the other henchman he thinks the Joker knows the real identity of Batman but why wouldn't he already just let the world know. Of course the Joker was behind him and overheard everything; it's pretty obvious the Joker knew very early on. Again superhero storytelling logic. Who else could Batman be? He can afford state-of-the-art technology for his batsuit, batmobile, batwing, etc. He clearly has to be extremely wealthy. You can see his eye color, his skin color, his physique; it's not rocket science.

If I were to write a superhero tale, I'm not going by any of that because it makes no sense to me. At least in Spider-Man, for the most part, his identity really is hidden. You just know male, physique, height...that's pretty much it. Oh and voice...oh right voice. Well, that's a dead giveaway except in Batman's case he typically gives himself a much deeper voice as Batman.

I am having a good day. My time spent in the library was quite entertaining and hopefully the next time I don't forget my pullover hoodie because I get cold easily after a while. I also ate most of my snacks on the way back since I skipped breakfast.

I keep wanting to plan daily tasks for myself but sometimes its just too hot! And yet I keep going out there, lol. But you know from what I notice, being out and about helps me to keep moving and focus my attention on the present and whatever my task is. I see a lot of people, some of them are rude, some of them are genuinely nice, some of them are different (I get so excited when I notice someone walking on their tip toes and/or being so carefree being totally themselves not having any care about the perception of others. I start noticing more and more neurodivergent people and they make me so happy.), some are understanding and helpful (like that time my brain got stuck in a loop and I couldn't reset on my own and a man helped me out instead of making fun of me. It's rare but sometimes my brain just gets stuck 'processing' and I get so single-minded; thus getting stuck and sometimes need help to reset. Or the time I forgot my wallet in the dressing room and I know it wasn't a coincidence that someone took that very same one and said hey you forgot this and I said thank you. Oh boy, am I sometimes forgetful but at least Someone is looking out for me and knows me better than I know myself.)

And some people I meet along my journey are spiritual. Like the 2nd prophetess I came across so far in my life. I was listening to her talk but then she started saying specific events and things related to me and the people at the time in my life and other things. Sometimes I couldn't tell if I was crying or the wind in my sensitive eyes was making them water. I think it was both, lol.

I'll probably rewatch The Matrix from beginning to end but initially I started experiencing derealization or maybe it was dissociation. That's something I haven't felt in awhile. Sometimes I still experience depersonalization. Why looking in the mirror sometimes is like l'm seeing myself in the 3rd person as if having an outer body experience? Something feels disconnected, who is she? Who am I? Why don't I recognize myself?

Oh and that toddler with the binky in his mouth that walked from his mother despite his mother calling him back multiple times, around my chair, held on to the table I was sitting at and looked directly at me; if I replay what I was doing and what was going through my mind at that time, I can understand the meaning of that encounter. It was a gentle but stern look on his face. That toddler was on a mission and then he went back to his mother. Faith without sight. There also have to be a reason why I'm noticing more neurodivergent people as well. Care-free, okay.

Speaking of carefree, I have been seeing some wildlife that makes me so cheery. I saw this cute little chipmunk and tried to get as close as possible while talking to the little guy who had its mouth full of something and wasn't really afraid of me the closer I got but did eventually run off once I got too close. I love animals and nature. There also was this cute, groundhog?, I seen. And I haven't seen a dragonfly in like forever, it kind of scared me because their flight patterns are just unpredictable to me and looks unusual, lol.

Previous Game: Batman: Arkham Knight (Hard Mode/Unfinished-Another Time)

Current Game(s): ObsCure and Cyberpunk 2077
#1030 Old 10th Jul 2024 at 12:31 PM
The other day as I was pulling stuff out for donation, I came across the clock somebody gave Dingus and I when we got married. I never knew where to put said clock as it has to sit on a surface, so it kept being shuffled around from room to room. At some point I took the battery out of it so it wouldn't corrode.

After I was done leaving a trail of mess all over the house, I decided to put a battery in the clock as I found a spot for it. Yeah, no. Apparently I've been holding on to a broken clock as it didn't work. It was a fresh battery, I tested said battery to make sure it was good and still... nothing.

Brought the TV and ancient computer to Best Buy to be recycled.

Last year when I had to replace my sims rig, Best Buy pretty much gave me a ultimatum. Either become a member so anything that was wrong with the new system I bought would be covered, or suck it up and pay a restocking fee if it needed to be returned. They went on to justify this BS by telling me that with the yearly membership, anything purchased in the store is covered by this 'extended warranty.' I agreed to it with rolled eyes as I had already got a dud system from them and didn't feel like losing more money.

Getting back to the other day..

Upon bringing the TV and old computer in to be recycled, I found out members don't have to pay the recycling fee for things with screens. I've been in and out of that store over the past year recycling stuff. Now I'm wondering how many times I've been charged a recycling fee when I shouldn't have been. Meh.

Other than that, I'm waiting for all the disgusting weather to go away. The swampy humidity go somewhere else...
#1031 Old 10th Jul 2024 at 1:55 PM
Just finished a small bed for a few herbs. I'm planning to plant a bunch of heather on the sandy/clay-y part of the garden and hope to attract butterflies and more bees.

Also last weekend, the younger brother of my best friend told me that the bro fist I gave him when we first met, he was 9 or 10, has turned into a core memory for him. He's 20 now. That was great to hear

I come in peace
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#1032 Old 10th Jul 2024 at 5:12 PM Last edited by PANDAQUEEN : 10th Jul 2024 at 5:57 PM. Reason: Clarity and Addendum
Got a Disney DVD from Canada. I'm still working on my Disney DVD collection from around the world. Started off with Japanese copies of the Lilo & Stitch TV series that was part of the Lilo & Stitch saga.

Yes, they are official DVDs from Japan, complete with anti-piracy disclaimer and hotline number for Japan, epilepsy seizure warning, the commentary warning and, in true Disney fashion, coming attractions trailers and a special anniversary retrospect for Tokyo Disneyland anniversary since opening in 1983. The anniversary in question was the 25th anniversary.

I have yet to check the Canadian DVD.

I also got my medical preparations ready. I bought 6 liters of Fiji water. (I usually splurge on bottled water if I must go through the process of giving blood or I have to go through surgery\sedated dentistry.)

When it came to my favorite candy...The gummy bears were a gamble. The fancy world flavors were warped, but somehow the American favorites survived the heat.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
#1033 Old Today at 10:04 AM
I would like to thank all the people that have been using my local donation place as their personal dumpster. Almost all of the brand new fish tank gear wasn't accepted because people have been dropping off "filthy pet-related things" ( no further details were offered) so now said donation place refuses most pet related things. They did take the AC-70 filter because it was still wrapped. Everything else they refused to take because it didn't have plastic wrap. The stuff didn't have plastic wrap when I bought it, I digress.

Thanks filthy people! You're awesome for donating your gross stuff.
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