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#1 Old 1st Dec 2023 at 12:14 PM
Default Sim-Gi-Oh Challenge (Or Monsters Fight To Survive?)
Initially, I thought of a version to play with a concept of two duelist members (single Sims that are guarded by other members) that attack the neighbors during rotational turns during of specific day of a week (phases), but thought that was a bit compilcated and do boring for me and others to play, so I thought of a much simpler and more of a TS3-nature of gameplay this can be played

Maybe not exactly like Yu-gi-oh, but it is inspired and some main elements remain of the game:

Backstory: Once upon a time, duelist and trading card game monsters (in a form of life states/occults) live in harmony and everything was set in order. But then, some f.....kery had happen, the monsters were released from their cards and the human of population was gone (estimated they were killed by those monsters). Now, instead of civilized people living their days of making a living or pay to pay check, it''s a survivor for them and have to fend off other opponents to earn income to.... well.... survive (and prosper in wealth of course).

You will NEED:
- Start a new world with just supernaturals (preferably Moonlight falls)
- And I would highly suggest Nrass for convenience.
- Expansion packs (the more, the merrier)
- Pen and paper (or spreadsheet): it doesn't have to be big or have tables, as you will only track changes of the two funds

- A mod, or a setting where Sims are initiated to fight one another (perhaps give ALL SIMS Mean-Spirited trait for this to work)?

In this challenge, create a household of your choice (recommend starting with just teens and older). Now, these Sims and horses MUST BE a LIFE STATE mummies, simbots, vampires, IF, Unicorn, etc. etc.), as you will need to DELETE (nrass massicare) mortal characters in your world (and there CAN'T BE CATS AND DOGS in the world). If you don't have supernatural pack and have no way starting with one, you then must turn them within first 24 in-game hours. If you don't after the deadline - you MUST kill off the Sim. (If you want mummies, you'll probably have to think of a reasonable changed limit with travelling time too, unless you prefer cheating this process altogether)

Now, regarding gameplay rules, for a simplification description:
  1. In this game, no Sims (or played ones, if not absolute possible) CAN'T DO THINGS that would be BY NO MEANS EARN MONEY. Familyfund their funds down to 8k (if possible, do for other households too and mod a way they passive don't to). The only way you can earn money I'll explain it in the fighting part of the challenge.
  2. The active household you'll be playing WON'T have basic-NEED FULFILLING objects (like teen runaway, shower-defecate-sleep-eat elsewhere)

The Goal: defeat all inhabited households (without your household dying first) and taking over every possible land (claimed real estate).

FIGHTING: Ok, I think this is the part you'll like I think. Now, in this challenge - you have no friends. Anyone that is NPC and non playable are there to be FOUGHT WITH (Hunger Games-style). Everybody is here to fend off and take fortune to prosper. So it's either be MEAN and BEAT or GET Killed. Witches and sparring Sims can use their own fighting interaction instead.

Now this part is where it needs a bit of tracking/recording, so have a paper and pen ready. Below is a scheme how battles are played in a challenged. Your goal in these battles is to inflict enough harm (ideal way: have enough greater lifetime points, and have lucky/odds on your favor in Fight interaction) so the opposing household gets their funds down to zero (if you played YGO, think Funds = as players Life Points). If a household loses all of their money, all Sims there instantly are eliminated (all DIE) and their property can then be claimed. So here's the Scheme:

  • Fighter* (w/ greater Lifetime Points) Beats Opponent (w/ less Lifetime Points): Opponent dies and the difference between lifetime points is subtracted on the opponent's funds in winners favor.
  • Fighter (less LTP) Beats Opponent (w/ more LTP): Opponent still dies, but no calculation on LTP is made.
  • (Rare Instance) If both have same amount of LTP, both are killed regardless of who won.
* - a fighter means is the one who initiated fight interaction, so the circumstance only applies if the Sim initiating the Fight Interaction Wins the fights. If the Fighter loses and opponent fends off succesfully, difference criteria occurs:

  • Defender (more LTP) Beats Opponent (less LTP): the lost opponent's (initiator) loses cash based on the both LTP difference.
  • Defender (less LTP) Beats Opponent (more LTP): nothing happens really (defender defended assault and was prepared, to defended but doesn't have strength to deal harm).
  • It's a draw (both equal LTP): also nothing happens.

If this seems all confusing, just open SPOILERS for a simple but clear EXAMPLE:

(For those who have played YGO, just memorize and know, that Funds - Life Points, Lifetime points - ATK/DFN points, Defense position: when directed attack is fend off back in FIGHT animation. And with different life states and their powers, you can think of new ways to counter and make conditions (Ghost can be resurrected from GY to fight, Genies have ability to mind control opponents and have them fight their own members/roomates, witches can freeze/halt opponents, Hybrid mod allows fusion of new types of monsters, etc.) I'll expand that later on a updated post, catered for specifics of every occult that relates to their alignment play )

Now, spar/battle with every household, kill them and take over their land (and commercial) as much as possible. You're a winner once you have the world all to yourself Good luck and have fun!

P.S. Sorry for my bad english.
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